Teufel LT 7 Series Technical Specifications And Operating Manual page 26

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11. Advanced setup options for the M 7200 SW
EQ LFE/Stereo Input Filter – Frequency
Figure: Frequency, Set 40.04 Hz
This frequency is the centre frequency of the par-
ametric equalizer where the signal level is either
boosted or attenuated. Press the "Up" and "Down"
buttons to select the desired centre frequency
(in Hz). Press "Enter" The
the new setting has been applied.
The parametric equalizer is only
effective if its centre frequency
is between the low-end and
high-end cut-off frequencies.
Figure: Parametric centre frequency (example:
0.5 KHz/500 Hz)
EQ LFE/Stereo Input Filter – Quality
Figure: Quality, Set 3.1
26 Teufel · LT 7
The "Quality" setting is the "Q factor" or width of
the parametric equalizer's level boost/attenua-
tion. The higher the quality factor, the narrower
the bandwidth – as illustrated in the figure below
(identical boost and centre frequency, two differ-
ent Q values).
To change the "Quality" value, press the "Up" and
"Down" buttons. Press "Enter" . The symbol indi-
cates that the new setting has been applied.
symbol indicates that
Figure: Parametric quality factor = 4.0 (level
+3 dB, centre frequency = 0.5 kHz)
Figure: Parametric quality factor = 1.0 (level
+3 dB, centre frequency = 0.5 kHz)


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