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Gluing Techniques - Aviation Design Rafale C Assembly Manual

For single bf 300 turbine or 2 x jet cat p 160 sx


AVIATION Design assumes no liability for the operation and use of these products.
The owner and operator of these products should have the necessary experience and exercise common
sense. Said owner and operator must have a valid Model Airplane license and insurance, as required.
The inside of the fuselage should be sanded with fresh #80 grit paper for best glue adhesion where
bulkheads and other attachments are fixed.


All the plywood formers should be fitted with cyano adhesive and then glued with epoxy and glass fiber
tape. All other parts should be glued with epoxy.
It is possible to let the fuselage in 2 parts for transportation.
You can also glue the 2 parts together.
If you want to dismantle it easily, you'll have to screw the 2 parts together with 6 x 4 mm diameter screws
+ blind nuts.
Don't forget to glue the screws with threadlock before to fly ......

