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Danfoss CD302 Instructions Manual page 19

Frequency converter, inverter reciprocating compressors vtz


3-40 Ramp 1 Type
*Linear ........................................................................... [0]
Select the ramp type, depending on requirements
for acceleration/deceleration. A linear ramp will
give constant acceleration during ramping.
3-41 Ramp up time running (sec)
0.01 - 3600.00 s ...................................................* 9.00s
Enter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration time
to reach the system requiered motor speed.
3-42 Ramp Down Time running (sec)
0.01 - 3600.00 s ...................................................* 0.30s
Enter the ramp-down time, i.e. the deceleration
time to reach compressor minimum motor speed.
3-82 Starting Ramp-up Time
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
Parameters: Limits/Warnings
Parameter group for configuring limits and warnings.
4-1* Motor Limits
4-10 Motor Speed Direction
*Clockwise .................................................................. [0]
Because previous settings rotation is always
clockwise (positive), but be sure that CD302 U, V,
W terminals are connected to the correspondant
compressor motor terminals.
4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
4-18 Current Limit
0.0 - Variable Limit % ................. Set to UL MMT
The current can be adjusted in regards to the
compressor operation.
4-19 Max Output Frequency
Compressor dependent, factory set : read only
4-5* Adj. Warnings
Adjustable warning limits for current, speed, refe-
rence and feedback.
Warnings are shown on display, programmed
output or serial bus.
4-51 Warning Current High
* As par. 1-24 Compressor dependent, factory set
: read only
When the motor current exceeds this limit (IHIGH),
the display reads CURRENT HIGH. Then the CD302
© Danfoss | DCS (CC) | 2019.04
frequency converter adjusts automatically the mo-
tor compressor speed in order to reduce the load
and control the current value below the limit.
4-52 Warning Speed Low
* As par. 4-11 Compressor dependent, factory set
: read only
When motor compressor speed reach this value
or less during a period of time of two seconds
then the compressor is stopped by the CD302
frequency converter and automatically restart
after a delay set in Par. 14-21
4-53 Warning Speed High
* As par. 4-13 Compressor dependent, factory set
: read only
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
Off ................................................................................... [0]
*On ................................................................................. [1]
Select On, to display an alarm in the event of a
missing motor phase. Select Off, for no alarm in
the event of a missing motor phase. However, if
the motor runs on only two phases, it can be da-
maged by overheating. Retaining the On setting
is therefore strongly recommended.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the
motor is running.
Parameters: Digital In/Out
Parameter group for configuring the digital input
and output.
5-0* Digital In/Out Mode
5-00 Digital In/Out Mode
*PNP ............................................................................... [0]
NPN ................................................................................ [1]
Digital inputs and programmed digital outputs
are pre-programmable for operation either in
PNP or NPN systems.
Select PNP [0] systems for action on positive di-
rectional pulses ().
5-01 Terminal 27 Mode
*Input ............................................................................ [0]
Output ........................................................................... [1]
Select Input [0] to define terminal 27 as a digital
Select Output [1] to define terminal 27 as a digital
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the
motor is running.
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode
Similar to Terminal 27
5-1* Digital Inputs
Parameters for configuring the input functions
for the input terminals.
The digital inputs are used for selecting various
functions in the frequency converter.
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input
Start ................................................................................ [8]
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input
No operation ............................................................. [0]
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input
Coast inverse ............................................................. [2]
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input
No operation ............................................................. [0]
5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input
No operation ............................................................. [0]
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input
No operation ............................................................. [0]
Parameters: Analog In/Out
Parameter group for configuration of the analog
input and output.
6-0* Analog In/Out Mode
Parameter group for setting up the analog In/Out
CD 302 is equipped with 2 analog inputs: Terminal
53 and 54. The analog inputs on CD 302 can freely be
allocated to either voltage (-10 V - +10 V) or current
input (0/4 - 20 mA).
6-1* Analog Input 1
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits
for analog input 1 (terminal 53). Note: that Analog
input 53 is preset for usage with "opent loop"
control on 0-10 Volt. Terminal 54 is preset for
"Process Loop" control using a pressure sensor AKS
with a pessure range of -1 : 12 bar.
6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage
-10.0 - par. 6-11 ................................................. * 0.00V
This analog input scaling value should correspond
to the minimum reference value, set in par. 3-02.
6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage
6-10 to 10 V .......................................................* 10.00V
This analog input scaling value should correspond
to the maximum reference value, set in par. 3-03.
6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current
0.0 to par. 6-13 mA ........................................ * 4.0mA
This reference signal should correspond to the
minimum reference value, set in par. 3-02.
6-13 Terminal 53 High Current
6-12 to 20 mA ...............................................* 20.0mA
This reference signal should correspond to the
maximum reference value, set in par. 3-02.
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
As Par. 3-02 but not linked
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value
As Par. 3-03 but not linked
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