gledhill GB35C Design, Installation And Servicing Instructions page 46

High efficiency combination boiler
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Level-2 Display Functions
The level_ is intended for use by the service engineers only and it is used to change the pre-set values e.g. central heating flow
The level- menu is accessed by simultaneously pressing and holding the push buttons S and S3 for at least 10s. The dot 'D4' will be
lit when level- is menu is selected.
The controller display will go back to default level-1 if either there has been no input (i.e. no buttons pressed) for 30s or if push button
S1 is pressed and held for 10s.
When the controller is in Level- mode, the following information can be displayed as described below: -
Boiler type (model) setting
Boiler flow temperature – when in central heating mode
Boiler temperature difference – when in central heating mode
DHW flow temperature
Boiler type (model) setting
The boiler wiring loom contains an 6K8 ohm ID resistor. For the controller to
function correctly the boiler type set on the controller must correspond to the
ID resistor. The boiler type '07' is factory set. However if a PCB is replaced then the
boiler type must be set as described below.
Select Level –  mode on the controller using procedure described above.
Level –  mode is indicated by dot 'D4' .
Cycle the display by pressing buttons S (minus) or S3 (plus) until 'A' is
displayed on the first digit and the current boiler model is displayed on digits
3 and 4 e.g. as '07' .
To change the boiler model, press and hold button S1 until the dot 'D4' starts
flashing. Select the boiler using buttons S or S3. Press and hold button S1 to
confirm selection.
If the selected boiler model matches the ID resistor fitted, the dot 'D4' will
stop flashing.
If the selected boiler model does not match the ID resistor fitted, the dot 'D4'
will continue to flash and third digit will display flashing character 'E' (error).
If the boiler model selection is correct, then the controller will use the boiler
model specific data e.g. fan speeds, set points etc. If the model selection is
incorrect, then the controller will not allow the boiler to function i.e. will
generate lockout condition with appropriate error code(s)..
D1 D2 D3 D4
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