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Land Pride AFM3011 Operator's Manual page 40

All-flex grooming mower


Section 5: Maintenance & Lubrication
Servicing Mower Blades
To avoid serious injury or death:
Always disconnect driveline from the tractor and secure
implement in the up position with solid, non-concrete
supports before servicing the underside. A person can
become entangled in the drivetrain if the tractor is started
and power take-off is engaged or crushed by an
unsupported implement.
Keep all persons away from the blades while they are
rotating. Never place hands or feet under the deck with
blades rotating or when tractor engine is running. Do not
operate implement or tractor if bystanders are in the area.
Bent, deformed, or cracked blades should be removed from
unit and discarded. Never weld a broken or cracked blade.
DO NOT attempt to straighten or reuse such blades.
ALWAYS replace with a new OEM blade to assure safety.
To avoid serious injury or death:
Exercise caution when working under the deck as the mower
cutting blades are extremely sharp. Wear a pair of gloves
when checking blades. Avoid direct contact with cutting edge
of blades.
Blade Inspection
Refer to Figure 5-1:
Blade Wear: Blade performance is reduced as blades
wear and are sharpened for reuse. Excessively high wear
can occur to your mower blades when mowing in sandy
soil areas. Frequent inspection should be made and
blades replaced if worn beyond use.
Bent, deformed, or cracked blades should be removed
from unit and discarded. DO NOT attempt to straighten a
blade for reuse.
Blade Removal and Installation
To avoid minor or moderate injury:
Depending on blade rotation, bolts attaching mower blades to
their respective spindles may be either left-hand or right-hand
thread. Prevent spindle and/or bolt damage by knowing which
hand the threads are before removing and/or tightening any
blade mounting bolts.
Refer to Figure 5-2 on page 37:
Verify blade rotation and bolt thread type (right-hand
or left-hand) before loosening center blade bolts and
removing blades to be sharpened or replaced.
NOTE: Blade bolt on the left-hand deck is right-
hand threads. Blade bolts on the right-hand and rear
decks are left-hand threads.
AFM3011 All-Flex Grooming Mower 315-783M
Table of Contents
Refer to Figure 5-3 on page 37:
2. Remove blades by grasping blade end (#3) with a rag
or thick padded glove while loosening the blade
mounting bolt (#1).
3. Remove blade bolt (#1), washer (#2), and blade (#3).
IMPORTANT: Always install blade with cutting edge
facing direction of rotation and wing tips pointing up.
4. Reinstall blade (#3), blade washer (#2) and bolt (#1).
Care should be taken when installing blade bolt to not
get it cross threaded and to know if the bolt is right-
hand or left-hand.
5. Draw blade (#3) up tight against blade hub (#4) with
bolt (#1). Torque bolt to 75 ft-lbs (1-2 Nm).
Blade Sharpening
To avoid serious injury or death:
Wear eye protection and gloves while inspecting, removing,
sharpening, and replacing a blade.
NOTE: Care should be taken to not remove more
material than necessary when sharpening blades.
If blade cutting edge is dull or nicked, it should be
replaced or sharpened.
2. Clean blade, blade washer and mounting surface of
all debris before replacing or sharpening.
Refer to Figure 5-4 on page 37:
3. Grind cutting edge at the same bevel as the original.
See Figure 5-4. Sharpen only the top of the cutting
edge to maintain sharpness.
Blade Wear Guide
Figure 5-1

