Kipp & Zonen LOGBOX SE Instruction Manual page 37

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Example o 1, I=A1, L=1, N=0, X=0, S=0, V=1, P=5, A=WD
(output 1 maps to AIN1 input channel with logging mean value, vector calculation is used
with polynome nr. 5. Variable alias is WD)
o 5, I=I1, L=1, N=1, X=0, S=0, V=0, P=16, A=VPOWER
(output 5 maps to internal input 1 – voltage on POWER terminal with logging mean and
minimum value with polynome 16. Variable alias is VPOWER.)
o 9, I=S1_RAD, L=1, N=0, X=0, S=1, V=0, P=1, A=GlobalRadiation
(output 9 maps to serial input 1 with logging mean and standard deviation value with
polynome 1. Variable alias is GlobalRadiation.)
Command format for configuring polynomials:
p x, 0=a, 1=a, 2=a, 3=a
p x [1...16] polynomial number
0=a, coefficient a0
1=a, coefficient a1
2=a, coefficient a2
3=a, coefficient a3
Example p 2, 0=-0.035, 1=0.1, 2=0, 3=0 (coefficients to polynomials are: a = -0.035, b = 0.1, c = 0, d = 0)
Command format for system settings:
MeasInterval [1...3600] – interval between measurements in seconds
Example MeasInterval 60 (configuring measuring interval to 60 seconds)
MeasDelay [0...60] – delay after MeasInterval to start measurements in seconds
Example MeasDelay 5 (configuring delay between beginning of measuring interval and actual measurement to 5
LogInterval [0...3600] – interval between logging in seconds
Example LogInterval 600 (configuring logging interval to 600 seconds)
RepInterval [0...3600] – interval between reports in seconds on COM2 serial port. If RepInterval is zero, there is no report on
Serial2 and it can be used for communication with serial sensors. If RepInterval is non zero and equal to
LogInterval, reports on COM2 will be the same as logged data (averaged, min, max... according to configuration). If RepInterval
is non zero and different from LogInterval, reports on COM2 are generated from last measured data
(without min, max, stdev).
Example RepInterval 600 (configuring report interval to 600 seconds)
Vref [2450...2550] – set reference voltage
Example Vref 2500.3 (setting reference voltage to 2500.3mV)
Serial2 [300,1200,2400,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200] – set communication speed on COM2 (report port)
Example Serial2 9600 (setting Serial2 baud rate to 9600 bps, 8 bit, no parity)
Date – set current date – day.month.year
Example Date 10.1.2011 (setting date to 10.1.2011)
Time hh:mm:ss – set current time - hours: minutes: seconds
Example Time 10:30:45 (setting time to 10:30:45)
Command format for modem settings:
ModemInterval [0 ... 24] – interval between sending data over modem in hours. Parameter 0 means no modem
Example ModemInterval 24 (configuring modem data transfer to every 24 hours)
ModemDelay [0 ... 1439] – delay after ModemInterval to start sending data.
Example ModemDelay 5 (configuring modem delay to 5 minutes)
ModemOnTime [hh:mm:ss] – time at which modem should connect to GSM network and waits for a call
example ModemOnTime 09:00:00


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