Digital Configuration; Serial Configuration - Kipp & Zonen LOGBOX SE Instruction Manual

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9.3 Digital configuration

After clicking Digital you can select the parameters of the digital inputs.
Digital inputs, which should be logged, must be checked in the Measure column.
The digital inputs can measure Frequency, Time or Count.
The logic level is CMOS at 3V and max. voltage is 15V, max. frequency is 1500Hz.
DIN4 is for CDS3 sunshine duration sensor and has a 0.5V logic level.
Time (when digital input is in high logical state) is measured in seconds.
Count will count the amount of Hi-Low transitions in the programmed measurement period.
Using polynomial coefficients of the 3-rd order the logged values can be converted to engineering units

9.4 Serial configuration

After clicking Serial you can select the parameters of the RS-485 serial inputs.
Serial inputs, which should be logged, must be checked in the Measure column.
The COM port used is COM1 as that is shared with the RS-485 port that is used for communication with Kipp & Zonen SMART
Kipp & Zonen SMART device standard settings are baudrate 19200, 8 bits, even parity and 1 stopbit.
The appropriate driver for the sensor model is selected under Driver. This only works after Retrieving the setup from the
Logbox SE.
Currently supported are: SMPxx, SGRx, SPHx, RT1, SUVx, DustIQ, IMT Si-RS485TC-T-Tm -MB and Lufft
WSxxx. More devices might be added in the future.
Each SMART sensor needs to have a unique Modbus® address programmed in advance when there is more than
one sensor. Otherwise, the standard address 1 is fine.


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