Collector Cooling; Option: Collector Minimum Limitation - Riello SUN 1 PLUS 2 RS Installation Instructions Manual

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DTCO: Activation temperature differential
Setting range: 1,0 ... 30,0 K
Default setting: 20,0 K
When the system cooling function is activated, the controller at-
tempts to keep the solar system functioning as long as possible.
This function deactivates storage cylinder maximum tempera-
ture as the deactivation condition for thermal energy metering
in the collector circuit even on days of strong sunlight.
If the activation temperature differential DTCO is set, the solar
system remains active even if the temperature exceeds storage
cylinder maximum temperature (S MX). Solar charging continues
until storage cylinder temperature reaches 95 °C (storage cylin-
der safety deactivation), the temperature differential is less than
the value set in DTCF, or the collector safety temperature EM is
When the system cooling function is activated, the symbols
(flashing) appear on the display.
DTCF: Deactivation temperature differential
Setting range: 0,5 ... 29,5 K
Default setting: 15.0 K
Note! This function is available when the collector cooling
function(OCC) is deactivated.

19.8 Collector cooling

OCC: Collector cooling function
Setting range: ON, OFF
Default setting: OFF
CMX: Maximum collector temperature
Setting range: 70 ... 160 °C
Default setting: 110 °C
If the system cooling function (OCC) is set ON, the controller mon-
itors collector temperature and cools the collector if necessary.
If maximum storage cylinder temperature is reached, the solar
pump is deactivated, but if collector temperature continues to
rise to maximum collector temperature (CMX), the solar pump
is activated again until collector temperature drops back below
this value.
In the meantime, storage cylinder temperature is allowed to
rise as far as the maximum temperature setting (S MX), or to
the maximum permitted value of 95 °C (storage cylinder heating
safety deactivation temperature).
If the OSTC parameter is also ON, the storage cylinder cooling
function is also activated. This function ensures a better thermal
equilibrium between heat source and collector by running the
solar water heating system for extended periods even on hot
summer days.
If temperature in the storage cylinder exceeds the set maximum
(S MX) and collector temperature is at least 5 K below that of
the storage cylinder, the solar system remains activated to cool
the storage cylinder through the collector until storage cylinder
temperature is again lower that the set maximum (S MX). Cool-
ing stops when collector temperature is 2 K below storage cylin-
der temperature).
When the system cooling function (OCC) is activated, the symbols
flash on the display.

19.9 Option: Collector minimum limitation

OCF: Collector minimum limitation
Setting range: ON, OFF
Default setting: OFF


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