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Specifications - H-KING BIXLER V2 Instruction Manual



Length: 925mm(about 36.5 inches)
Wing span: 1400mm
Wing area: 26.5dm²
Wing loading: 25g/dm²
Flight weight: 650g(about 33 ounces)
Safety precautions
- This is an electric remote controllable model plane and is not a toy.
- This BIXLER model is designed for intermediate to advanced pilots.
- Children younger than 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult when operating
this model.
- Only fly this model in an open area and away from crowds of people, buildings, and high
voltage power lines.
- Please always put safety first and operate this model as instructed and to heed the
warnings as stated in this manual.
- The supplier/manufacturer accepts no responsibility for damage or injury caused by the
use of this model.
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