Version Numbers; Gasclam 2 Status; Power Supply - ION GASCLAM 2 Software Manual

Continuous ground gas monitoring
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GasClam 2 Software Manual

3.1. Version Numbers

All the version numbers are displayed in the last line in the "Home" window, before starting check that all the
numbers are correct.
Firmware Version
The FW version should
show "08.03 – CRC84".
If the firmware version is
lower, then the GasClam 2
needs to have the latest
firmware installed
For new manuals and software updates contact Ion Science or your local dealer / service centre. For Firmware
updates contact your local service centre.

3.2. GasClam 2 Status

The main information about a GasClam 2 when it is connected is shown in the Status Box.
3.2.1. On Line Status
The title of the status box in blue displays that a GasClam 2 is online
(connected) and the date and time of the GasClam 2's internal clock.
3.2.2. Serial Number
The serial number displayed must correspond to the serial number on
the GasClam 2 data plate, otherwise contact your service centre.
3.2.3. COM port
Displays which com port is being used by the software on your
computer. This is useful if there is a conflict with the com ports.

3.3. Power Supply

WARNING: For reasons of intrinsic safety, batteries MUST NOT be changed within hazardous areas.
Always ensure you are in a safe area before carrying out any type of work on your GasClam.
WARNING: To maintain the Unit's certification and intrinsic safety use ONLY GasClam approved batteries.
Hardware Version
The GasClam 2 HW
version should show
If the HW number is lower
this software is not fully
compatible with the
GasClam 2 and an earlier
version of the SW should
be used
Software Version
The SW version, which
should correspond with
this manual
Ion Science Ltd.


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