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Zone Inputs; System Options - ADEMCO 4180-12 Installation Instructions Manual



1. Eight independent zones which may be configured in a variety of
ways for fire, night burglary, day/mght burglary, and panic.
2. Console digital numeric display of the zone identihcation for
alarms. alarm memory. and trouble conditions.
3. Eight Keypad arm/disarm codes - master code PROM selectable
and seven secondary codes user changeable from keypad (each
uniquely reported to central station with open/close reports).
4. Individual Zone bypass from the keypad.
6. Chime mode. duress code, forced arming - additional keypad
6. PROM variable entry/exit and alarm sounder activation (not
usable when used in a listed UL 609/611 commercial burolarv
i$allatiOn) delay, alarm sounder timeout. and delayed AC super-
vlslon reporting.
7. Independently controlled alarm relay and optional plug-in siren
driver outputs for audible alarms.
6. Arming status output with programmable polarity for control of
motion detectors.
6. AC Power LED at the Security Console to indicate that AC power
IS available and the battery is being charged.
10. Test Modes to check the burglary and fire system (unctions
11. Multi format communicator [Ademco Low Speed. Ademco High
Speed. SESCOA. Radionics (Standard). Radionics "Superfast"
and Radionics "BFSK"].
12. TouchTone or pulse dial call placement and data transmission
13. Dual phone number calling with separate independent subscriber
ID and with format selectable by phone number.
14. Double transmission verification or single transmission with
checksum verification,
16. All reporting by zone for alarms, troubles. restores.
16. Low battery and AC power fail reporfing.
I?. Optional remote arming (from a TouchTone phone)
All 6 zones are completely flexible as to function.
The system can be configured in a number of ways. This allows the
user to customize the svstem for his own oariicular needs. Before
actually making the chdices which affect how the system operates
(See Section IV: PROM Programming). it is important to understand
the options. The discussion-that foil&& broadly divides those
options into two categories: control options and communicator
Controt OpMonr:
1. Entry Delay, Exlt D&y
The entry delay is the time between entering the premises and
when the system must be disarmed to avoid activating an alarm.
The exit delay is the time between arming the system and when
the premises must be exited to avoid activating an alarm. The
entry and exit delays may be independently PROM selected to ba
between 0 and 135 seconds in 15 second increments (46 seconds
mudmum for entry delay and 60 xecondx maximum for exit
delay in a listed UL 1023 household burglary installation and 80
aeconda n~~bnum for ontry dolay in a lied
UL 6O9/611
commercial burglary installation).
2 Eaterfor Sounder/prbtuy
Use of this feature is recommended to reduce false alarms due
to operator errors.
The system may be set up to delay the activation of the exterior
bell hot uaeble. delay muxt be xwo, in a listed UL 609/611
and/or siren (optional plug-in
4165 siren driver module required) and the triggering of the
The delay-may be set in PROM between 0 and 135 seconds in
15 second increments. but applies only to those zones that have
the delay feature enabled (see CONTROL OPTION 24). See
\ -..l
COMMUNICATOR OPTION 2 on page 4 for delay only 16 com-
municator triggering.
3. SelllSlren llmeout
Bell/Siren audible indication may be PROM selected to last be-
tween 0 and 36 minutes (4 minutes minimum In a listed UL
1023 household burgtary mstallation and 15 minutex mlnlmum
in a listed UL 609/611 comfnerrlol buglmy
installafion) in 4
minute increments. after which It "Times-out".
4. AC Power Loxx Timer
To eliminate nuisance power failure central station and local
audibie reports. the system may be PROM programmed to ignore
short duration outages. This delay In reporting an AC loss condi-
tlon may be set between 0 and 36 minutes in 4 minute incre-
ments. (As an example. if a timeout period of 16 minutes was
selected. power outages of less than 16 minutes will be ignored -
the POWER LED will extlngulsh immediately. however).
5. Entry/Exit Zone Selection
The system allows a choice of zones that may be set up with
entry/exit delay. Any combination of zones may be set up in
PROM as entry/exit zones (For example, if the interior zone was
set up with space protection. choosing an entry/exit delay on this
zone would allow space protection devices to include the entry
door in their area of protection which is to say. they could ba held
off during the normal entry/exit penod).
6. Fat Rexponxe Zone Selection
Fast (15 msec) response is used for certain devices (such as
glass break detectors and vibration sensors) that cannot be used
with a normal (250 msec) response zone. Fast response can be
PROM designated for zones 5.6. 7 and 6. individually or in any
7.24 Hour Zone Seleetlon
Choosing this option would allow any zone to be active during
both armed and disarmed states, such as for fire zones and panic
The system allows any zone to be individually, or in any combina-
tion. selected for 24 hour operation.
The system allows for any zone to activate a trouble signal when
it is opened (e.g. fire and day/night zones). Troubles can ba acti-
vated during armed end disarmed periods only for zones that
are selected as 24 hour zones. For controlled zones, troubles will
only be activated during the disarmed state. Each zone can ba
individually, or in any combination, PROM selected for the above
S. Troubte on Short Selectton
The system allows for any zone to activate a trouble signal when
it is shorted. Troubles can be activated during armed and dis-
armed periods only for zones that are selected as 24 hour zones.
For controlled zones, troubles will only ba activated during the
disarmed state. Each zone can be individually, or in any combi-
nation, PROM selected for the above Iunction.
10. Fire Selection
The system allows for any zone(s) to be sefected as a FIRE zone.
PROM selecting a zone as a FIRE zone results in pulsed audible
signals and a visual fire display at the No. 6322 console. A typical
tire zone would be PROM selected to operate as a 24 hour, trou-
ble on open, no signaling delay, fire sounding/display zone.
11. tntertor Zone Sdectlon
The system allows the choice of any zone(s) to be selected as an
interior zone. Interior zones are automatically bypassed when the
svstem is armed in the "STAY" mode. This allows the user to
conveniently disarm interior devices thal are set up for space
protection. Exiting from the "STAY" mode automatically removes
the bypasses on all zones selected as interior.



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