Table of Contents


User's Guide
Revised June 7, 2018
For the latest content, please refer
to the User's Guide on our support
site here:
Saleae User's Guide
Page 1 of 69


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Saleae Logic

  • Page 1 User’s Guide Revised June 7, 2018 For the latest content, please refer to the User's Guide on our support site here: Saleae User's Guide Page 1 of 69...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Product Summary ............................ 3 Safety Summary & Warranty ......................... 6 Software Download & Installation ..................... 11 Navigating the Software ........................13 Connecting the Logic Hardware ......................20 Device Calibration ..........................21 Connecting Accessories ........................24 Collecting Data & Device Settings ..................... 28 Using the Trigger ...........................
  • Page 3: Product Summary

    Product Summary Saleae Logic Analyzers consists of the products listed in this section. The 2nd Generation of products have the capability of recording both digital and analog signals, while the 1st Generation of products have digital recording capability only. 1st Generation: •...
  • Page 4 • SAL-00111 Logic 8 Black • SAL-00112 Logic 8 Red • SAL-00113 Logic Pro 8 Black • SAL-00114 Logic Pro 8 Red • SAL-00115 Logic Pro 16 Black • SAL-00116 Logic Pro 16 Red Datasheets: • Logic • Logic16 •...
  • Page 5 Gripper Hooks, Saleae Carrying Case, USB 2.0 Micro Cable, & the Getting Started Card • Logic Pro 8 includes: Saleae Logic Pro 8 USB Logic Analyzer, 2x 4-Channel Wire Harnesses, 16x Micro-Gripper Hooks, Saleae Carrying Case, USB 3.0 Cable, & the Getting Started Card •...
  • Page 6: Safety Summary & Warranty

    Ground Current Safety Specifically, this is when a high current flows from the ground pin on the logic analyzer to the ground on the USB port of your computer, or vice versa. This current can easily damage the logic analyzer, your PC, and your DUT.
  • Page 7 USB port, back to the ground on the DUT. Basically, that is the same as shorting out the voltage supply on your DUT, but it uses the logic analyzer and your host PC as the short circuit, which could damage all components in the loop.
  • Page 8 If one or both of the devices under test are floating, do they need to be floating? In order to record with a logic analyzer, they will need to be common grounded to each other AND to the PC to which the logic analyzer is connected.
  • Page 9 Is the Logic Device Safe to Use in the Presence of Ground Loops? Yes, it is completely safe to use the Logic device as long as both grounds are at the same voltage level and as long as you only connect the Logic ground to the ground of the DUT.
  • Page 10 Saleae products are covered by a 3-year warranty, regardless of where you purchased the product. For more information, see: 180-Day Return Policy and 3-Year Warranty If you believe your Logic hardware is broken, please follow the troubleshooting steps in the article here: Saleae Warranty & RMA Testing Procedure...
  • Page 11: Software Download & Installation

    Software Download & Installation Downloading the Latest Software The Saleae Logic software is available free of charge, and can be installed on as many machines as you like. The latest stable release of the Saleae Logic software can be downloaded below: •...
  • Page 12 Download the zip file and extract it. The software will run from this folder. You can leave this folder on your desktop or move it anywhere that has write permissions. Launch the Logic software by opening the folder and double-clicking the Logic executable. You may want to make a shortcut to this executable for more convenient access.
  • Page 13: Navigating The Software

    Navigating the Software This section will guide you through the features of the Logic software. This is a great first step to take to familiarize yourself with the features of the software. When no Logic device is connected, the software will work in demo mode, which is virtually identical to how it will function when a device is connected.
  • Page 14 3. Options Button Opens system-wide settings for the Logic software, which allows you to save captures, export data, and modify various settings for the Logic software. 4. Capture tab You can save previous captures so you can refer to it later. The example image below shows 3 tabs (the current capture tab on the left, and 2 previously saved capture tabs).
  • Page 15 Rearranging Channels To rearrange channels, drag them by their grip icon at the far left of the channel. To drag more than one channel, select the first channel by clicking anywhere in the channel label area. Then control-click additional channels, selecting them as well. You can use shift-select to select a range of channels.
  • Page 16 Changing Channel Size To change the channel size, click the channel settings icon (gear) on the desired channel and select a new size. To change multiple channels to the same size, select them (control-click) and then set one of the selected channel's size.
  • Page 17 To select all channels, select one and then press CTRL-A. Hiding Channels To hide a channel, click the channel settings icon (gear) and select Hide Channel. You can hide multiple channels at the same time by selecting multiple channels and then selecting Hide Channel on one of them.
  • Page 18 Editing Channel Labels By default, channels are labeled Channel N where N is the channel number. To make it easier to remember which channel is connected to what, these labels are user-editable. To change a channel label, first click anywhere over the existing label name. This will switch the label into the editing mode.
  • Page 19 Page 19 of 69...
  • Page 20: Connecting The Logic Hardware

    Original Logic, Logic16, Logic 4, and Logic 8 requires at least a USB 2.0 port. Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16 requires at least a USB 3.0 port. If connecting these products to a USB 2.0 port, please see: Limitations of Using Logic Pro 8 and Logic Pro 16 on USB 2.0 Ports...
  • Page 21: Device Calibration

    When connected to the internet, the Logic software will automatically handle downloading the calibration file. The 2nd Generation of Saleae products (Logic 4, Logic 8, Logic Pro 8, & Logic Pro 16) use calibration data generated at Saleae to display accurate AC and DC values. The 1st Generation (Original Logic and Logic16) do not require any form of calibration.
  • Page 22 Manually Download the Calibration File The Logic software will automatically handle downloading the calibration file. In rare cases, users may need to download the file manually if the software is not able to download it on its own. Follow the steps below.
  • Page 23 4. Check preferences dialog to be sure the calibration data is loaded. 5. Close the software. 6. Copy all *.cal files from the calibration folder of that computer to the computer without Internet access. Each .cal file is specific to a single device, but the .cal files are saved with the device ID in decimal and not hex, making it hard to tell which is which.
  • Page 24: Connecting Accessories

    Connecting the 2x4 Harness If you have Logic 4, Logic 8, or Logic Pro 8/16, then you have one or more 2x4 wire harnesses. The four black leads are ground and should be on the bottom. The four colored leads are the signal inputs and should be on the top.
  • Page 25 Connecting the 1x9 Harness If you have the original Logic or Logic 16, then you have one or more 1x9 wire harnesses. These harnesses are colored according to the resistor color code for 0–7. The colors match the channel colors in the software.
  • Page 26 Test Clips All Logic products come with enough test clips for every test lead. These test clips have two metal pins that can be inserted into the connector at the end of each test lead. Only one of the metal pins needs to be connected to a single test lead connector.
  • Page 27 (typically wire-wrap wire) to an exposed pin, trace, or via, and then use Logic's test clip to connect to that wire. Alternately, you can invest in some extremely small pitch test clips such as these:...
  • Page 28: Collecting Data & Device Settings

    Click that tab and then take your capture. If the Start Simulation appears instead of Start, it means the Logic hardware is disconnected. Page 28 of 69...
  • Page 29 If the software incorrectly reports Disconnected, please follow this troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting Device Connection 2: Software Connection to the Device Device Settings To access device settings, click the up or down arrow in the top-left of the software. To close the Device Settings, click on something outside the popover.
  • Page 30 Note: Not all devices have selectable channels. The original Logic does not have selectable channels, and Logic 4 only allows you to enable or disable the analog input. The digital channels are always enabled. You can switch the analog channel on and off by selecting sample rate options with and without analog sample rates.
  • Page 31 Digital Trace Colors For easy of readability, the digital trace color can match the channel color. To set this, click Options -> Preferences -> Interaction tab -> Use color. Page 31 of 69...
  • Page 32: Using The Trigger

    Using the Trigger Using the Trigger The trigger can be used to start capturing data after a specified digital event occurs. Two types of triggers are supported: Trigger on Edge and Trigger on Pulse Width. The trigger can be used to trigger on an event from any channel. To move the event trigger to a different channel, first remove it using the steps at the bottom of this page, and then add it to a different channel.
  • Page 33 Trigger on Pulse Width You can also trigger on a pulse width condition where a particular channel is high or low for a specified amount of time. To add a pulse width trigger, click the +Trigger button on the desired channel and select the positive or negative edge.
  • Page 34 You can skip the trigger by clicking "skip trigger" if you would like to force the capture to begin without the trigger condition being met. Stopping the Capture If the trigger condition is identified, data collection will start. You can stop the capture at any point in time by clicking "Stop".
  • Page 35 Page 35 of 69...
  • Page 36: Real-Time View (In Beta)

    You can try it out in the latest version of our beta software below: • Latest Beta Release To understand how it works, and to keep up with the latest features, you can read more about it in Saleae Blog. More updates to come, so stay tuned! Page 36 of 69...
  • Page 37: Navigating Your Data - Zooming, Panning, Rearranging, & Resizing

    Navigating Your Data - Zooming, Panning, Rearranging, & Resizing Zooming In and Out To zoom in and out, use your mouse wheel. You can also use the up/down arrow keys or the plus/minus keys. Panning Left and Right To pan left and right, click and drag the display. Page 37 of 69...
  • Page 38 You can also use the left/right arrow keys or the scroll bar at the bottom of the display. Jumping between Digital Edges Sometimes digital data come in packets with long periods of idle in between. To jump over idle periods, move your mouse to the far right or far left of a particular channel. A jump button will appear.
  • Page 39 Click this button to jump to the next digital transition on that channel. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts N and P ("next" and "previous"). The keyboard shortcut applies to the channel whose jump button was last pressed. Scrolling through Channels Sometimes you may have more channels displayed than can fit on the screen at the same time.
  • Page 40 Alternatively, there is a slider bar at the right side of the channel graphs. Page 40 of 69...
  • Page 41 You can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys. Page 41 of 69...
  • Page 42: Measurements, Timing Markers, And Bookmarks

    Measurements, Timing Markers, and Bookmarks Digital Instantaneous Measurements To see instantaneous measurements while hovering over a digital channel recording, right-click the digital waveform and make sure "Show Digital Instantaneous Measurement" is checked. You can also select which measurements are made, and you can save the measurement so it stays persistent on the waveform, even when the mouse is not hovering over Analog Instantaneous Measurements To see instantaneous measurements while hovering over an analog channel recording, right-click the...
  • Page 43 Using Annotations All annotations are listed in the Annotations sidebar at the top right of the software. By default, the Annotations sidebar will contain a Timing Marker annotation. Using Timing Markers Page 43 of 69...
  • Page 44 Timing markers can be used to measure elapsed time between any two locations in your data. By default, the Annotations sidebar will contain a Timing Marker annotation. To place a timing marker, first press the A1 or A2 buttons. Move your mouse to the desired location and click to place the marker. To cancel placing a timing marker, right-click.
  • Page 45 To delete a timing marker, select its settings icon (gear) and choose Delete Annotation. Using Bookmarks A Bookmark is simply a recording of your exact position and zoom level in your data. By making a bookmark, you can quickly zoom back to this area again later. To add a Bookmark, click the Plus button on the Annotations panel and select Bookmark.
  • Page 46 To delete a bookmark, select its settings icon (gear) and choose Delete Annotation. Using Measurements (Persistent) Adding a Measurement allows you to add a permanent annotation to your data for later reference. In addition, Measurement Annotations allow for more sophisticated computations than the temporary measurements that always appear at the mouse cursor.
  • Page 47 The Measurement appears in the Annotations sidebar at the right of the software. Click on the text to edit the name of the Measurement. To zoom in on the measurement, click its icon on the left side. To delete a measurement, click on its gear button and select Delete Annotation. You can also delete a Measurement by right-clicking anywhere in the Measurement area and selecting Delete Measurement.
  • Page 48 Supported digital measurement calculations: • Width (for persistent measurements, this is the time span of the measurement) • Frequency (this is just 1/width) • Average Frequency (average frequency of all complete cycles inside the range) • Average Duty Cycle (average duty cycle of all complete cycles inside the range) •...
  • Page 49: Saving, Loading, And Exporting Data

    Open Capture. You can also press CTRL-O. You can also drag a capture file into the Logic software. On Windows, you can double-click a capture file to open it in the Logic software. Exporting Data If you need to view, manipulate, or process data in another application, you can export it.
  • Page 50 Note: For exporting protocol analyzer data, see the Protocol Analyzer section. Export Settings To export your setting, click the Options button at the top right and select Save Setup. From there, you will be prompted to save a .logicsettings file. The .logicsettings file will save the settings associated with the current active tab.
  • Page 51 Exporting in VCD Format VCD stands for value change dump. It is a text-based format used for saving digital data (it can't be used with analog data). Exporting in Binary Format A binary format is provided primarily for those interested in loading data into a script or custom application.
  • Page 52 Additional Data Export Notes Some export formats have different options when exporting a mix of digital and analog channels or exporting only analog channels. Not all export options are available in some cases. CSV can be used to export digital channels, analog channels, or a mix of digital and analog channels. Different options are available for each of these cases, and the format varies slightly.
  • Page 53 Page 53 of 69...
  • Page 54: Saving And Loading Software Settings

    Saving and Loading Software Settings The Saleae software includes two features to save and reload your work. The first is the ability to save and reload the entire capture, complete with settings, analyzers, and the captured data. The second is the ability to save the setup without captured data.
  • Page 55: Using Protocol Analyzers

    Using Protocol Analyzers Protocol Analyzers decode data that have been encoded according to a particular protocol such as SPI or I2C. The Logic software currently offers 23 protocol analyzers. Adding Protocol Analyzers To add a Protocol Analyzer, click the Plus button on the Analyzers sidebar on the right of the software.
  • Page 56 To edit the settings for an existing analyzer, find that analyzer in the Analyzers panel on the right of the software. Click the gear button and select Edit Settings. After editing your analyzer settings, the analyzer will rerun against any data you have collected and will update all results.
  • Page 57 Edit the Analyzer Name If you like, you can edit the name of the analyzer to help keep track of what it is connected to. On the desired analyzer, click on the text to rename. Starting an Analyzer at a Specific Point in the Software Sometimes it is desirable to start the analyzer only at a specified location in your data.
  • Page 58 Viewing Protocol Analyzer Results When a protocol analyzer successfully decodes data, colored regions will appear above the digital waveform where a byte or other bit-field is transmitted. Be sure to zoom in far enough to see the transitions making up a particular byte or bit-field. In addition to displaying results over the digital waveform (in context), results are displayed in a list in the Decoded Protocols panel on the right of the software.
  • Page 59 To search for a specific result, type the exact text you would like to match. For example, if you would like to find transactions involving the I2C address 0x42, type 0x42 (assuming the display radix is hexadecimal). Filter Analyzer Results to a Specific Range To limit the protocol results to a specific range, first add a timing marker pair with marker 1 and marker 2 placed at the beginning and end of the area on the graph you would like to search.
  • Page 60 Then, from the "Choose timing markers" dialog, select the pair that you have just placed around the activity and click Search. The results are now filtered to all enabled analyzers within that time range. Page 60 of 69...
  • Page 61: Simulation Data & Demo Mode

    Simulation Data & Demo Mode Demo Mode When the software is not connected to a Saleae Logic device, it switches into demo mode so potential users can explore the features of the software before deciding to buy the unit. In demo mode, the title bar will say [Disconnected] and the green button will say Start Simulation.
  • Page 62: Capture Settings Configuration Guide

    2 Gbps. Each digital sample for each channel consumes 1 bit. The analog samples are either 8 bit for Logic 4 or 12 bit for the new Logic 8, Logic Pro 8, and Logic Pro 16. (Although Logic 8 is advertised as a 10-bit product, we maintain 12-bit samples through the entire process.
  • Page 63 active analog channels and reduce the sample rate to the minimum required for the remaining active channels. In general, there is no benefit to sampling with lower digital sample rates. Our software run length encodes the data as it arrives so that memory usage is directly proportional to data density and unrelated to the sample rate.
  • Page 64 • Some devices, including Logic Pro 8, Logic Pro 16, and the original Logic16, support multiple selectable voltage thresholds. In addition to being required to correctly record digital data at different IO threshold standards, voltage thresholds are important for rejecting noise near ground and avoiding double edge hits.
  • Page 65: Time & Memory Saving Tools

    Time & Memory Saving Tools Faster post-processing of analog captures After a capture, analog data can be processed faster if Upsampled Pipeline is disabled. Faster post-processing of decoded protocols You can disable the Decoded Protocols search window located on the bottom-right of the software. This will disable software indexing of the decoded protocols and will remove the ability to search protocol results.
  • Page 66 Saving and Loading Software Settings The software settings can be saved and loaded at a later time, allowing the user to recall a particular setup. This is especially useful when jumping back and forth between multiple test setups. See: Saving and Loading Software Settings Reducing Capture File Disk Usage The file size of a capture file (.logicdata file) can be significantly reduced by zipping it to a compressed...
  • Page 67: Keyboard Shortcuts

    Keyboard Shortcuts (On OSX, CTRL is replaced by Command) Start a Capture: CTRL-R Stop a Capture: ESC or Enter (presses the Stop button) Move Right/Left: Right/Left Arrow Keys (Add CTRL to move faster) Zoom In/Out: Up/Down Arrow Keys (Add CTRL to move faster). Also Plus and Minus (+/-) Zoom to Region: Shift+Click and drag over region to zoom Zoom All the Way Out: Ctrl+0 Place Timing Markers: All numbers 1=A1, 2=A2, 3=B1, and so on...
  • Page 68: Connector Dimensions

    Logic Pro 16 The Gen 1 accessories are compatible with these devices: • original Logic (discontinued) • original Logic16 (discontinued) When using the Gen 2 Logic-to-2x4 header adapters, please use this pin out on your board (top view): Page 68 of 69...
  • Page 69 2) Add female right-angle headers to the edge of your board, or vertical headers to mount the logic analyzer vertically to your board. Below are diagrams of the connectors on the new Saleae logic analyzers. Note that Logic 8 and Logic Pro 8 have the same dimensions.

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