Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07 User Manual
Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07 User Manual

Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07 User Manual

For windows 98se/me, windows nt 4.0, windows 2000 and windows xp flash microcomputer programming system
Table of Contents


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Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07
(for Windows
98SE/Me, Windows NT
4.0, Windows
2000 and Windows
User's Manual
Renesas FLASH Microcomputer Programming System
Rev. 9.00
Revision Date: Oct. 31, 2006


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07

  • Page 1 REJ10J1131-0900 Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07 ® ® ® ® (for Windows 98SE/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows User's Manual Renesas FLASH Microcomputer Programming System HS6400FDIW3S Rev. 9.00 Revision Date: Oct. 31, 2006
  • Page 2 Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Cautions... i Preface... ii iii. Abbreviations ... iii Document Conventions... iv Chapter 1 Introduction ... 1 Key Features...1 New Features...1 Chapter 2 System Overview ... 3 User Interface ...4 2.1.1 Menu bar ...4 2.1.2 Toolbars...6 2.1.3 Status Bar ...9 2.1.4 Pop-up menus ...10 Help...10 Hot Keys...11...
  • Page 4 security enabled...19 Opening w4f Script Configuration files from the command line...19 Opening w4f Script Configuration files from the command line with Access Rights password security enabled...19 Starting FDT Basic Simple Interface Mode from the command line...19 Creating a New Workspace and Project ...20 3.4.1 New Project Workspace ...20 3.4.2...
  • Page 5 Chapter 4 Wait For Script... 43 Wait For Script Overview...43 Wait For Script – New Configuration...43 4.2.1 Script File Page ...43 Description ...44 Script Path ...44 Timings ...44 Save...44 4.2.2 Log File Page...44 Log File Directory ...45
  • Page 6 Chapter 6 Configuring the User Interface ... 61 Arranging Windows ...61 6.1.1 Minimising windows ...61 6.1.2 Tiling windows...61 6.1.3 Cascading windows ...61 Locating Currently Open Windows ...61 6.2.1 Locating a specific window...61 Enabling/disabling the Toolbar...62 Enabling/disabling the Workspace Window...62 Enabling/disabling the Output Window...62 Customising the Toolbar ...63 6.6.1 Toolbars Tab ...63...
  • Page 7 Tools Menu ...70 7.5.1 Administration...70 7.5.2 Customise..70 7.5.3 Options..70 7.5.4 Format Views..70 7.5.5 Simple Interface...70 7.5.6 Wait For Script ...70 7.5.7 Access Rights ...70 Access Rights – Login...70 Access Rights – Change Password..70 Access Rights – Administration..70 Window Menu...71 7.6.1 Cascade ...71...
  • Page 8 Set as current Project ...78 Remove Project ...78 Unload Project...78 Add Files From Kernel Dir...78 8.1.3 Device Image - Folder ...78 Remove Folder ...78 Rename Folder ...78 Device File ...79 8.2.1 Open ‘filename’...79 8.2.2 Add Files...
  • Page 9 8.8.9 Create Selection...93 8.8.10 Fill..93 8.8.11 Find..93 8.8.12 Replace..93 8.8.13 Properties...93 8.8.14 Add to Active Project ...93 8.8.15 Data EntryNote...94 8.8.16 Goto Address...94 Customise - Toolbars...94 8.9.1 Show Tooltips...94 8.9.2 New..94 8.9.3 Reset...95 8.9.4 Toolbar name...95 8.9.5 OK...95 8.9.6...
  • Page 10 10.2.1 Exit ...105 10.2.2 Download File radio button ...105 10.2.3 Download File Area ...105 10.2.4 Program Flash \ Erase...105 10.2.5 Disconnect...105 10.2.6 File Selection...105 Chapter 11 Field Programming... 107 11.1 Options Menu ...108 11.1.1 Login..108 11.1.2 Batch Erase Mode...108 11.1.3 AutoDisconnect ...108 11.1.4 Readback Verify...108 11.1.5 Request Checksum ...108...
  • Page 11: Cautions

    Cautions Renesas neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Renesas’ or any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document. Renesas bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.
  • Page 12: Preface

    Preface About this guide This guide explains the use of the Renesas Flash Development Toolkit(hereafter referred to as FDT). Chapter 1 , Introduction, provides a brief explanation to the tool and lists its key features. Chapter 2 , System Overview, describes how the different facilities make up the FDT Graphical User Interface.
  • Page 13: Abbreviations

    Legacy HMSE interface board used with Protocol A (Legacy) kernels. HMSE Hitachi Micro Systems Europe Ltd – The former name of part of the Renesas Technology Europe Engineering Division. Flash Configuration File – Used to store information about the device and flash characteristics Device Data Image –...
  • Page 14: Document Conventions

    (The “how to” symbol) Table 1: Typographic Conventions ® Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. F-ZTAT is a trademark of Renesas, Ltd. Document Conventions MEANING Bold text with ‘->’ is used to indicate menu options (for example, [File->Save As...]).
  • Page 15: Chapter 1 Introduction

    The RenesasFlash Development Toolkit (FDT) is an on-board FLASH programming tool for Renesas F- ZTAT microcomputers that provides a high-performance and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). Embedded software development projects created using the Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop (HEW) may be programmed into Renesas F-ZTAT devices using FDT.
  • Page 17: Chapter 2 System Overview

    Chapter 2 System Overview FDT provides a method of programming, erasing and reading from Renesas Flash devices. Workspaces and Projects can be used in order to save the settings between sessions, for easy switching between different settings, and to allow experienced users to configure the settings for less experienced operators. FDT is designed to provide a common look and feel, independent of the actual device to be programmed.
  • Page 18: User Interface

    User Interface The FDT Graphical User Interface is a Windows allows the user to program FLASH memory. Figure 2-1 2.1.1 Menu bar Commands are grouped into related areas on the Menu bar as indicated by the menu titles. Using the mouse the user can select a command operation, invoke a dialog box or a window to interact with the system.
  • Page 19 Figure 2-2 Menu Ellipsis If a menu item can also be invoked by pressing a hot key (a combination of keys), then the hot key is displayed to the right of the item. If a menu item toggles a feature ON or OFF then a check mark ( ) will be displayed next to its text when it is ON: Figure 2-3 Checked Menu Items...
  • Page 20: Toolbars

    2.1.2 Toolbars FDT has several toolbars located below the Menu bar. This provides quick access to FDT features by clicking the respective button with the mouse. Figure 2-5 FDT Toolbars The buttons on each toolbar are arranged in associated groups. To find out the function of the button, move the mouse over the button and a hint will be displayed next to the button and in the status bar.
  • Page 21 FDT toolbar Figure 2-7 FDT Toolbar Connect - connects the device to the interface. Disconnect - disconnects the device from the interface. Erase Blocks - launches the ‘Erase Block’ dialog box to erase all or individual blocks of the device FLASH memory.
  • Page 22 S Record toolbar Figure 2-8 S Record Toolbar View as Bytes - view the file data as 8 bit bytes. View as Words - view the file data as 16 bit words. View as DWords - view the file data as 32 bit double words. Align view to 8 bytes - data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes.
  • Page 23: Status Bar

    Automatic Protection – Set QzROM security protection automatically on disconnect (if more than one option is available a dialog will appear to select which type to automatically apply) Query Protection – Ask the user whether to set QzROM security protection on disconnect. No Protection –...
  • Page 24: Pop-Up Menus

    2.1.4 Pop-up menus Many windows have local pop-up menus in order to make commonly used features easier to access. These menus are invoked by clicking the right mouse button in the window (or pressing SHIFT+F10) and then selecting the required menu option. An example pop-up menu is: The contents and operation of specific pop-up menus are explained in detail in the description of each FDT window, see the Chapter 8 ,Windows.
  • Page 25: Hot Keys

    Hot Keys There are various hot keys for frequently used operations. These are as follows by category:- Description Help Help File Commands Close File Open S-Record Save All Save Exit Edit Commands Undo Redo Copy Paste Select All Find Find In Files Replace Tools Commands Login...
  • Page 26 Description Window View as ASCII View as Bytes View as Word View as Dword Align to 8 Bytes Device Connect Erase Flash Blocks Blank Check Upload Image Download Active File Flash Checksum Go From Address Block Locking... Cancel Operation Configure Flash Project Data File Suppress request to save changes to a data file when closing it (do not save...
  • Page 27: Chapter 3 Using Fdt

    What are the User Area, User Boot Area and Data Areas? The normal area of (internal) flash for Renesas devices, for user programs is known as the User Area. This is where the code is stored which gets executed when the device is reset into User Mode. The User area can normally be programmed from a Boot Mode or User Mode connection.
  • Page 28: What Is The Difference Between Boot Mode And User Mode

    What is the difference between Boot Mode and User Mode? The Renesas Flash devices have different modes of operation which are controlled by the state of the mode pins when the device is brought out of reset. Most devices have an asynchronous serial Boot Mode and a User/User Program Mode.
  • Page 29: What Are The Fcf And Fdm Files, Can I Edit Them

    User Mode – The User Mode Test Program and User Mode Micro-Kernel need to be already programmed and executing on the device. The initial Bit Rate Register value is held in the ‘gentest.h’ file and is compiled into the User Mode Test Program; this allows the kernel initialise the serial communications interface to 9600 baud.
  • Page 30: How Do I Recompile A Kernel

    Please refer to the compiler manual for full details of how to do this. An example environment batch file used to set the environment settings for the Renesas H8 compiler version 4.0a is shown below: Setenv.bat:...
  • Page 31: Can I Modify The User Mode Kernels To Work For A Different Clock Frequency

    To start FDT in Basic Simple Interface Mode, open the ‘Start’ menu of Windows > ‘Renesas’ -> ‘FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07’, then the ‘Flash Development Toolkit3.07Basic’ shortcut. The previous FDT Basic settings will be restored, and new settings can be entered by selecting the Options->New Settings…...
  • Page 32: Starting Fdt By Double Clicking On A Workspace File

    Starting FDT from the command line Opening data files from the command line "<FDT path>\FDT.exe" /DISCRETESTARTUP "osre \"< Filename >\"" "C:\Program Files\Renesas\FDT3.07\FDT.exe" /DISCRETESTARTUP "osre \"C:\Program Files\Renesas\files\myfile.mot\"" This is the method used when an FDT data file is double clicked in Windows
  • Page 33: Opening Data Files From The Command Line With Access Rights Password Security Enabled Opening data files from the command line with Access Rights password security enabled "<FDT path>\FDT.exe" "arl \"<Username>\" \"<Password>\"" /DISCRETESTARTUP "osre \"< Filename >\"" "C:\Program Files\Renesas\FDT3.07\FDT.exe" "arl \"Administrator\" \"password\"" /DISCRETESTARTUP "osre \"C:\Program Files\Renesas\files\myfile.mot\"" Opening w4f Script Configuration files from the command line "<FDT path>\FDT.exe"...
  • Page 34: Creating A New Workspace And Project

    Creating a New Workspace and Project When FDT is started in full mode (not FDT Basic Simple Interface Mode), a workspace and project must be opened or created. See Chapter 10 Basic Simple Interface Mode for details on programming without setting up a workspace and project.
  • Page 35: Choose Device And Kernel (Not Generic Boot*)

    3.4.2 Choose Device and Kernel (not Generic Boot*) Select the device you wish to use from the drop-down list. It is possible to have more than one kernel option displayed, and double clicking on a kernel will open an optional “readme.txt” file that has information about the kernel (such as the device, version number and the compilers it was created with).
  • Page 36: Communications Port

    3.4.3 Communications Port Select the port (and interface if available) from the drop-down list, then click the ‘Next’ button. Note that in addition to the serial ports, there is also an option to use the FDM (USB interface board). For some kernels there are also other port options, such as USB Direct (eg.
  • Page 37: Device Settings

    3.4.4 Device Settings Enter values for the device settings; enter the input clock, then select the main and peripheral clock multipliers from the drop-down lists, and click the ‘Next’ button. Supplementary: 1. Clock Setting Allow selection of the device external clock (default) or one or more of the device internal clock speeds. 2.
  • Page 38: Connection Type

    Bit Rate Register calculation formula, and the FDM\E8Direct characteristics. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue. Figure 3-6 Connection Type Note that ‘Use Default’ is designed for use with the Renesas Evaluation Board or Evaluation Development Kits. Uncheck this to allow manual selection of the bit rate.
  • Page 39: Programming Options

    3.4.6 Programming Options Select the protection level for programming the FLASH ROM and the messaging level, then click the ‘Finish’ button, or if the FDM\E8Direct was selected, click ‘Next’ to continue. Figure 3-7 3.4.7 FDM\E8Direct Pin Settings [Only if the FDM or E8Direct is selected] Select the ‘Operating Mode’ and ‘Clock Mode’ and if ‘User Defined’, set the pin settings.
  • Page 40 Figure 3-8 FDM Pin Settings Figure 3-9 E8Direct Pin Settings...
  • Page 41: Reset Pin Settings

    3.4.8 Reset Pin Settings [Only if the FDM or E8Direct is selected] Select the ‘Operating Mode’ and ‘Clock Mode’ and if ‘User Defined’, set the Reset pin settings. Set the ‘Reset Outputs’ and the ‘Reset Setting’ for the mode required immediately after disconnection.
  • Page 42 Figure 3-11 E8DirectRESET Pin Settings...
  • Page 43: Configuring A Project For A Generic Boot Device

    Configuring a Project for a Generic Boot Device It is also possible to connect to a Generic Boot Renesas Device - where you do not need a kernel or configuration file installed, instead FDT extracts the required information from the device itself. Because of this, the device must be connected and set into Boot Mode at the time you create the project.
  • Page 44: Generic Boot - Choose Device And Kernel

    3.5.2 Generic Boot - Choose Device and Kernel Select ‘Generic Boot Device’ (or a device supported by Generic Boot) and click ‘Next’. Figure 3-13 Note - Some Protocol C devices which appear in the device list are supported by using Generic Boot. This means that when one of these devices is selected in the Project Wizard, FDT will behave as if "Generic BOOT Device"...
  • Page 45: Generic Boot - Communications Port

    3.5.3 Generic Boot - Communications Port Select the port (and interface if available) from the drop-down list, then click the ‘Next’ button. Figure 3-15 3.5.4 Generic Boot - FDM Pin Settings [FDM connection only] If the FDM is selected the following screen will be shown. Set the mode pin settings required to place the device into Boot Mode.Click ‘OK’...
  • Page 46: Generic Boot - E8Direct Pin Settings [E8Direct Connection Only]

    Note Setting the mode pins using the FDM requires caution. Please confirm the pin settings with the hardware manual even if a default setting is available. Note that in some devices, changing the mode pin setting changes the maximum supply voltage. When the ‘Select USB Device’...
  • Page 47 Figure 3-19 Note Setting the mode pins using the E8Direct requires caution. Please confirm the pin settings with the hardware manual even if a default setting is available. Note that in some devices, changing the mode pin setting changes the maximum supply voltage. If the E8 has not yet been restarted as an E8Direct device then the following messages will appear in the FDT output window: Preparing for re-enumeration of E8 to E8Direct...
  • Page 48: Generic Boot - Confirmation

    3.5.6 Generic Boot - Confirmation FDT then waits for you to confirm that the device is connected and powered, and if not using the FDM or E8Direct, in Boot mode. FDT will try to connect to the device when you click ‘OK’. Figure 3-21 After this, FDT displays a dialog that displays the boot progress.
  • Page 49: Generic Boot - Select Clock Mode

    3.5.8 Generic Boot – Select Clock Mode Because some devices have a number of Clock Modes, a list is provided of all possible Clock Modes. The user should select the correct Clock Mode from the list then click ‘OK’. Please check with the hardware manual / target board manual to ensure that the correct mode is chosen.
  • Page 50: Generic Boot - Setup Complete

    3.5.9 Generic Boot – Setup Complete Having selected the Clock Mode, the Generic wizard completes as below. Figure 3-24 The Project Wizard will then continue through the remaining pages 3.5.10 Generic Boot – Device Settings Please Refer to Section 3.4.4 3.5.11 Generic Boot - Connection Type Please Refer to Section 3.4.5...
  • Page 51: Connecting To The Device

    Connecting to the device This is achieved by selecting the Device->Connect to Device menu item, using the Ctrl-Alt-C hotkey, or clicking the Connect toolbar button. If a flash operation (Upload, Download, Blank Check, Checksum etc) is selected before a connection is established, FDT will automatically perform a connect operation first. 3.6.1 E8 USB Connection When connecting for the first time since opening the workspace, and using the E8 USB interface board, a...
  • Page 52: Locking

    3.6.3 Locking For devices which support locking of erase blocks FDT may also check with the user whether to unlock the device. This is dependent on the current locking settings (see more on this in the Locking Connection section ) Figure 3-27 Programming the Data to the FLASH ROM 3.7.1...
  • Page 53: Programming Multiple Files To The User Boot Area

    3.7.4 Programming multiple files to the User Boot Area 1. Add all the required target files to the project by selecting [Project->Add Files...] or pressing the INS key. Note that multiple files can be added at once from the ‘Add File(s)’ dialog. 2.
  • Page 54: Erasing Data From The Flash Rom

    Erasing Data from the FLASH ROM 1. Select [Device -> Erase FLASH blocks...] to display the ‘Erase Blocks’ dialog box. 2. Select the block(s) to be erased. (When the checkbox is ticked, the block is selected.)* 3. Click the ‘Erase’ button to start erasure. 4.
  • Page 55: Uploading The Flash Rom Data

    Uploading the FLASH ROM Data 1. Display the ‘Upload Image’ dialog box from [Device -> Upload Image...].either 2. Select the Address tab 3. Enter the start and end addresses, or the start address and length. 4. Click the ‘Upload’ button to start reading. 5.
  • Page 56: Performing A Blank Check

    Figure 3-30 The Upload via erase block has the same selection functionality as the Erase block dialog itself, i.e. ‘Select All’ will check every block (a complete device upload) and ‘Select Written’ will check the non-blank blocks (an upload of programmed areas). 3.10 Performing a Blank Check For kernels which support it, a blank check can be performed by selecting the ‘Device->Blank Check’...
  • Page 57: Chapter 4 Wait For Script

    Chapter 4 Wait For Script Wait For Script Overview This mode allows FDT to be automated and controlled by a text file containing a script of commands. Once in this mode FDT acts as a server which polls for the existence of a file in a predetermined location. Once this file is found, FDT executes each command in order and can then optionally delete or move the script file upon completion, so that FDT is ready to look for the next script file.
  • Page 58: Description Description This is an optional text description that may be used to describe, e.g. who created the file, why it was created, what it does, etc. It is not used in any way, other than for display. Script Path This is the only mandatory field.
  • Page 59: Log File Directory Log File Directory Enter the directory that the optional log file should be created in. FDT can insert additional details into the directory path such as the user name, machine name, date or time by using the %U, %M, %D and %T delimiters.
  • Page 60: Save Save This saves the FDT Script Configuration file (with the default extension .w4f). FDT will prompt to ask if you want to execute the saved script immediately. 4.2.4 Error Handling Page This is an optional page. Figure 4-4 On Script Fail Abort - leave the On Script Fail radio button set to the default Abort to cause FDT to abort processing of further scripts upon encountering an error.
  • Page 61: Save

    Alert output|** Please reset the board and regenerate the script to retry ** Alert output|****************************************************************** # Delete the script file which failed # so that will wait for it to be regenerated before retrying delete $script # Script processing failure handling script example 2 # Disconnect to allow reconnection Disconnect # Display a message to the user...
  • Page 62: Wait For Script - Edit Configuration

    Wait For Script – Edit Configuration... This is invoked from the ‘Tools’, ‘Wait For Script’, ‘Edit Configuration...’ menu and allows you to edit the configuration settings for a given configuration file. Wait For Script Run Configuration... This is invoked from the Tools, Wait For Script, Run Configuration... menu and allows the user to browse to select the desired Wait For Script Configuration file (.w4f).
  • Page 63: Workspace

    4.5.1 Workspace Description = loads a specified workspace into FDT (Note: a valid workspace and configured project must be opened to use any of the device-related commands) Arguments: <Workspace Path> Example: Workspace C:\Workspaces\3069serial\3069serial.AWS NB: FDT will use the active project from this workspace – there is currently no facility for changing which is the active project from the script 4.5.2 Connect...
  • Page 64: Download

    Connect USB|0x000D|0 Connect USB|FDM|SN: 93506 Connect USB|E8|0001|5.0|0.0 4.5.3 Download Description = download the selected project image to the device Arguments: “image” Required (One of) <filename> “user” “userboot” Required (One of) “both” “norebuild” Optional “verify” Optional Example: Download image|user|norebuild|verify Download C:\files\MySrecord.mot|userboot 4.5.4 Erase Description = erase specified flash blocks on the device...
  • Page 65: Blankcheck

    4.5.5 BlankCheck Description = check if the device is blank Arguments: “userboot” Optional “stoponwritten” Optional “stoponblank” Optional Example: BlankCheck BlankCheck userboot|stoponwritten 4.5.6 Upload Description = upload data from the device Arguments: <filename> Required <start address> Required <length> Required “noabsolute” Optional “userboot”...
  • Page 66: Disconnect

    4.5.8 Disconnect Description = disconnect from a device. Note that issuing of a disconnect command even if FDT is not connected is allowed. This can be useful for ensuring that FDT is disconnected before a connect operation. Arguments: “reset” Optional Example: Disconnect Disconnect reset...
  • Page 67: Alert

    4.5.11 Alert Description = indicate to the user that something has happened Arguments: “beep” Required (One of) “output” Example: Alert output|Please make sure the board is connected 4.5.12 Pause Description = this command will pause script file execution for the specified number of milliseconds Arguments: <time>...
  • Page 68: Move \ Copy

    4.5.14 Move \ Copy Description = move or copy the script file. NB: FDT will process the script no further than this line Arguments: “$script” Required <filename> Required <directory> Example: Move $script |\\server\networkfiles\done.txt Copy $script|C:\backups\ 4.5.15 Abort Description = stop processing the script and return failure. NB: This command is primarily designed to be used in an error processing script Arguments: NONE...
  • Page 69: Wait For Script - Example Script File

    Wait For Script – Example Script File What follows is an example of how a script file for FDT may look. This highlights some of the available commands and gives an idea of how they might be used: # EXAMPLE SCRIPT FILE # open this workspace and associated project # (for which the flash project wizard must have completed successfully) workspace C:\Workspaces\2215usbdirect\2215UsbDirect.AWS...
  • Page 70: Wait For Script - Status File Format

    # Display message in output window alert output|This text will be displayed in the output window and the log file # delete this script # (will stop from running through the file again) delete $script Wait For Script – Status File Format While FDT is in Wait For Script mode, a remote user may wish to find out what state the application is currently in.
  • Page 71: Chapter 5 Access Rights

    Chapter 5 Access Rights Access RightsOverview To prevent accidental changing of settings when using FDT to program devices (especially in a multi-user environment), the Access Rights feature allows creation of usernames and passwords to give different levels of access to different users. Typically, there would be three levels of access rights: Administrator level which allows the user to create and modify user accounts Supervisor level which allows project creation and editing SIM User level which allows a Simple Interface Mode user the right only to program the device image...
  • Page 72: Disable All

    5.3.1 Disable All This button allows disables all user accounts and switches off Access Rights password security 5.3.2 Modify User This button allows modification of the settings for the selected user by invoking the Modify User dialog. The available access options are: AccessRights:Admin –...
  • Page 73: Delete User

    5.3.4 Delete User This button allows deletion of user accounts. 5.3.5 Reset Pwd This button allows setting of the password for the selected user. 5.3.6 Close This button closes the User Admin Dialog.
  • Page 75: Chapter 6 Configuring The User Interface

    Chapter 6 Configuring the User Interface When the user interface for FDT was designed an attempt was made to make frequently used operations quickly accessible and have related operations grouped in a logical order. However, when the user is in the middle of a long session he may find it more useful to have a different arrangement of the user interface items.
  • Page 76: Enabling/Disabling The Toolbar

    2. A specific window can also be selected by clicking on the tab containing the file name at the bottom of the Editor window. If the window is not minimised it will be brought to the front of the display. If it is minimised, the minimised icon will be brought to the front of the display.
  • Page 77: Customising The Toolbar

    Customising the Toolbar The selection and arrangement of buttons displayed on the Toolbar can be customised to suit a user’s requirements. To change the display, invoke the [Tools->Customise...] menu option. The defaults are to display the Editor, Search, FDT, QzROM and S-Record toolbars. Note that the S-Record Toolbar option is only available when there is a data file open.
  • Page 79: Chapter 7 Menus

    File Menu The ‘File’ menu is used for aspects of the program that access data files. 7.1.1 Close This will close the current active file in the editor window. 7.1.2 New Workspace... Launches the ‘New Workspace’ dialog box allowing the user to specify the name and location of a new workspace and creates a new workspace directory.
  • Page 80: Open An S-Record

    7.1.6 Open an S-Record... Launches the ‘Open an S-Record’ dialog box allowing the user to open an existing file. The file may be an S-Record file (.rec, .mot, .a20, .a37, .s2), a Device Image file (.fpr, .ddi), or a binary file (.bin, .cde). 7.1.7 Save Saves the current active file.
  • Page 81: Find In Files

    7.2.8 Find In Files... This launches a dialog to allow data to be located in files external to the active file. 7.2.9 Replace... This will launch the ‘Replace’ dialog box allowing the user to enter either the hexadecimal or ASCII data to be found and the replacement data, in the same format.
  • Page 82: File Extensions Add

    Figure 7-2 File Extensions Dialog File Extensions Add... Selecting ‘Add...’ allows FDT to handle files of new extension types Figure 7-3 Add File Extensions Dialog...
  • Page 83: File Extensions Modify File Extensions Modify... Selecting ‘Modify...’ allows selection of how FDT handles files of this extension type. Figure 7-4 7.4.6 Rebuild Image Rebuilding the image merges all files in the project that are not excluded. The default ROM area is the User Area, some devices also have a User Boot Area or a Data Area.
  • Page 84: Tools Menu

    Tools Menu The ‘Tools’ menu is used to launch additional FDT features, which are not related to either projects or target devices. 7.5.1 Administration... This displays a dialog with the tools available to the user under different categories. 7.5.2 Customise... This allows the user to customise FDT, and is covered in more detail in section 8.9Customise - Toolbars.
  • Page 85: Window Menu

    Window Menu The ‘Window’ menu is used to alter the display of currently open windows within the FDT GUI. Files displayed in the Editor window are appended to the following list, these files are identified by their filename and the currently active file is denoted by check mark. 7.6.1 Cascade This option allows multiple windows to be staggered so that each file is visible.
  • Page 86: Blank Check

    7.7.4 Blank check This launches a blank check on the device FLASH and reports back to the Output window. 7.7.5 Upload Image This launches the ‘Upload Image’ dialog box, which enables the uploading of a range of data from the target device.
  • Page 87: About

    7.8.3 About... Launches the ‘About Flash Development Toolkit’ dialog box, through which additional information regarding FDT can be accessed: • FDT version. • Copyright information.
  • Page 89: Chapter 8 Windows

    This chapter describes each child window type, the features each supports and the options available through their associated pop-up menus. There are three main windows - Workspace window, Editor window and Output window. Most windows have local pop-up menus in order to make commonly used features easier to access. These menus are invoked by clicking the right mouse button within the window (or pressing SHIFT+F10) and then selecting the required menu option.
  • Page 90: Allow Docking Allow Docking Invoking this option allows the user to select if the window is docked, or if it can “float” around the main window. Hide Invoking Hide conceals the Workspace window. It is restored by [View->Workspace]. Properties This option displays information about the Workspace including the file path.
  • Page 91: Project

    8.1.2 Project The Project is the next item in the hierarchy below the Workspace. In the following example, the Workspace is called “Industrial Controller” and there are two projects: the first is also called “Industrial Controller” and the second is called “User Mode Reprogramming”. Figure 8-3 Workspace Project In addition to the Allow Docking and Hidemenu items inherited from the workspace, the pop-up menu for...
  • Page 92: Set As Current Project Set as current Project Sets the highlighted project as the current active project. This option is not available if the highlighted project is already the active project. Remove Project Remove the highlighted project from the Workspace. This option is not available if the highlighted project is the active project.
  • Page 93: Device File

    Device File The Device File is the item containing the data to Flash into the device. The pop-up menu for Device File has the following items: 8.2.1 Open ‘filename’ This feature opens the selected file. 8.2.2 Add Files... Allows additional files to be added to the project. 8.2.3 Remove Files...
  • Page 94: Properties

    8.2.6 Properties... Launches the device file properties dialog box. 8.2.7 Display Block usage... Launches the ‘S-Record Properties’ dialog box and displays the Block usage tab. 8.2.8 Exclude ‘filename’ If a file is excluded, it will not be used to form the built image if Rebuild Image is selected. Once selected as excluded, using the right mouse click, it is possible to “Include ‘filename’”.
  • Page 95: Compare File->Device (Complete Device)

    8.2.13 Compare File->Device (Complete Device) This mode would compare the data in the device flash (starting at the device start address) to the corresponding data in the file. The process would only stop once the entire device had been checked, or differences were found.
  • Page 96: Project Properties

    Project Properties Invoked from the Project pop-up menu item Properties... The ‘Properties’ dialog box shows details of: • The name of the project • The location and the filename of the project file • The last modification date and time Figure 8-7 Project Properties...
  • Page 97: Configure Flash Project (Flash Properties)

    Configure Flash Project (Flash Properties) The ‘Configure Flash Project’ dialog box can be invoked from the ‘Configure Flash Project’ toolbar button or Device Menu item. It defaults to being docked at the bottom of the FDT window but can be dragged to dock in other locations or to float.
  • Page 98: Communications Tab

    This shows the multiplier of the peripheral clock for the input clock. Clock Mode This shows the clock mode. 8.5.2 Communications Tab This shows the default and current baud rates and the current port. It also allows the user to change the Port and Baud Rate when disconnected.
  • Page 99: Device Tab

    If this is checked, the default Baud Rate will be used. (This option should be set only when the RenesasEvaluation Board or Evaluation Development Kit is used.) FDM\E8Direct Pins This section displays the direction and state of the controlled mode pins for the Connect and Disconnect with Reset operations.
  • Page 100: Programmer Tab

    Interface If the target is connected directly to the host computer, the connection interface should be selected to ‘Direct Connection’. Alternative options include FDM and for Protocol A (legacy) kernels, the UPB. Double clicking invokes the Project Wizard to allow editing of this item. Kernel Resident This specifies that a main kernel is already resident and running on the target device before connection by FDT.
  • Page 101 Device Protection This allows the user to select either automatic protection (Automatic) or interactive protection (Interactive) to protect the FLASH device from accidental over-erasure and over-programming. Automatic protection will erase blocks from the device prior to programming, as necessary. Interactive protection will ask the user before an erase occurs.In addition, None can be selected to disable device protection.
  • Page 102: Modules Tab

    project to work with many Generic Boot devices. If this option is set to "Query", FDT will ask you to select whether to reinterrogate the device. Double click to edit the setting. Security Protection This option controls whether FDT should security protect QzROM devices as it disconnects. It echoes the setting on the QzROM toolbar (see 2.1.2).
  • Page 103: S-Record Properties Window

    S-Record Properties Window This dialog is invoked by clicking the Properties toolbar button or from the Right-Click, Properties Menu when the file is open and selected in the Hex Editor window. 8.6.1 Block Usage Tab This tab shows the starting, finishing address and sizes of the data blocks contained in the active file tab. If the file is open in the editor window, double clicking on a range highlights the selected data.
  • Page 104: Selection Value

    8.6.3 Selection Value This tab shows various representations of the data that is currently selected. The display depends upon whether the selection is a Byte, Word or DWord. Figure 8-15 Output Window The Output window is one of the main windows contained in the FDT GUI. The window has available pop-up menu that contains the following items: 8.7.1 Copy...
  • Page 105: Allow Docking

    8.7.4 Allow Docking With this option checked the Output window is capable of being docked within the FDT application window. With the option unchecked the Output window is a floating window. 8.7.5 Hide Invoking Hide conceals the output window. It is restored by [View->Output]. Note –...
  • Page 106: Cut

    Also note that FDT will default to saving text based file formats (e.g. S-Record or DDI) as uppercase, even if the original file was lowercase. This is to improve compatibility with other Renesas tools. This behaviour is new from 3.06 and can be modified by adding an entry into the FDT.ini file (found in the root install...
  • Page 107: Display Unit

    8.8.6 Display Unit Invokes the cascaded menu as follows: Byte - view the data as 8-bit bytes. Word - view the data as 16-bit words. DWord - view the data as 32-bit double words. 8.8.7 Align to 8 Bytes Data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes. The number of bytes that can be accommodated on each line is dependent upon the size of the window.
  • Page 108: Data Entrynote

    8.8.15 Data EntryNote When entering data in the ‘Find’, ‘Replace’ or ‘Fill’ dialog boxes only hexadecimal or ASCII values can be used, based on the ASCII Search check box. When entering hexadecimal values a preceding ‘0x’ is fixed in the entry text box, so hexadecimal values are appended. 8.8.16 Goto Address Double clicking on the address column displays the Goto Address dialog.
  • Page 109: Reset

    Selecting the Commands tab allows the user to select and add buttons to the new toolbar. The user can place the new toolbar anywhere on the GUI by dragging it with the mouse. 8.9.3 Reset The Reset button resets the toolbar to the default. 8.9.4 Toolbar name Reflects the toolbar selected in the list.
  • Page 110: Customise - Menu

    8.10 Customise – Menu Invoked by [Tools->Customise...] and then select the Menu tab in the ‘Customise’ dialog box. Figure 8-19 To add a new menu option: 1. Select [Tools->Customise...]. The dialog shown above will be displayed. Select the “Menu” tab. The first thing for you to decide is whether you are adding a global application wide tool (“Application wide tools:”), which will be available to all of your workspaces.
  • Page 111 New menu options are added to the bottom of the list (i.e. bottom of the tools menu) by default. The order of menu options in the [Tools] menu can also be modified. To modify a menu option: 1. Select [Tools->Customise...]. The dialog shown below will be displayed. Select the “Menu” tab. 2.
  • Page 113: Chapter 9 Simple Interface Mode

    Chapter 9 Simple Interface Mode Invoked by Tools->Simple Interface...]. This is used to simplify the look and feel of FDT once a project is configured. See Chapter 5 Access Rights for details about using this in conjunction with user names and passwords.
  • Page 114: Options Menu

    Options Menu 9.1.1 Login... This allows changing of which user is logged in to FDT. The hotkey Ctrl+Shift+U also invokes the Login dialog. 9.1.2 Batch Erase Mode... This will change the dialog to be erase based, rather than programming based. The ‘Program Flash’ button will change to ‘Erase’, the file\image selection buttons will be disabled and the programming options will also be disabled.
  • Page 115: Dialog Controls

    Dialog Controls 9.2.1 Back to Project This returns to the full FDT view. This will be disabled if the user currently logged in to FDT does not have the ‘FDT:Project Edit’ access. [see Chapter 5 for details] 9.2.2 Exit Clicking this will exit FDT and FDT will start up in the Simple Interface Mode next time it is loaded. This will be disabled if the user currently logged in to FDT does not have the ‘SimpleInterface:Exit’...
  • Page 117: Chapter 10 Basic Simple Interface Mode

    Chapter 10 Basic Simple Interface Mode Invoked from the start menu “Flash Development Toolkit3.07 Basic”. This is used to simplify the look and feel of FDT and does not need a Workspace and Project. See Chapter 5 Access Rights for details about using this in conjunction with user names and passwords.
  • Page 118: Options Menu

    10.1 Options Menu 10.1.1 Login... This allows changing of which user is logged in to FDT. The hotkey Ctrl+Shift+U also invokes the Login dialog. 10.1.2 Batch Erase Mode... This will change the dialog to be erase based, rather than programming based. The ‘Program Flash’ button will change to ‘Erase’, the file\image selection buttons will be disabled and the programming options will also be disabled.
  • Page 119: Dialog Controls

    10.2 Dialog Controls 10.2.1 Exit Clicking this will exit FDT and FDT will start up in the Simple Interface Mode next time it is loaded. This will be disabled if the user currently logged in to FDT does not have the ‘SimpleInterface:Exit’ access. [see Chapter 5 for details] 10.2.2 Download File radio button...
  • Page 121: Chapter 11 Field Programming

    Chapter 11 Field Programming This is a feature designed to assist FDT users to send their FDT projects to other FDT users. Once a project is configured correctly and the project images are built, FDT can package all required files (Kernel and data files) into a single .fpf file.
  • Page 122: Options Menu

    11.1 Options Menu 11.1.1 Login... This allows changing of which user is logged in to FDT. The hotkey Ctrl+Shift+U also invokes the Login dialog. 11.1.2 Batch Erase Mode... This will change the dialog to be erase based, rather than programming based. The ‘Program Flash’ button will change to ‘Erase’, the file\image selection buttons will be disabled and the programming options will also be disabled.
  • Page 123: Dialog Controls

    11.2 Dialog Controls 11.2.1 Back to Project This returns to the full FDT Workspace view. This will be disabled if the user currently logged in to FDT does not have the ‘FDT:Project Edit’ access. [see Chapter 5 for details] 11.2.2 Exit Clicking this will exit FDT and FDT will start up in the Simple Interface Mode next time it is loaded.
  • Page 125: Chapter 12 E8 Update

    When connecting to an E8 interface adaptor board, FDT will check that the E8 firmware (adaptor software) is the correct version and correct type for supporting the connection to the selected device. If there is a mismatch then FDT will offer to update the E8 firmware in order that the connection can be continued. Also if the E8 Adaptor checksum is incorrect, an update will be required.
  • Page 126 Level 1 only update: E8 target power has been set to ON at 5.0V Connecting to device 'R5F21174' on 'E8' Configuration: 'BOOT Mode' connection - using emulated interface Opening port 'E8' ... Checking for E8 update... Adaptor checksum OK Processing Data file :'c:\FDT\ADPFiles\E8-Rel-Img.mot' Adaptor version number OK (current E8 Bootstub (Level 0) version =, FDT holds version, FDT requires version 2.00.XX.XXX)
  • Page 127: Chapter 13 E8Direct

    WARNING: E8Direct is intended for use with Renesas Starter Kits. Use of E8Direct with other boards is not supported and is untested - damage may occur to the E8 and/or the target board if incorrect settings are used. It...
  • Page 128 Preparing for re-enumeration of E8 to E8Direct... Sending re-enumeration command... Request sent successfully, closing E8 Comms... At this point the E8 will re-identify itself to Windows as an E8Direct device. NOTE – it will remain as an E8Direct device until next unplugged or the machine is powered down. Figure 13-2 E8Direct enumeration...
  • Page 129: Hardware Differences

    13.2 Hardware Differences The FDM had no capability of supplying the target power whereas the E8Direct can supply 3.3V or 5V and the FDM-E8Direct pin usage is different. This means that it is not possible to simply swap an FDM for an E8.
  • Page 130 The FDM used a H8S/2148AF with an 18.432MHz crystal, but the E8 uses an H8S/2215UF with a 16MHz crystal. The numbering system above applies to the 14-pin FDM and E8. This numbering system does not apply to the 20-pin FDM connector.
  • Page 131: Chapter 14 Qzrom Programming

    Chapter 14 QzROM Programming QzROM is a new type of programmable flash memory, found in some 4 and 8 bit MCUs. It is based most closely around the Protocol D style device but has several important differences: • One time programming - each byte of QzROM can only be written once. •...
  • Page 132: Security Protection

    14.2 Security Protection QzROM also introduces the concept of Security Protection into FDT, which is optionally set as FDT disconnects (Note – once set, this cannot be undone). The majority of devices have two levels of protection, Full (which prevents any later reconnection to the device) or None (which allows reconnection normally).
  • Page 133: Toolbar

    14.2.1 Toolbar In full FDT mode and with a QzROM based project the QzROM toolbar will be enabled. This shows the currently chosen option, which can be changed by simply clicking on an adjoining icon. Note – clicking on the icons will not immediately protect the device. This is still merely the current disconnect setting.
  • Page 134: Simple Interface \ Basic Mode

    Figure 14-8 Security Protect dialog change 14.2.3 Simple Interface \ Basic Mode Should the user be in a mode where only the Simple Interface dialog is accessible, this setting can instead be changed via a menu option. Figure 14-9 Security Protect Simple Interface The check mark shows the currently selected option.
  • Page 135: Chapter 15 Locking

    Chapter 15 Locking 15.1 Locking Overview Locking of erase blocks against writing or erasing is a feature supported by some of the M16C family devices. FDT offers control over these locking settings at connection, disconnection and during normal operations. The options are available from a toolbar button and a menu entry: Figure 15-1 ToolbarButton Figure 15-2...
  • Page 136: Connection

    15.2 Connection If FDT is connecting to a device that supports the locking feature it will check the current locked state of each erase block that has a corresponding lock bit (as defined in the project configuration file). Then, depending on the current connection setting (selectable from the Locking Dialog - see section 15.3), FDT will do one of three things: 1.
  • Page 137: Locking Dialog

    15.3 Locking Dialog The Locking Dialog, accessible from either the toolbar or the 'Device->Block Locking...' menu, controls how FDT behaves with those devices that support protected erase blocks. The dialog, with example device is shown below: Figure 15-4 Block Lock Configuration Dialog 1.
  • Page 138 Lock State at Connection The 'Lock State at Connection' column shows the lock state of each erase block as FDT made the initial connection. There are two symbols to show this state: - the erase block was found to be locked at the initial connection - the erase block was found to be unlocked at the initial connection The erase block may have no symbol at all and be greyed.
  • Page 139: Disconnection

    15.4 Disconnection Depending on the current disconnection setting (selectable from the Locking Dialog - see section 15.3), FDT will do one of three things when a user chooses 'Disconnect' from the toolbar or menu: 1. Automatically Set As part of the disconnection process FDT will automatically lock and unlock those blocks specified in the locking dialog.
  • Page 140 Selecting to set the locks will cause FDT to lock and unlock the blocks as appropriate and also set the master lock enable - as in (1) above. Selecting to do nothing will cause FDT to ignore any locking settings and skip straight to the disconnection process - as in (3) below.
  • Page 141: Chapter 16 Upgrading To Fdt3.07

    Chapter 16 Upgrading to FDT3.07 Installing FDT3.07 should not adversely affect your other FDT version installations. The USB drivers may be upgraded by installing FDT3.07, and the Access Rights usernames and passwords will be common, but these are the only shared components. Each version of FDT installs its own set of kernels and keeps its own settings.
  • Page 143 Publication Date: Rev.8.00, October 31, 2006 Published by: Sales Strategic Planning Div. Renesas Technology Corp. Edited by: Customer Support Department Global Strategic Communication Div. Renesas Solutions Corp. © 2006. Renesas Technology Corp., All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. ® ® 4.0, Windows 2000 and...
  • Page 144 Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan RENESAS SALES OFFICES Refer to "" for the latest and detailed information. Renesas Technology America, Inc. 450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501 Renesas Technology Europe Limited Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K.
  • Page 146 Renesas FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07 ® ® (for Windows 98SE/Me, Windows NT 4.0, ® ® Windows 2000 and Windows User's Manual 2-6-2, Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan...

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