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5.3 Key features

• Fast frame rate
The FLIR X6570sc series has an adjustable frame rate. Windowing allows a subset of
the total image to be selectively read out with a user-adjustable window size. The
sub-sample windows can be arbitrarily chosen and are easily defined.
• 14-bit image data
The FLIR X6570sc camera streams out 14-bit thermal images.
• Outstanding measurement accuracy
The high accuracy of ±1°C or ±1% produces sensitive thermal images. The FLIR
X6570sc camera detects temperature differences smaller than 25 mK (20 mK typical).
• CNUC calibration
CNUC is a proprietary calibration process that provides beautiful imagery and meas-
urement stability. CNUC allows for flexible integration time adjustments without the
need to perform non-uniformity corrections. CNUC calibration also produces accurate
measurement stability regardless of exposure of the camera to ambient temperature
• Hypercal
Hypercal ensures the best measurement range with the highest sensitivity. Simply set
the desired lower and upper temperature limits, and the camera will automatically ad-
just to the appropriate integration (exposure) time.
• Auto-exposure
The camera automatically adjusts its temperature range to best fit the thermal scene.
• Presets
Up to eight presets and their associated parameters, e.g., integration time, frame rate,
window size, and window location, are available for instant selection with a single
command. These presets can be used in Dynamic Range Extension (DRX) mode (al-
so called "superframing"), which allows the acquisition of thermal data from up to four
user-defined temperature ranges simultaneously, then merges those streams into a
single real-time data stream that spans all four temperature ranges, effectively extend-
ing dynamic range from 14 bit to 16 bit.
• Multiple triggering modes and synchronizing interfaces
The FLIR X6570sc camera provides different interfaces to support maximum flexibility
for synchronizing the camera to external events, as well as synchronizing external
events to the camera:
◦ Sync In (TTL).
◦ Sync Out.
◦ Trigger In.
• Multiple video outputs
The FLIR X6570sc camera features multiple independent and simultaneous video:
◦ Digital 14-bit video—Camera Link Base.
◦ Digital 14-bit video—GigE.
◦ Digital video—DVI format 1080p30 digital output.
• The FLIR X6570sc camera has an advanced high-performance optical design. The
lenses feature a professional M80 mount.
• Motorized filter wheel
The FLIR X6570sc camera has a four-slot motorized filter wheel with automatic filter
recognition and measurement parameter adjustment. The removable filter holders
contain an integrated temperature probe for improved measurement accuracy.
• Removable touch screen LCD
The detachable touch screen LCD provides you with on-site thermal image feedback.
The LCD screen also provides camera information, adjustment controls, and Re-
searchIR Max acquisition control. The LCD touch screen can be removed from the
#T810204; r. AA/43079/43091; en-US


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