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8 Drives

The storage medium is selected according to the customer requirements. The following options are
available for storage:
mSATA Flash:
A flash with a storage capacity of at least 1GB is used.
The required capacity depends on the desired operating system and the additional programs to be
Hard disk / SSD:
A 2.5" hard disk with at least 80 GB (SATA) capacity is used.
The device can alternatively be equipped with an SSD. Its capacity depends on the desired operating
system and the additional programs to be installed.
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External drives:
The device includes no drive for removable media (CD/floppy).
Instead, the system provides USB interfaces, to which external drives can be connected. In this case
you'd have to ensure that the used device is suitable for industrial environments.
Risk of data loss
Connecting or disconnecting external drives while in operation is only admissible if the
ejection functions of the operating system are used as intended, since it cannot be
excluded that the drive might be in use while connecting or disconnecting it. Data loss
might result in the event of non-compliance!
© ads-tec GmbH • Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 • 72622 Nürtingen


Table of Contents

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