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MARTINDALE PSI4000 Instruction Manual page 3

Sequence indicator


3. After the power-up sequence, only the ON LED will stay
illuminated, all others will extinguish.
4. Prove the function of the L1, L2, L3 sensor clips by attaching
each in turn to a known live insulated conductor energised at
75V AC or greater, and confirm that the L1, L2, L3 LED's
illuminate. The tips of the Δ marks at the side of the clip jaws
should align with the centre of the conductor used for testing
(see figure 1).
Do not use the unit if the L1 or L2 or L3 LED's do not illuminate
when performing step 4 above.
3.7 Testing a 3 Phase Distribution System
1. The three sensor clips are marked L1, L2, L3. These relate to
the L1, L2, L3 LED's on the instrument facia.
2. To determine phase presence and phase sequence, attach the
three sensor clips of the PSI4000 / PSI4300 to the three
separate unshielded phase cables of the 3 phase electrical
distribution system to be tested, whilst referring to figure 1 and
observing the testing considerations of section 3.6.
3. Refer to table 2 of section 3.8 to determine onto which cable to
attach L1, L2 and L3 (see Note 2).
4. The presence of live phases and the phase sequence are
indicated by the LED's and the buzzer sounding as soon as
detection is complete. Refer to table 1 to determine the status of
each phase cable from the LED indications (see Note 3).
Figure 1
under test
Note 3: This instrument only confirms the presence of live phases
and the phase sequence in the location being tested for example a
phase marked as "L1" elsewhere in the fixed installation may not
be same phase as one marked as "L1" in the location being tested.
That must be verified by separate tests to confirm absence of
phase offset.
3.8 Wiring Colour Coding
In April 2004 the colour coding of UK wiring was harmonised with
the IEC wiring colour code. Table 2 shows the old UK colour code
and the new IEC colour code.
Table 2
Old UK
Δ marks
Sensor clip
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Note 1: If one or more phase live LED's do not illuminate, this
does not necessarily mean the phase or phases suspected of
being open or missing are actually dead. The phase to earth
voltage of the suspected phase could be <75V, or two or all three
sensor clips could be sensing the same phase, thereby giving
incorrect test indications.
Note 2: The colours of the cables under test cannot be relied upon
to confirm the expected phases.
Table 1
PSI4000 Indication
L1, L2 or L3 LED's illuminated.
L1, L2 or L3 LED's OFF.
L1 or L2 or L3 LED's flashing.
L1, L2 and L3 LED's illuminated.
The buzzer sounds intermittently.
Green rotation LED's
flash in a clockwise
L1, L2 and L3 LED's illuminated.
The buzzer sounds continuously.
Red rotation LED's
flash in an
anticlockwise direction.
4.1 Battery Replacement
To avoid shock or injury, disconnect the PSI4000 / PSI4300
sensor clips from any external circuits before proceeding.
The battery compartment is underneath the unit and can be
accessed by undoing the screw securing the battery cover, and
lifting it off.
Observing correct polarity, fit 4 new 1.5V LR6/AA alkaline
batteries. Replace the battery cover and screw.
Note: Do not mix old and new batteries.
4.2 Cleaning
The unit may be cleaned using a soft dry cloth. Do not use
moisture, abrasives, solvents, or detergents, which can be
4.3 Repair & Service
There are no user serviceable parts in this unit other than those
that may be described in section 4. Return to Martindale Electric if
faulty. Our service department will quote promptly to repair any
fault that occurs outside the guarantee period.
Before the unit is returned, please ensure that you have checked
the unit and batteries.
PSI4300 Indication
Wiring Condition
Respective phase
or phases live.
(see Note 1)
Respective phase
or phases missing.
(see Note 1)
Respective phase
is an earth phase
(Delta connection).
All phases live.
Phase sequence
Green rotation LED's
L1, L2, L3.
flash in an
anticlockwise direction.
All phases live.
Phase sequence
Red rotation LED's
L1, L3, L2.
flash in a clockwise



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