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Baxi Ambiflo User Operating Instructions Manual page 8

Air to water heat pump system 7kw to 10.5kw inclusive


Fig. 4 User Access to System Parameters
Outside temperature
Installation water return temperature
Installation water outlet temperature
Result water temperature setpoint, zone 1
Result water temperature setpoint, zone 2
Water temperature, zone 1
Water temperature, zone 2
Ambient temperature, zone 1
Ambient temperature, zone 2 (floor)
Generator output status
Generator mode output status (h/c)(1=h)
Outlet status, support heater elec - 1
Outlet status, support heater elec - 2
Outlet status, support heater elec - 3
Outlet status - water pump zone 1
Outlet status - water pump zone 2
Outlet status - water control zone 1
Outlet status - valve control zone 2 (floor)
Table 1 - Parameter Settings Accessible to User
The units
Generator fault
Temporary generator condition.
In heating mode, the generator fault causes the
installation to switch to Frost Protection mode. It is
possible to restart in heating mode by pressing and
holding OK. The
Attention, in this case, heating is provided only by
the supplementary electric heating.
Heater fault
Installation water return probe
Output water probe fault
Water probe fault, zone 1 (in
the case of 2 zones only)
Water probe fault, zone 2 (in
the case of 2 zones only)
High water temperature fault *
Table 2 - Alarm Codes
* Manual reset by stopping the device (OFF). Contact your Service & Maintenance engineer.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2009
'1' = User Access
'2' = Installer Access Only
The units
symbol is displayed.
1. Do not use this setting. For overnight periods use the Set
Back function and for holiday periods use the Holiday function
as described below. For a complete shut down the isolator
adjacent to the unit should be used.
1. Set back is used to maintain an overnight temperature and
will have been set by your commissioning engineer.
1. This is set to avoid freezing and will maintain a temperature
of 12°C when set in this mode.
1. This function is not available.
1. Certain system parameters may be viewed by the user if
necessary. From any of the available Aquaset Controller dial
positions (Fig 1), press the '+' and '-' simultaneously for
approximately 5 seconds until 'PArA' is shown in the display.
2. To the left of the word 'PArA' there is a small arrow head
and a list of numbers from 1 to 7 (Fig 4). Select the number '1'
to access the user values using the '+' and '-' buttons.
3. Press 'OK' to access the first user parameter and 'P01' will be
displayed. Pressing 'OK' again will display the current value of
the selected parameter (e.g. 14°C). Press 'OK' again to return
to the parameter number 'P01'.
4. Use the '+' or '-' buttons to access the other parameters and
view the settings using the 'OK' button as described above.
5. See Table 1 for the user values. Please note that the values
shown in this table are dependent on the type of system
Ext. air probe fault
installed, so not all the values given will be accessible.
6. To exit the parameter menu, press and hold the 'OK' button
Ambient probe fault Z1
for 5 seconds.
Ambient probe fault Z2 (in
the case of 2 zones only)
Communication or system
Communication fault with
1. Table 2 shows a list of alarm codes which may be displayed
zone 1 board
by your Heat Pump if a fault condition occurs. If an alarm code
Communication fault with
is shown please contact your Service & Maintenance engineer.
zone 2 board
Circulating pumps stopped
Water output fault
N N O O T T E E : : U U n n d d e e r r c c e e r r t t a a i i n n c c o o n n d d i i t t i i o o n n s s , , t t h h e e d d i i s s p p l l a a y y m m a a y y s s h h o o w w e e i i t t h h e e r r
due to no demand.
' ' G G r r ' ' o o r r ' ' P P P P E E ' ' f f l l a a s s h h i i n n g g . . T T h h e e s s e e a a r r e e t t e e m m p p o o r r a a r r y y o o p p e e r r a a t t i i n n g g c c o o n n d d i i t t i i o o n n s s
(Temporary condition).
a a n n d d d d o o n n o o t t i i n n d d i i c c a a t t e e a a f f a a u u l l t t . .
A A f f l l a a s s h h i i n n g g d d i i s s p p l l a a y y w w i i t t h h o o u u t t a a n n a a l l a a r r m m c c o o d d e e i i n n d d i i c c a a t t e e s s t t h h a a t t t t h h e e
w w a a t t e e r r r r e e t t u u r r n n t t e e m m p p e e r r a a t t u u r r e e i i s s b b e e l l o o w w t t h h e e m m i i n n i i m m u u m m s s a a f f e e v v a a l l u u e e . .
C C o o n n t t a a c c t t H H e e a a t t e e a a m m i i f f t t h h e e p p r r o o b b l l e e m m p p e e r r s s i i s s t t s s . .
3.0 Operating the Appliance
Off Setting
Set Back Function
Holiday Function
Cool Function
System Parameters

