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Combustion Chamber - Wayne EAGLE ONE EG-1 User Manual

Oil burner


The burner is U,L. listed for use with Group I or Group II primary safety controls. State and local approvals
are shown on burner rating label. AII burners should be installed in accordance with the National Fire Pro-
tection Association, and in complete accordance with all local codes and authorities having jurisdiction.
Regulations of these authorities take precedence over the general instructions provided in this manual.
HEATING PLANT - Before installing this burner in a conversion installation, try to provide adequate
space to service the burner properly when installing for easy maintenance. The heating system should be
narofirllrr irenoniorl for defects and cleanliness, if proper performance
is to be obtained, An oil bUrner is
only a means of supplying heat for the firebox and from there the heating system must absorb and circulate
the heat. The flue passages and heat absorbingt surfaces must be clean to assure maximum heat transfer to
the furnace or boiler. Soot and fly ash act as insulators, retarding the transfer of heat. All doors, openings,
and cracks should be cemented air-tight to eliminate air infiltration into the heating plant, causing heat
Iosses, Inspect smoke pipe and chimney for elimination of leaks and obstructions. Be sure of adequate
chimney size and height, Install a mechanical draft adjuster, if need be, same size as smoke pipe (see column
under "Draft Regulators").
If this burner is equipped with a relight type control it shall not be used on appliances having brick,
ceramic, or castable refractory liner for combustion chamber. Hazard may occur on flame failure because
the flame detector may see the hot refractory liner and not respond to flame outage, permitting prolonged
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fnr an A ttornnt
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The purpose of a combustion chamber is to maintarn a high flame temperature, by reflecting the heat back
rnto the flame. A hiqh temperature assures greater combustion efficrency and lower stack losses. An insulat-
inq refractory or a Fiber Fax type chamber can be used with this burner. It is rmportant to select and install, if
no.6qqiy\r tho anrrggt srze chamber on a conversion job (see chart). On the flamelock conversion burners
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the atomized oil burns just cff the flalnelock. On ail oil burners the atomized oii must not touch the sides or
bottom of chamber, or smoke lvrll result To eliminate the smoke, excess arr will be required, resulting in
higrh stack temperature and lower combustion effrciency. Install burner so the face of air cone of burner is set
% " behind the inside froirt wall of the charnber (see dragranr). Caution on rnstalling Flamelock burners in
stainless steel chambers shoujd be taken, because of the higher temperature levels produced by high per-
formance flame retention burners, The terrrpelature may exceed the temperature ratings of the stainless
steel chamber, ancl can result rn chamber burn outs. When you are replacing a standard burner with a flame
retention burner, take the follor,vrngr
precautiotrs' (l) Use pliable combustion chamber to line the inside of
chamber, (2) Ad;ust bur;rer (Se e 'Final AdjLrstrrcnts Column)
Conversion Burners are provrcied wrth a srrigle statie 3450 RPM fuel rrnrts ,vith the by-pass plug removed
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ru r Drirvrs 1- ,1-c,r r r tdllai i{t t t s.
f l ; s i s sa t ish ci or' ,' ' r' he re th e f, -r t :l su u n ly i s o n t h e s a m e l e ve l, o r a b o ve b ur ne r ,
'^^-*:+ + ;- - - -^":r"'lovr oJ" or l . N: '. c r exce ecj 3 F S T p re -. sure t n th c sr r c r i o n s r c. e o f f u e i u n it . A p r e ss ur e ove r B
fJ s rl rr rr .rl i r9
9r dvrry
PSI may cause damage tc the shait seal ancl allo'ur ri to leai.: oil. When rt js necessary to lrft the oil to the
burner, a return Ine shcLrld bc bet'ruecn fusl unri :ncl orl suprply. (lf Ifl e>lceeds j0 feet. a two stage fuel
unit nrust be used wirh : retLrin -irre.) lVli:n a t'i.f iine;s used, rire b;' pass nrust be rnstalled. This is sup-
n l i o d
rl n rr r r rr :r th tho bU rnel- att ;;hed
tO igel U :trt, alC n,,l ".l i l h an r ni l r r ,r al r 3n
pl r r np da ta S hee t i n a p l a St i C b a g .
When oil hnes are installed, cc,nlinrrous iuns of hea','r, viaii copper tubri:g is recommended Be sure that ail
connections are absoiutely alr-trght Check all connections and Jornts, Flared fittings are recommended, Do
not use compression frttings See pump data sheet ior sizing, lift and length for tubing recommendations. Use
an oil filter of adequate srze for all rnstallations. Instali instde the building bet,,veen the tank shutoff vaive and
the burner. For ease of servrcing, locate the shutoff valve and filter near the burner.
Local codes and regulations must be adhered to regarding tank and burner installation.
AII wiring must compiy with the National Electric Code and local ordinances. Refer to dragram supplied
with burner or controls, making sure the burner and controls are wired correctly and that the Iine switch is
properly fused to burner.
Do not install in rooms with lnsufficient air to suppoft combustion. Occasionaily it is necessary to install win-
dows or cut holes in a door to these rooms, to obtarn sufficient air and to prevent less than atmospheric air
pressure in the room. If there is a lack of combustion air rn the room, the burner flame will be yellow and for-
mation of soot will occur in the heatir-rg unit. In buildings of conventional frame, brick or stone construction
without utility rooms, basement ivindows, or stairs doors, infiltration is normally adequate to provide air for
combustion and for operation of the barometric draft control. For installation in an enclosed utility room
EG-1 - 21755-00l Rev. 04/06-20-88 PAGE 2
The burner is U.L. listed for use with Group I or Group II primary safety controls. State and local approvals
are shown on burner rating label. All burners should be installed in accordance with the National Fire Pro-
tection Association, and in complete accordance with all local codes and authorities having jurisdiction.
Regulations of these authorities take precedence over the general instructions provided in this manual.
Before installing this burner in a conversion installation, try to provide adequate
space to service the burner properly when installing for easy maintenance. The heating system should be
carefully inspected for defects and cleanliness, if proper performance is to be obtained. An oil burner is
only a means of supplying heat for the firebox and from there the heating system must absorb and circulate
the heat. The flue passages and heat absorbing surfaces must be clean to assure maximum heat transfer to
the furnace or boiler. Soot and fly ash act as insulators, retarding the transfer of heat. All doors, openings,
and cracks should be cemented air-tight to eliminate air infiltration into the heating plant, causing heat
losses. Inspect smoke pipe and chimney for elimination of leaks and obstructions. Be sure of adequate
chimney size and height. Install a mechanical draft adjuster, ifneed be, same size as smoke pipe (see column
under "Draft Regulators").
this burner is equipped with a relight type control it shall not be used on appliances having brick,
ceramic, or castable refractory liner for combustion chamber. Hazard may occur on flame failure because
the flame detector may see the hot refractory liner and not respond to flame outage, permitting prolonged
delivery of 011 before ignition
returned for an attempt to relight the burner.
The purpose of a combustion chamber is to maintain a high flame temperature, by reflecting the heat back
into the flame. A high temperature assures greater combustion efficiency and lower stack losses. An insulat-
ing refractory or a Fiber Fax type chamber can be used with this burner. It is important to select and install, if
necessary, the correct size chamber on a conversion Job (see chart). On the flamelock conversion burners
the atomized oil burns just eff the flarnelock On all
burners the atomized oil must not touch the sides or
bottom of chamber, or smoke will result To eliminate the smoke, excess air will be required, resulting in
high stack temperature and lovver combustion efficiency. InstaJl burner so the face of air cone of burner is set
behind the inside front wall of the chamber (see diagram). Caution on installing Flamelock burners in •
stainless steel chambers should be taken, because of the higher temperature levels produced by high per-
formance flame retention burners. The temperature may exceed the temperature ratings of the stainless
steel chamber, and can result in chamber burn outs. When you are replacing a standard burner with a flame
retention burner, take the following precautions
Use pliable combustion chamber to line the inside of
Adjust burner
"Final Adjustments" Column)
Conversion Burners are provided
a sir.qle
3450 RPM fuel units with the by-pass plug removed
for single pipe installatil):1s
is s2tlcofaclory ',vhere the flk:l SUl-.)ply is on the same level, or above burner,
permitting gravity flovv
0 1
Ne':n exceed 3 F81 preS"lHe to the suctIon
of fuel unit. A pressure over 8
PSI may cause damage to the shaft sea] and allow
leak OIl \Nhen It is necessary to lift the oil to the
burner, a return lIne should bE-
bet\rveen fLl!:?1
and oil supply
11ft exceeds
feet, a two stage fuel
unit must be used vvith a return lll!e) When a t,:"o line is w,ed, the by-pass plug must be inst3.11ed. This is sup-
plied along wlth the burner atii?tched to fuel
along 'Nith an mkJrrl1al10n plimp data sheet in a plastic bag.
When oil lines are installed, cominllous runs of hea\iY wi'iil copfjer tubing IS recommended Be sure that all
connections are absolutely air-t1gh!. Check uJl connections and Joints. Flared fittings are recommended. Do
not use compression fittings See pump data sheet for sizing, lIft and length for tubing recommendations. Use
an oil filter of adequate size for all installations. Installlflside the building behveen the tank shutoff valve and
the burner. For ease of servicing, locate the shutoff valve and filter near the burner.
Local codes and regulations must be adhered to regarding tank and burner installation.
All wiring must comply with the National Electric Code and local ordinances. Refer to diagram supplied
with burner or controls, making sure the burner and controls are wired correctly and that the line switch is
properly fused to burner.
Do not install in rooms with insufficient air to support combustion. Occasionally it is necessary to install win- •
dows or cut holes in a door to these rooms, to obtain sufficient air and to prevent less than atmospheric air
pressure in the room.
there is a lack of combustion air in the room, the burner flame will be yellow and for-
mation of soot will occur in the heating unit. In buildings of conventional frame, brick or stone construction
without utility rooms, basement windows, or stairs doors, infiltration is normally adequate to provide air for
combustion and for operation of the barometric draft control. For installation in an enclosed utility room
EG·' ·21755·001 Rev. 04/06·20·88

