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Carf-Models SuperXtra 330L Instruction Manual page 39


Composite-ARF SuperXtra 330L (3.1m span)
Setting Up Your Aircraft
C of G range: 110 - 130mm
Centre of Gravity:
from Leading Edge at Wing Tip.
For the 1st flights, set the Centre of Gravity
between 110 - 125mm (4.4" - 5.0") back from
the leading edge at the Wing Tip position.
Hold it with a helper at both wing tips in this
position and make sure the plane balances
horizontally. This is the 'pattern' CG position.
Don't forget to balance the plane laterally,
holding the spinner central bolt and a fingertip
under the rudder, and if needed add a small
weight to the light wing tip to make it track cor-
Engine Thrustline:
3 - 3.5° depending on propeller
Already given in the instructions, down thrust should initial-
ly be set at 0° degrees and right thrust 3 - 3.5° degrees,
depending on the prop used. We recommend a 32 x10 or
32 x 12 carbon prop for any 150cc engine. It is a very quiet
and powerful solution. They are normally CNC-designed,
so the prop is balanced perfectly statically, dynamically and
aerodynamically, which keeps the vibration down to a min-
Control Throws:
All measurements are measured at the root/trailing edge
high rate: 150mm (max.)
low rate: 60mm
All controls should be set with a dual rate
switch. On high rate the elevator should really
be at maximum, up to 50 degrees both sides
(approx. 150mm), but in this case with 50%
exponential. Low rate should be no more than
60mm (2 1/2") both sides. This is the perfect
throw for nice and crisp snaps. If you like you
low rate: 60mm
can add about 25% exponential to the low rate
high rate: 150mm (max.)
setting as well.
Set the high rate to maximum throw (about 240mm) both sides, and at low rate reduced to about
150mm. The Extra needs quite a lot of rudder for nice stall turns, so you should at least add 25%
exponential for smooth tracking corrections. At the same time you should remember that the
Extra rudder is VERY sensitive, and the plane starts shaking at high speed if the rudder linkage

