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Manual number:
Precision balances:
WLX series
WTX series
RADWAG, 26 – 600 Radom, Bracka 28 Street - POLAND
phone +48 48 38 48 800, phone/fax. +48 48 385 00 10
Sales Department +48 48 366 80 06


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for RADWAG WLX series

  • Page 1 M A N U F A C T U R E R O F E L E C T R O N I C W E I G H I N G E Q U I P M E N T RADWAG, 26 – 600 Radom, Bracka 28 Street - POLAND phone +48 48 38 48 800, phone/fax. +48 48 385 00 10 Sales Department +48 48 366 80 06
  • Page 2 MARCH 2008 - 2 -...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    2. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES ..................5 3. WARRANTY CONDITIONS ....................6 4. UN ACKING OF THE BALANCE ..................6 4.1. WTX series ........................6 4.2. WLX series ........................7 5. GETTING STARTED......................7 5.1. Conditions of appropriate use..................7 5.2. Time of warming up ......................8 5.3. Balance levelling......................8 6.
  • Page 4 18.2. Checkw eighing ......................33 18.3. illing ...........................35 18.4. Percents ........................36 18.5. Weighing animals ......................38 18.6. Density of solids and liquids ..................39 18.6.1. Density of liquids....................40 18.6.2. Density of solids....................40 18.7. Formulation ........................40 1 .8. Statistics ........................45 19. TYPES OF PRINTOUTS ....................47 19.1.
  • Page 5: Intended Use

    1. INTENDED USE The balances are used to do precise measurements in laboratories. It is possible to do the zero function in all measure range. The balance weights in following units: Measure units Apart from weighing in various measure units the balance also: •...
  • Page 6: Warranty Conditions

    3. WARRANTY CONDITIONS A. RADWAG is obliged to repair or change those elements that appears to be faulty because of production and construction reason, B. Defining defects of unclear origin and outlining methods of elimination can be settled only in participation of a user and the manufacturer representatives, C.
  • Page 7: Wlx Series

    4.2. WLX series Unpack and put the scale on a flat even stable surface far away from sources of heat and then: • Remove transport protections • Install the weighing pan according to the drawing below: 5. GETTING STARTED 5.1. Conditions of appropriate use •...
  • Page 8: Time Of Warming Up

    5.2. Time of warming up To do the measurements correctly level the scale. Take the pan off carefully (without rapid pulls and hits) and turn the legs in order to level the balance, air bubble should be place in the centre of level condition indicator.
  • Page 9: Keyboard

    6.2. Keyboard Each key is dual-function key. Particular function can be done through. User also can move in the balance menu. Zeroing Function key Selects the work mode Changes measure units Sends information to external instrument (PRINT) or confirms parameter value or function (ENTER). Tarring 6.3.
  • Page 10: User Menu

    Sockets of the WLX Sockets of the WLX 1 – Add display connector 1 – Power supply 2 – PS/2 port 2 – RS 232 port 7. USER MENU 7.1. Overview of parameters User’s menu comprises 9 groups of parameters signed by P. Below you can see listed groups and parameters.
  • Page 11 07 Aut. tare P5 RS - 232 01 Baud rate 9600 02 Parity none 8 bit s 03 Data bits 1 bit 04 Stop bits none 05 Handshake none 06 Auto print 07 Interval * 0.1 s 08 Min. mass 10 d enabled 09 Print on stab...
  • Page 12: Menu - Graphic Version

    08 SQC enabled 09 Statistics enabled P9 Globals 01 ID setting function * * * * * * * * 02 ID autoprint 03 Beep enabled 04 Language function * * * * * * * * 05 Backlight function 06 Contrast * * * * * * * * 07 Screenserver...
  • Page 13: Navigating Within The Menu

    Number of main menu Choice of function marker Name of function Name of currently performed activity Number of submenu Name of submenu Attribute of submenu Value referring to attribute Press the key. Selected menu appears on the display. Select what will be changed in this submenu (activate).
  • Page 14: By Means Of Pc Keyboard

    Confirmation of introduced values Cancellation of changes, menu exit 7.3.2. By means of PC keyboard Every operation that can be made from the level of the balance keyboard Has its equivalent on the PC keyboard level: Move to the balance menu Selects work mode Selects measure unit PRINT...
  • Page 15: Return To Weighing

    7.4. Return to weighing Introduced changes in settings will be saved after return to weighing mode with procedure of saving changes. After introducing all changes in parameters settings press several times ESC key. When display indicates message, choose one of two options: ENTER –...
  • Page 16: Tarring

    8.1. Tarring For determining net mass place on the pan package of load and when indication is stable press key. Tarring – display view TARE signature (NET is being displayed) stable result signature Tarring can be performed repeatedly in the whole balance weighing range. Using tare function pay attention not to exceed the maximum weighing range.
  • Page 17: Automatic Tare

    • Press T key • You will see the tare value with “– “ sign on the display • Tare value can be inscribed any time during weighing Notice Use “point” for decimal fractions. 8.3. Automatic tare This function is useful for quick determining net mass of weighed goods when tare values are different for each weighings.
  • Page 18: Zeroing

    8.4. Zeroing For zeroing display indication press key. Indication will return to zero and display will indicate a graphic signature in left lower corner Zeroing of indication is possible only in range of 2% of maximum capacity currently displayed balance/platform. If zeroed value is bigger than 2% of maximum capacity display will indicate error message and return to displaying previous value –...
  • Page 19: Setting Of Printouts Contents For Glp Procedures

    Internal setting of calibration Main menu number Cursor Group of parameters Status bar Parameter number Parameter name Parameter value Parameter description Notice: In verified scales calibration can be accessed from the user’s menu. Calibration should be performed with no load on the pan. 10.
  • Page 20: Time And Date Setting

    Main view of GLP parameters: GLP submenu 11. TIME AND DATE SETTING Balances have a real time clock, which can be modified. Enter menu group <P3 Date/Time> according to the below scheme: Date/Time submenu 01 Date format Has doublestate choice according to below dependance: date format Month/Day/Year date format...
  • Page 21 02 Time format Has doublestate choice according to below dependance: time format 12 hours time format 24 hours After choice of appropriate value confirm with ENTER key. Format 12 hours is diffrentiated by placing letters PM or AM on printouts. 03 Time With F key enter parameter <03 Time>...
  • Page 22 Confirm set value (last changed digit will stop pulsing) Above activities repeat for next values. After setting new values of time press ENTER key. Balance will return to submenu <P3 Date/Time> and hour displayed on upper bargraph will change. 04 Date With F key enter parameter 04 Date setting..
  • Page 23: Setting The Parameters

    12. SETTING THE PARAMETERS User by means of appropriate setting of parameters from menu group <P4 Readout> can adjust the balance to existing operating conditions (filter) and one’s expectations (refreshing, autozero, last digit displaying). Submenu Readout – internal settings 12.1. Filter For perfect conditions filter can be set as very fast, however if conditions are bad (vibrations, draughts) filter should be set as slow or as very slow.
  • Page 24: Autozero

    12.4. Autozero If the function is active following results in declared periods of time are compared e.g. each 1s. If these results differs at less value than declared range AUTOZERA e.g. 1 interval the balance sets to zero automatically appears on the display. If the AUTOZERO function is active each measurement starts at precise zero every time.
  • Page 25: Functions Connected With Rs 232 Use

    13. FUNCTIONS CONNECTED WITH RS 232 USE User can set parameters needed for correct communication of balance with computer or printer. Submenu RS 232 – setting Transmission parameters: 01 Speed of transmission: 0 : 2400; 1 : 4800; 2 : 9600; 3 : 19200 02 Parity: 0 : no;...
  • Page 26: Printouts

    14. PRINTOUTS This function is used to configure standard and non-standard printouts. (see chapter 19). 15. SETTING ACCESSIBILITY OF WEIGHT UNITS In this group of parameters user declares measure units which are accessible for operators directly after pressing the key All units which value of the parameters is set up at 1: yes are accessible from the level of toggling between units.
  • Page 27: Setting Accessibility Of Work Modes

    16. SETTING ACCESSIBILITY OF WORK MODES In P8 parameters group users can declare work modes that are accessible directly under the Mode key during operation. Work modes - setting Every operation mode can be enabled/disabled separately. 17. OTHER PARAMETERS User can set parameters have influence on work with balance in group of the parameters P9 Others e.g.
  • Page 28 03 Beep Beep signal for pressing keys 04 Language Selection of languages According to software versions (last letter in software version „e” or „w”) following languages are accessible: (e) language versions (w) language versions Polish Polish English English Czech Italian German German Dutch...
  • Page 29: Using Work Modes

    10 Par. printout If the function is active the balance parameters in user menu are printed. User gives numbers of the parameters which should be printed. Submenu others - printing settings 11. Par. receive If the functions are activated all parameters of the balance are received through RS 232.
  • Page 30: Counting Pieces After Writing Piece Mass

    18.1.1. Counting pieces after writing piece mass Start function of counting pieces: Counting pieces – main menu Set standard mass and press the ENTER or select 07 Start and press the F. Functions to count details are activated. Counting pieces – display view Singular piece mass [g] All pieces mass on the pan Mark for counting pieces...
  • Page 31: Counting Through Determine Singular Element Mass From The Standard Batch

    18.1.2. Counting through determine singular element mass from the standard batch Start the procedure of counting pieces in accordance with p. 18.1.1, it does not matter which mass in the field 01. Select 07 Start and press the key F. In the counting pieces function press the key Units.
  • Page 32 Display shows quantity of pieces which are on the pan (10 pieces). If less than currently counted quantity is added mass of a single piece is corrected. In this case APW = 5.2282 to 5.1837. From this moment following pieces are counted in relation to single mass. This way mass of singular piece can be determined on base of batch standard.
  • Page 33: Select An Item From The Database

    18.1.3. Select an item from the database Active function of counting pieces as it is shown on below scheme. Browsing of the database of items Select piece form date base. Start counting pieces. 18.2. Checkweighing The sample is weighed precisely when the limits of weighing are settled. The process is shown (side graphs) and controlled.
  • Page 34 The function activation: Checkweighing – the function activation Display view Checkweighing – display view Result Bargraph Function name Difference between mass of weighed load and middle of tolerance field (HI/LO) Value of low (lo) and (hi) high limit Graphs which presents weighing range Remember to set the parameter 02 Higher threshold firstly.
  • Page 35: Illing

    If settled values of the parameters are incorrect the balance shows command about error and returns to setting parameters without changes. 18.3. Filling During dosage (pouring) load mass is filled up till the settled mass is reached. Before the procedure set the standard mass which is upper stage of the dosage.
  • Page 36: Percents

    18.4. Percents This function compares load mass to standard mass which value should be given. The result of this operation is displayed in percentages. Following functions: dosage, weighing, statistics can cooperate with deviation function. Activation of the function: Percents – activation of the function Display view: Percents –...
  • Page 37 Cooperation of the deviations with other functions During activation of the function set option YES for parameters M4 03, 04, 05. Select field START and start work. • After setting function Dosage YES give up and down stage as % values •...
  • Page 38: Weighing Animals

    • Enter work mode • Select the parameter <05 Statistics> • Pressing the F key and enter the parameter <05 Statistics> • Select the parameter <02 Results> • Enter function of showing statistics results • After pressing the ENTER statistics result can be printed •...
  • Page 39: Density Of Solids And Liquids

    External setting: FILTR Decides how fast final stable result is received, the faster filter the shorter time of measurement THRESHOLG Value in actual scale intervals is value the result must be below The result of weighing must be smaller than value of actual scale intervals in order to do following automatic measurement AUTO START...
  • Page 40: Density Of Liquids

    18.6.1. Density of liquids Basic component during measure solids of liquids is glass float. It has precise determined capacity which is stamped on the float hook. Write password to balance memory before the measurements. During the measurement of liquid density mass of glass float in the air is compared to its mass in the liquid.
  • Page 41 4. quantity of ingredients that are weighed in the mixture „IC” 5. components mass already weighed „SUM” The function activation: Recipes – internal setting 01 Hints After set the parameter at YES the balance displays names and singular components mass recorded in the parameter 04 Recipe on the graphic display 02 Auto print After set the parameter at YES the balance...
  • Page 42 06 Statistics Switch on (YES) or switch off (NO) statistic calculations 07 Run Run work modes Recipes Notice: Calculation statistics refers only to total mass of prepared mixtures. Display – main view: Formulation – functions Mass which is currently on the pan Stable measurement designator Function name Settled mass of the weighed ingredient...
  • Page 43 Procedure of preparing mixtures – according to recorded components and their mass in the balance memory Write names and components mass in the parameter <04 Recipe>. Remember about the dependences: • there cannot be more than 10 signs • confirm each name by the ENTER key and write mass which will be in the mixture Declared recipes •...
  • Page 44 • The balance program creates mixture in order of recorded ingredients in the parameter <04 Recipes> and starts from the ingredient 1 and finishes at settled ingredient in the parameter <03 Quantity> of ingredients • If the documentation is printed set the parameter 02 Automatic printout at 1 : YES.
  • Page 45: Statistics

    Statistics counting Statistics counting relates only to making mixtures (particular ingredient mass is not included in the counting). If user performs statistic counting in this work mode: 1. Enter the parameter <06 Statistics> 2. Cancel previous results of statistic counting 3.
  • Page 46 User decides what statistic data are presented on the graphic display during measurements by setting their activity in the submenu of work mode (values which are set for YES are active). Regardless to setting (YES/ NO), during final result (the key UNITS) the printout contains full statistics: - quantity of weights - all ingredients total mass 161.121 g...
  • Page 47: Types Of Printouts

    19. TYPES OF PRINTOUTS 19.1. Standard printout The are 2 types of printouts. First is a standard printout. It comprises a result of weighing and all variables which have attribute YES in GLP submenu. In User and Project fields names should be written. Declaration of variables to printout –...
  • Page 48: Non-Standard Printout

    19.2. Non-standard printout Procedure of creating non-standard printouts: • user can create 4 printouts, • give the number of the text which starts the printout e.g. Printout 1 Start – 1 and text number which finishes the printout e.g. Printout 1 Stop –...
  • Page 49 Non-standard printouts – internal setting • Printouts memory This function shows the level of memory filling, enables printing and cancelling printouts kept in the balance memory Memory printouts – display view • Printout destination According to setting the printout can be sent to: RS 232 port (immediate printout) The balance memory (registration) RS 232 port and the balance memory...
  • Page 50: Inscribing Texts

    19.2.1. Inscribing texts Variables in all modes and with the same values: Printout of „%” single character Current net mass in basic unit Current date Current time The balance number The program number Pause The Project number The user number Current function name –...
  • Page 51 Statistic variables in all modes apart from basic weighing: The measurement number Average value Min value Max value Difference between max and min value Standard deviation Variation factor Variable in all modes which value depends on the mode %V - Mass in current unit. Value connected to work mode e.g. counting pieces for mode Counting pieces or deviation from standard mass in % for mode Deviation Special characters used to create special printouts...
  • Page 52 20 Text 11 21 Text 12 22 Text 13 23 Text 14 24 Text 15 Example 2: Zaklad Mechaniki Precyzyjnej „RADWAG” Date: Time: Load mass: *****Signature:..***<present work mode>*** Należy wejść w ustawianie kolejnych tekstów i wpisywać po osiem znaków w każdym z nich aż...
  • Page 53: Select Non-Standard Printouts

    Method of entering texts • from the balance desk Move up through digits, letters and sings by 1 Move down through digits, letters and sings by 1 Determine sign to change and move right (if the key is pressed flashing sign is moved in right direction. If no sign is written this keys makes space in the text) Determine sign to change and move lef (after this key is pressed flashing sign is cancelled)
  • Page 54: Additional Id's

    20. ADDITIONAL ID’S 6 additional digital codes can be inscribed (6 digits each). They can be used while creating non-standard printouts (see 19.2.1.). Additional codes – inscribing - 54 -...
  • Page 55: Cooperation With Printer Or Computer

    21. COOPERATION WITH PRINTER OR COMPUTER To send indication on the display with measure units to the computer or printer press the key <PRINT>. The speed of transmission 9600 bit/s is settled automatically. If external instrument has different baud rate change the baud rate in the balance menu.
  • Page 56: Transmission Potocol

    22. TRANSMISSION POTOCOL 22.1. Some basic information • The communication protocol has been designed for exchanging information between RADWAG scales and external devices via RS-232C. • The communication protocol has been designed in the form of request response messages. • Scales always respond after receiving a command or automatically after completing a command.
  • Page 57: Ypes Of Transmission

    22.3. Types of transmission Scales with MCB X.XX program use two different ways of transmission: • Continuous transmission or automatic printout (RS 232 and RS 485) • of request-response messages (request messages via RS 232 and response messages via RS 232 or RS 485) 22.4.
  • Page 58: Continuous Transmission „With Pauses

    Or using the parameter: settings/ RS-232/Aut. printout/continuous Frame format: 7-15 space stability space sign mass space unit Stability character [space] if stable [?] if not stable [^] if an indication over the range [v] if an indication below the range Sign [space] for positive values [-] for negative values...
  • Page 59: Survey Of Automatic Printouts

    383 kg 38[3] kg 3[83] kg It can be set in : Settings/Factory/digit marking Frame format: 4-12 space sign space mass space unit Sign [space] for positive values [-] for negative values Mass 9 characters justified to the right Unit 3 characters justified to the left This type of printouts can be enabled in parameters: Settings/RS-232/Aut.
  • Page 60: Command And Response Syntax

    [space] if stable Stability character [?] if not stable [^] if an indication over the range [v] if an indication below the range Sign [space] for positive values [-] for negative values Mass 9 characters justified to the right Unit 3 characters justified to the left Command 3 characters justified to the left...
  • Page 61: List Of Commands Computer - Balance

    Overall format: ID _ STATUS CR LF - example of a command without a parameter ID _ STATUS _ PARAMETER CR LF - example of a command with a parameter ES CR LF - error detected or not listed command where: ID –...
  • Page 62 Function SEND RESULT IN ACTUAL INTERVAL IMMEDIATELY Command SUI CR LF Function ZERO THE BALANCE Command Z CR LF (set the balance to zero after it reaches stability) Function ZERO IMMEDIATELY Command ZI CR LF Function TARE WHEN STABLE Command T CR LF Function TARE THE BALANCE IMMEDIATELY...
  • Page 63 Function SEND LAST ERROR CODE Command ER CR LF (last order of the error is sent) Function DISPLAY STRING Command DS CR LF (signs are show on the display) Function CANCELL STRING Command CS CR LF (cancels string and restores previous state of the display) Function DISPLAY HEADLINE Command...
  • Page 64: Under-Floor Weighing

    23. UNDER-FLOOR WEIGHING For scales with 165 x 165mm platforms can weigh underslinged loads (hanged under the balance floor). In case of using this function: • remove the hole plug made of plastic (placed in the balance floor), • a suspension can be seen in the hole. It is standard equipment, •...
  • Page 65: Technical Parameters

    400×500 mm Temperature +15°C to +30° C Power 230V AC 50Hz / 11V AC Display Graphic with backlight Notice: WLX series of scales are offered as non-revified. 24.2. WTX series Type: 0,6/1,5/A2 1,5/3/A2 3/6/A2 Max. capacity 0,6/1,5 kg 1,5/3 kg...
  • Page 66: Error Messages

    25. ERROR MESSAGES Error Message Description Checksum error Errors during date transmission A/D Error Converter error Exceed range Exceed max measure range of the balance Exceed range Exceed max measure range of the balance A/D Null No divisions from the converter A/D Full Exceed max value converter intervals Tara/Zero...
  • Page 67 MANUFACTURER O F E L E C T O N I C W E I G H I N G E Q U I P M E N T ZMP ,,RADWAG” 26 – 600 Radom, Bracka 28 Street POLAND Tel. +48 48 38 48 800, tel./fax. + 48 48 385 00 10 Selling departament + 48 48 366 80 06

This manual is also suitable for:

Wtx series

Table of Contents