s5000 / s6000
For example, to set the part's level, simply press PART LEVEL (F10):
The parameter highlights and is immediately available for editing. You will also note that the whole
of the part field is highlighted to show clearly which part you are editing.
Other parameters are selected and edited in exactly the same way. The parameters are:
NOTE 1: On the S5000, unless the optional output expander is installed, the range is 1/2 ~ 7/
8 in pairs and then 1, 2, 3,...~8 individual outputs. You may install the optional output expander
to have 16 outputs.
NOTE 2: Outputs 13-16 are also used as the effects sends. Therefore, any sounds routed to
the effects will appear at these outputs. If you wish to utilise all 16 outputs, you should not use
the internal effects
outputs 13-16. This is a hardware restriction that cannot be overcome in software.
Ideally, you should also turn the effects off in UTILITIES > FX IN/OUT > FX OUTPUT.
Version 1.21
Sets the level of the selected part.
Allows you to route the selected part to any pair of outputs or individual
output. The range is 1/2~15/16 in pairs and then 1, 2, 3...~16 as individual
mono outputs.
It is possible to route a stereo program to a single, individual output.
This will route both sides of the stereo image to the selected output in
Please note, however, that in this case, the PAN/BALANCE control is
still a BALANCE parameter even though the signal is effectively mono.
Setting it to L50 means you will only hear the left channel through the
single output. Likewise, setting it to R50 means you will only hear the
right channel. Setting it to MID will allow you to hear both channels equally
though summed in mono though the selected single output.
. Similarly, if you are using the internal effects, you should avoid using
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