Last Numbers Dialled; Last Unanswered Calls; Phone-Book Menu - Globalstar Telit SAT-550 User Manual

Sat phone
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Last numbers dialled

The telephone stores the last twenty dial-
led telephone numbers. To recall the last
number press
or use
scroll through the others in the list.
Note: when the SIM card is removed the
telephone numbers are stored in it. There-
fore, in this case, the quantity of the last
stored numbers is SIM card dependent.

Last unanswered calls

The telephone stores the last twenty inco-
ming calls (only if the telephone number is
sent), ordering them by date and time.
The caller's name is also displayed
(provided that it has been previously sto-
red into the phone-book). These numbers
can be displayed by pressing
message Call appears or by scrolling
through the numbers with the keys

. To see these numbers later, to-
gether with the list of answered calls and
with the last twenty outgoing calls, use
Menu 2.

when the

Phone-book menu

and then
access to this menu.
This menu enables you to delete a memo-
ry location following a request for confir-
mation and facilitates storage in the pho-
ne book.
To store a number, confirm the request
Record, enter the first name,
confirm, then enter the number and con-
firm; lastly enter the required memory loca-
tion and confirm.
Following the above, check on display if
the fixed dialling numbers are enabled or
disabled together with the SIM card infor-
mation: phase, type of active ADN/FDN
memories, number used/available and the
max. number of characters for name and
number entries.
All standard functions are also available in
this menu.

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