Jumper Description - Advantech ARK-1503 User Manual

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Jumper Description

Cards can be configured by setting jumpers. A jumper is a metal bridge used to close
an electric circuit. It consists of two metal pins and a small metal clip (often protected
by a plastic cover) that slides over the pins to connect them. To close a jumper, you
connect the pins with the clip. To open a jumper, you remove the clip. Sometimes a
jumper will have three pins, labeled 1, 2 and 3. In this case you would connect either
pins 1 and 2, or 2 and 3.
The jumper settings are schematically depicted in this manual as follows.
A pair of needle-nose pliers may be helpful when working with jumpers. If you have
any doubts about the best hardware configuration for your application, contact your
local distributor or sales representative before you make any changes.
Generally, you simply need a standard cable to make most connections.
Warning! To avoid damaging the computer, always turn off the power supply
before setting jumpers. Clear CMOS. Before turning on the power sup-
ply, set the jumper back to 3.0 V Battery On.
ARK-1503 User Manual


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