Infinite FINA250 User Manual page 61

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1. Moisturizing of print head
If the printer is left unused for 2 day and above, do as below to keep the print head wet£ º
a) Dip the unwoven fabric with flush solution.
b) Cover the unwoven fabric on the surface of print head.
c) Wrap the print head unit with fresh-keeping polyethylene film.
d) Cover the wet-keeping frame the print head.
2. Unload print head:
Do as follows when you are going to unload print head£ º
a) Pump out ink from print head and clean it with flush solution.
b) Power off the printer and plug out power line from socket.
c) Check static on the machine with a multimeter and release the static if necessary.
d) Loosen the Up, Left and Right screws, and take out the right screw.
e) Take out the print head and put it on an unwoven fabric soaked with flush solution.
3. Assemble print head:
a) Power off the printer and plug out power line from socket.
b) Check static on the machine with a multimeter and release the static if necessary.
c) Please refer to chapter 3 to get print head assembling information in details.
d) Connect the data cable to print head connect board one by one.
e) Check the connection of data cables to eliminate wrong connection.
If the data cable is connected wrong, the print pattern will dislocate.
12.3 Maintenance for ink supply system
The ink supply system is very important. Maintenance for ink supply system is also very important. The
ink supply system includes main ink tank system and assistant ink tank system with filters to separate the ink
from the open air. So cleanness of environment is primary condition to place the printer.
1. Main ink tank system
Main ink tank system consists of main ink tanks, filters, liquid pumps and waste ink tanks. Maintenance
includes£ º
a) Clean the main ink tanks, especially air filters, monthly£ »
b) Clean or replace filters of ink and flush solution per half year£ »
c) Clean around the main ink tank system weekly£ »
2. Assistant ink tank system
Assistant ink tank system consists of assistant ink tanks, safety tanks. Ink drops get together on the
floaters in assistant ink tanks and dry to shape small balls on the top of sensors, which will impact the
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