Line Gain; Ext T/R Dely; Fm Tx Ctcss; Rx Equalizer - Ten-Tec OMNI-VII User Manual

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transmitting. Set to MIC, the OMNI-VII uses
into audio fed into the front panel
microphone jack for transmitting. Set to
LINE, audio input is only accepted via the
rear panel ACC 1 jack line level input. Set
to BOTH, the OMNI-VII will accept either line
level audio input via ACC 1 or via the mic
Note: If AUDIO SOURCE is set to BOTH
and a microphone is connected, when PTT
is activated, audio will be coupled through
the microphone channel even if the PTT is
activated via the rear panel (in digital
modes, for example)!


Available settings: 0-100%
This control is the gain setting for a line level
input fed to the transceiver via the AUDIO IN
connection on pin 1 of the ACC 1 jack.
AUDIO SOURCE in the menu must be set to
LINE or BOTH before this input will function.


Available settings: 0 to 100%
EXT T/R DELY (delay) provides "hang time"
for a non-QSK linear amplifier that has been
connected to the AMP KEY jack on the rear
of the OMNI-VII. This will prevent the
amplifier from dropping out between words
of a CW or SSB transmission. See the
description of (35) AMP KEY in Section 3
A setting of 100% is an approximate delay of
1 second. A setting of 0% is approximately
15 mS.


Available settings: OFF, or any of the 40
standard CTCSS access tones.
CTCSS (Continuous Tone Controlled
Squelch System) transmits a sub audible
tone in the range of 67 to 254 Hz encoded
with voice audio. FM repeaters on the 28
and 50 MHz bands frequently will employ
the use of a CTCSS tone for access. To
select a tone, turn the MULTI knob. The
tone frequencies, in HZ, will be displayed.
FM TX CTCSS is active in FM mode only. If
a value is selected and the radio is in any
other mode, this line item is ignored by the
588 manual
Part #74409
Printed in USA
transceiver and the tone will not be
transmitted. There is no CTCSS
"tone squelch" decode function on receive;
CTCSS is encode (transmit) only.


Available settings: -20 to 20 dB
OMNI-VII provides independently adjustable
audio equalization for the receiver and
transmitter. They enable tailoring audio
frequency response for greater effectiveness
and to accommodate your preferences.
The RX EQUALIZER establishes a specific
audio profile for receiver audio. The RX
EQUALIZER is selectable in 1-dB steps
from high pitched at –20 to essentially flat
response at to 0 dB to very bassy at +20 dB.


Available settings: -20 to 20 dB
OMNI-VII provides independently adjustable
audio equalization for the receiver and
transmitter. They enable tailoring audio
frequency response for greater effectiveness
and to accommodate your preferences.
The TX EQUALIZER establishes a specific
audio profile for your transmitted audio from
either the MIC or line input sources (see
description of AUDIO SOURCE and LINE
GAIN in the menu). The TX EQUALIZER is
selectable in 1-dB steps from high pitched at
–20 to essentially flat response at to 0 dB to
very bassy at +20 dB.


Available settings: ON, OFF.
RECALL SUB is related to the memory
storage system in the transceiver that uses
the V>M and M>V buttons. See also (10)
V>M and (11) M>V in Section 2.
When set to ON, a memory recalled using
the M>V button will not only recall the VFO
A frequency, mode, and DSP BW filter, it will
also recall VFO B frequency, if the split
frequency was turned on (using the SPL
button), and the FM CTCSS tone in use.
This function is primarily for saving 6 and 10
meter FM repeater splits and tones into the
Set to OFF, the memory system will recall
VFO A frequency, DSP BW, and mode only.
Second release – August 2007


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