Step; Ant; Swp - Ten-Tec OMNI-VII User Manual

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(13) STEP

The tuning step size is adjustable in seven
different steps, 1, 10, 100 Hz and 1, 5, 10,
and 100 kHz.
At the top of the screen below the row of 7
buttons the available step sizes will appear:
1, 10, 100, 1k, 5k, 10k, 100k. Use the top
row of buttons above the main screen to
select the desired step size.
If the STEP button is pushed and you do not
want to change step size, wait 5 seconds.
The step indicators at the top of the screen
will disappear and the OMNI-VII will return to
usual operation.
You can quickly jump back and forth
between the next highest step size by
pressing and holding the STEP button down
for two seconds. "x10" will appear on the
screen just below the step size. Example:
with 10 Hz step size selected, press and
hold the STEP button. "x10" appears on the
screen, and the radio now tunes in 100 Hz
steps (the next available step size) . To
revert to 10 Hz steps, press and hold the
STEP button again and "x10" will disappear.
When the rig is powered off, the "x10"
setting will not be retained.

(14) ANT

OMNI-VII is equipped with three SO-239
antenna connectors on the rear panel. Two
are for transceiver operation (labeled ANT 1
and ANT 2), the third (labeled AUX RX) is
for connection of a receive-only antenna.
Pressing ANT toggles between ANT 1 and
ANT 2. To access the receiver-only
antenna, press and hold the ANT button for
2 seconds. The legend RXAUX will appear
on the screen below and to the right of the
button. When selected, transceiver
operation is receiving via the AUX RX
antenna and transmitting via ANT 1 or ANT
2 depending on which is selected.
When AUX RX is in use on receive,
switching back and forth between ANT 1
and ANT 2 for transmit requires the AUX RX
antenna be turned off, then the transmit
588 manual
Part #74409
Printed in USA
antenna selected, then the AUX RX antenna
Antenna selections, including the use of the
AUX RX antenna, are retained and recalled
when changing bands.
The optional internal automatic antenna
tuner, if installed, is operable on either of the
ANT 1 and ANT 2 connectors.

(15) SWP

This button enables the momentary SWEEP
feature included on OMNI-VII.
Press the SWP button. The transceiver will
momentarily sweep a given range of
frequencies determined by the value set on
the SWEEP RANGE line item in the menu.
See SWEEP RANGE in Section 4 of the
The center frequency of the sweep is
whatever frequency the transceiver is set to
on VFO A when the SWP button is pushed.
A red cursor will appear on the center of the
display. Turn the main tuning knob to tune
to signals seen on the scope.
A series of green vertical lines will be
present with an indication of the frequency
range between them. Example: When
SWEEP RANGE is set to 150 kHz, each
division is + or – 15 kHz, for a total of 75
kHz of swept spectrum on each side of the
starting frequency. If the starting frequency
is 28.500 MHz with a sweep range of 150
kHz, each of the first green markers will be
at 28.485 MHz and 28.515 MHz. The total
sweep from end to end is 28.425 MHz to
28.575 MHz, a total of 150 kHz.
The divisions will also be noted by -15k and
+15k above each of the first green vertical
lines in this example.
The horizontal red line across the middle of
the sweep display indicates a signal of
approximately S9 signal strength.
Press SWP again to clear the sweep
Second release – August 2007


Table of Contents

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