Table Of Contents; The Genesis Platinum: A Remarkable Machine - Genesis Platinum Alkaline Water Ionizer User Manual

Genesis platinum alkaline water ionizer
Table of Contents


Thank You,
Congratulations on your Water for Life USA
Genesis Platinum Water Ionizer
Dear Customer,
We sincerely appreciate your purchase of the Water for Life USA water Ionizer. This machine is
considered a "medical substance producer" because of the many health benefits it provides. We
wish you many years of improved health and enjoyment while using your Genesis Platinum.
Before operating the ionizer, it is important that you read this user manual carefully. It contains
directions for proper installation and operation of your ionizer. The benefits you receive from the
water will be enhanced by proper use and maintenance of the machine. Because it is a medical
substance producer, please make sure that you are drinking water at a pH level that is
appropriate for you. If you have serious existing health conditions, we recommend that you consult
with your doctor before use.
We assume no responsibility for accidents that occur due to improper use of the Genesis Platinum,
so be sure to read this user's manual.
All employees of Water for Life USA are knowledgeable about the machine and care about your
experience. We respect your opinion and your needs and will always strive to assist you with
excellent customer service. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us through our
website,, or call our main office (1-877-255-3713). We hope that this is
the beginning of a long and satisfying relationship and you'll feel confident in referring our
company and product to your family and friends.
Thank you,
The entire staff at Water for Life USA
Your Genesis Platinum Water Ionizer has the ability to turn ordinary tap water into water with the
ability to effectively counter the three most probable causes of sickness, chronic disease and
premature aging; (1) high acidity levels in the body, technically called acidosis, (2) damaging run
away free radical activity and (3) body dehydration.
High body acidity is caused primarily by the foods we eat and the beverages we drink. Ideally our diet
should be 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. In reality the American diet is just the opposite. Highly acidic
foods include animal protein, grain products, dairy products, most beans, fats and oils and even some
fruits and vegetables.
Alkaline Water Ionizer
GENESIS Platinum

The Genesis Platinum: A Remarkable Machine

High acidity beverages include alcohol, soft drinks, most sports and energy drinks, reverse osmosis water
(most bottled water is R/O water), and coffee. As you can see, it is very difficult to consistently eat an
alkaline diet.
When body pH is lowered (towards acidic) ALL major bodily functions are negatively affected. High acid
intake results in the creation of excess acidic waste. To protect kidneys and liver, our chief detoxification
organs from acidic overload, the body stores excess acidic waste in fat cells. In a continually acidic internal
environment, these fat cells continue to accumulate resulting in gradual and consistent weight gain. The
blood must remain at a very precise alkaline pH of 7.365. Should blood pH drop to pH 7.0, we will go into
a coma and die. To buffer blood pH, the body steals minerals from bones, a direct cause of osteoporosis.
High acidity levels in the body also hinder the body's ability to circulate blood, raising blood pressure.
Alkaline ionized water at pH levels between 8.5 and 9.5 is VERY effective at neutralizing body acidity,
helping to return the body to an alkaline state. It is a significant fact that disease will easily germinate and
flourish in an acidic environment whereas it literally CANNOT SURVIVE in an alkaline environment.
Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron and are therefore chemically unstable. To become
stable, a compelling chemical urge, a free radical must find an electron - somewhere. Free radicals can and
will attack and steal electrons from healthy cells damaging them, killing them or alternating their DNA.
Free radical damage has been directly linked to cancer. A substance that contains easily accessible or free
electrons that can be used as an alternate source of electrons by free radicals is called an antioxidant.
Alkaline ionized water contains huge numbers of OH negative ions, molecules that have an extra electron,
making alkaline ionized water a VERY POWERFUL antioxidant. As a side benefit, the interaction between
OH negative ions and free radicals produces Oxygen providing the body with LOTS of NATURAL energy!
Alkaline ionized water is restructured making it up to six times more hydrating than ordinary water. Smaller
water clusters more effectively penetrate cells resulting in much more efficient delivery of nutrients and
oxygen to cells and removal of waste material and toxins from cells.
Alkaline ionized water actually enables the body to heal itself and to keep itself healthy and free of sickness
and disease, what it was designed to do. Alkaline ionized water is very similar in nature to the famous
miracle water of Lourdes France, considered by many to be the fountain of youth.

Table of Contents:

Genesis Platinum Thank You ............................................................................................ page 2
The Genesis: A Remarkable Machine ............................................................................ page 2-3
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................... page 3-8
Features .......................................................................................................................... page 9-10
Product Description .......................................................................................................... page
Touch Button Instructions ................................................................................................. page
Unpacking your Genesis Platinum ....................................................................................... page
GENESIS Platinum
Alkaline Water Ionizer


Table of Contents

Table of Contents