Genesis Platinum Alkaline Water Ionizer User Manual page 18

Genesis platinum alkaline water ionizer
Table of Contents


Water Problems and Solutions
Water Problems and Solutions Continued
drops. You should see a purple result, like the color of the screen, indicating an 11 pH. Getting
this purple result tells you that your Genesis is accurately ionizing the water and no further
treatment of your water is necessary.
Dark blue is also acceptable, indicating a 9.0 to 9.5 pH. Any other color requires pretreatment
of your water.
Note: The optimal drinking water you should consume is indicated by a dark blue result with
the pH drops.
Also, if you live in the southern parts of the US, there is an abundance of alkaline minerals in
the water, like calcium. So, it is very difficult to achieve a strong acidic pH with a water
ionizer alone. To get a stronger acid, you will need to pre-treat your water with a reverse
osmosis filter and a remineralizing pre-filter set for your Genesis Platinum. The reverse
osmosis filter removes most of the scale from the water, while the remineralizing pre-filter adds
soluble minerals necessary for ionization. The following is a chart to give some general
recommendations. Please call your dealer for more specific information.
Source Water Problems and Solutions Chart:
Please study the chart to right to determine if you need pre-filters or other types
of water treatment to help your Genesis Platinum to produce optimal water.
Note: All pre-filters are available on the Water for Life USA website or your
local dealer.
To test your water for hardness and other contaminants, we recommend
For more information on hard water, please read:
Also please read:
Alkaline Water Ionizer
GENESIS Platinum
Water Problems and Solutions Chart
Source Water
Acceptable hardness
(Approximately 7-12
"Very Hard" water
(Approximately 12-16
"Very, Very Hard" water
(16 grains and higher)
"Soft" water (below 7
Soft Water (from salt –
based water softener)
R/O Water
High Fluoride Water
Chloramine in Water/Heavy
Metals in Water
Water contains acceptable
mineral content. Genesis
No water pre-treatment is
will produce nearly accurate
pH and ORP water.
Water contains excessive
Install an Omnipure
mineral content that will
descaler to reduce hardness.
shorten Genesis filter life..
Install RO filter to purify
water. Install
Water contains excessive
remineralization filter set
mineral content that will
into your Genesis. Or install
shorten Genesis filter life
the "Hard Water Buster."
Water lacks enough mineral
Install remineralization
content for Genesis to
filters to precondition
produce accurate pH and
Genesis source water.
ORP water.
Install remineralization pre-
Water lacks enough mineral
filter to precondition
content for Genesis to
Genesis source water.
produce accurate pH and
ORP water.
Install remineralization pre-
filter set to add minerals to
Water is void of minerals
water for ionization.
necessary to ionize water.
Water has high levels of
Install fluoride prefilter.
fluoride, usually in cities.
Water has heavy metals,
Install heavy metal (KDF
like arsenic, or chloramine
85) prefilter.
in water.
Alkaline Water Ionizer
GENESIS Platinum


Table of Contents

Table of Contents