Figure 30. Resistance Budget Span Powering Two Repeaters - ADTRAN 3192 HDSL4 Installation And Maintenance Practice

Remote, span powered transceiver
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HDSL4 Deployment Guidelines
Once the resistance of each segment is confirmed, refer to
powering two H4Rs and one H4TU-R. Alternatively, the DSL Assistant program will automatically calculate this
and report any violations.
To utilize the graph shown in
a. Find the line on the graph that represents the known third segment resistance. These are the lines running
diagonally across the graph labeled 300 - 1100 ohms. This line represents the upper limit for two H4Rs plus
H4TU-R span powering.
b. Find the first segment resistance on the vertical axis.
c. Find the second segment resistance on the horizontal axis.
d. Find the instance where the two points from
The point found in
step d
the instance where these two points is above this line, the H4TU-C cannot span power two H4Rs and the H4TU-R.
Note that these measurements represent only one of the two HDSL4 pairs.
30, perform the following steps:
must be below the upper limit line defined by the third segment measurement in

Figure 30. Resistance Budget Span Powering Two Repeaters

3192 H4TU-R, Span Powered Installation and Maintenance Practice
Figure 30
to decide if the H4TU-C is capable of span
step b
step c
meet on the graph.
a. If


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