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Maintenance - Champion IM70 User Manual

Indirect cooler module


Water Connection
• Install overfl ow assembly. Place drain nipple through the hole in the bottom pan, with the rubber
washer between the pan and the head of the drain nipple (Fig. 5). Screw on nut and draw up tight
against bottom of pan. Insert the overfl ow pipe in the nipple to retain water. The overfl ow pipe may
be removed to drain the pan when necessary. A garden hose may be screwed onto the drain nipple to
drain water away from your unit.
• Connect water supply line. Find the closest supply of water. Run 1/4" tubing from the unit to the
water supply. You may use a saddle valve (Fig. 6) to connect 1/4" tubing to the cold water supply
or a Sillcock and water valve connected to an outside faucet (Fig. 7).
Place the nut and ferrule on the tubing and tighten the nut until water
tight. Insert the tubing into the fl oat hole of the corner post. Remove the
perforated grill if installed to have access to the fl oat. Attach the tubing to
the fl oat using a nut and ferrule. Tighten until water tight. IMPORTANT:
Do not connect the water supply to any soft water applications. Soft
water will cause corrosion and decrease the life of the unit.
• Fill pan. Allow water to fi ll to approximately 3" in the bottom pan and
adjust the fl oat to maintain this water level. This can be accomplished by bending the fl oat rod.
WARNING : Before doing any maintenance be sure power is off. This is for your safety.
Spring Start-Up
• Clean heat exchanger. Clean the inlet face of the heat exchanger with a garden hose. Remove any obstruction and lightly
clean any scale buildup. To clean the top of the heat exchanger, remove the top pan. Remove the media brackets holding the
fi lters in place and remove the fi lters. Cover up the blower housings so no water comes into contact with the motors. Clean
with a hose, removing any obstruction and scale buildup.
• Clean or change fi lters. There is a 3 piece fi lter set located under the heat exchanger. Remove the inspection panel to ac-
cess these fi lters. Remove the fi lters and clean out the openings with a garden hose. Clean off the face any scale or other
obstruction to the passages. Slight scraping may be required to remove hardened scale. There are also mist eliminating
fi lters above the water distribution system. Remove the top pan to gain access to these mist eliminating fi lters. The media
brackets will need to be removed before removing the mist eliminating fi lters. If cleaning the mist eliminating fi lters while in the
unit, make sure to cover the fan blower housings so that water does not come in contact with the motors. The fi lters should
be replaced after 5 years or when necessary.
• Clean pump. Periodic cleaning of the pump will prolong the life and effi ciency
of the pump. For your safety, make certain the unit is disconnected from the
power source before servicing pump. Remove the pump from the pump mount.
Refer to fi gure 8 for disassembling the pump. DO NOT open the sealed portion
of the unit or remove housing screws. Remove the intake screen. Remove
the volute mounting screws. Lightly clean any corrosion or debris which may
clog the impeller. Use a brush and penetrating oil and lightly scrape to remove
encrusted material. Turn the impeller by hand to make sure it turns freely.
After cleaning, reinstall in reverse order. Do not forget to replace the water
delivery tube onto the pump outlet.
• Clean bottom pan of any debris.
Winter Shut-Down
• Drain water. Always drain all of the water out of the unit and water supply line when not in use for prolonged periods, and
particularly at the end of the season. Keep the water line disconnected from both the unit and water supply so that it does not
• Unplug pump. When cooler is not used for extended periods unplug the pump from inside cooler.
• Cover unit. To protect the life of the fi nish, a cover for the unit is suggested in extended periods of non use.


1/4" Tubing
Fig. 6
Intake Screen
Overfl ow Pipe
Rubber Washer
Bottom Pan
Fig. 5
Fig. 7
Fig 8

