NEC Storage Performance Monitor/Optimizer User Manual page 133

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Appendix A Commands of Performance Monitoring/Optimization Function
iSMprfarc selects the statistic information files corresponding to the specified period from the files in
the specified directory, and summarizes statistic information in the specified unit of summarizing. If
statistic information files for multiple disk arrays exist in the directory, it performs summarizing
process for each disk array.
In the argument of the -p option, specify the directory where files are input/output. With Windows,
to specify a directory name with spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
If the -hour option is specified, primary summarizing is performed for the statistic information history
files in the specified directory. Summarizing process is done for each target period of summarizing
for each day for each disk array.
If the -day option is specified, secondary summarizing is performed for the primary summarized files
in the specified directory. Summarizing process is done for each month for each disk array. Periods
less than one month are summarized in one file as long as they are consecutive.
If the -day option is specified but no primary summarized files in the period exist but statistic
information history files do, direct secondary summarizing is performed. The conditions of
summarizing files are the same as the secondary summarizing above. If statistic information history
files and primary summarized files of the same day coexist, the primary summarized files are used as
input and secondary summarizing is performed.
In the arguments of the -hour and -day options, specify the target period of summarizing.
To specify a target period of summarizing, you can either specify the date in the Year/Month/Day
format or specify the period before the relative point in time with respect to the current time.
Date Specification yyyymmdd[.YYYYMMDD]
Connect the 8-digit value indicating year, month, and day by periods. The target period of
summarizing is from yyyymmdd to YYYYMMDD. If an 8-digit value is specified, the target period
of summarizing is before yyyymmdd including today.
Example: The target period of primary summarizing is from April 1, 2002 to April 30, 2002.
-hour 20020401.20020430
Example: The target period of secondary summarizing or direct secondary summarizing is before
-day 20020430
Relative Specification num<SUFFIX>
The target period of summarizing is before the relative point in time with respect to the current time.
"num" is a value greater than or equal to 0.
For SUFFIX, specify either year (y), month (m), or day (d). SUFFIX cannot be omitted.
Example: The target period of primary summarizing is 30 days before the present date and earlier.
April 30, 2002.
(If the present date is April 15, 2002, the target period of summarizing is before March 16,


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