Breville BBM300 Instructions And Recipes Manual

Breville BBM300 Instructions And Recipes Manual

Baker’s oven
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Model: BBM300 Issue 1/08
Instructions and Recipes


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Summary of Contents for Breville BBM300

  • Page 1 Breville is a registered trademark of Breville Pty. Ltd. ABN 98 000 092 928 Breville Customer Service Centre Australian Customers BAKER’S OVEN Breville Customer Service Centre PO Box 22 Botany NSW 2019 Instructions and Recipes AUSTRALIA BBM300 Customer Service: 1300 139 798 (02) 9384 9601 Email Customer Service:
  • Page 2 Contents Page Welcome Breville Recommends Safety First Know your Breville Baker’s Oven Beginner’s Guide to Baking Your First Loaf Weighing and Measuring Congratulations The Vital Ingredients Hints and Tips for Better Bread Making on the purchase of your new Breville Baker’s Oven Questions and Answers Control Panel Messages Care, Cleaning and Storage Troubleshooting – Recipe Troubleshooting – Baker’s Oven Easy Bake Recipes Notes...
  • Page 3 Breville recommends safety first BRevIlle BAkeR’S OveN At Breville we are very safety conscious. We design and manufacture consumer products with the safety of you, our valued customer, foremost in mind. In addition we ask that you exercise a degree of We have designed the Breville Baker’s Oven with...
  • Page 4 Breville recommends safety first know your Breville Baker’s Oven continued • Ensure that the Breville Baker’s Oven is • To protect against electric shock, do not switched off and then unplugged from the immerse power cord, power plug or appliance power outlet when not in use and before in water.
  • Page 5 The various buttons are used to set the functions lIgHt. To select the 750g (0.75kg) size, press ‘LOAF SIZE’ button once. and to start or stop the Breville Baker’s Oven. The buttons SettINg 2: Press the ‘SELECT’ button twice and the LCD screen will show 2 1kg medIum. To should be pressed firmly.
  • Page 6 Breville Baker’s Oven know your Breville Baker’s Oven continued continued uSINg tHe pReSet tImeR SettINg 8: Press the ‘SELECT’ button eight times and the LCD screen will show 8 1kg medIum. Example: yeASt fRee The Baker’s Oven ‘PRESET TIMER’ lets you wake To select a light or dark crust colour, press ‘CRUST’...
  • Page 7 Breville Baker’s Oven Beginner’s guide to Baking your first loaf continued uSINg tHe BAke ONly SettINg uSINg tHe JAm SettINg The following instructions are to be used when kneading action of the bread machine ensures making Bread or Dough recipes from the recipe that the collapsible blade is upright or flat at the The ‘Bake Only’...
  • Page 8 Beginner’s guide to Baking your first loaf Beginner’s guide to Baking your first loaf continued continued Step 5: Close the lid Step 9: Start the bread machine • During the baking cycle steam may be emitted If using Prepackaged Bread Mixes, refer to from the vents on the lid and condensation may After closing the lid, it is not recommended to Press the ‘START’...
  • Page 9 A standard knife is not for the Australian products in the Easy Bake Measurements. suitable as it will tear the bread. Recipe section. For further New Zealand bread When baking is finished and the bread has making assistance Telephone: 0800 273 845. Breville recommends using the Breville Bread AuStRAlIAN metRIC meASuRemeNtS been removed from the bread pan, remove the Slicing Guide – Model BS1. This foldable, kneading blade from the pan using oven mitts. Note 1 teaspoon...
  • Page 10 the vital Ingredients the vital Ingredients continued flOuR Wholemeal flour BReAd ImpROveR SAlt Contains all the bran, germ and flour of the Flour is the most important ingredient used for Several brands of bread improvers are available Salt is an important ingredient in bread making. wholewheat grain.
  • Page 11 the vital Ingredients Hints and tips for Better Bread making continued  Rapid rise yeast JAm SettINg mIx Ensure the collapsible kneading blade NeveR Use the ‘PRESET TIMER’ setting for recipes is in the upright position before adding that contain perishable items, such as These products are a mixture of yeast and bread ‘Jam Setta’...
  • Page 12 Questions and Answers Questions and Answers continued ABOut INgRedIeNtS: Q: W hy do the ingredients need to be placed into Q: W hat happens if the bread isn’t removed Q: A re the room and water temperatures the pan in the specified order? when the bake cycle is complete? important? Q: C an other bread recipes be made in this To ensure all dry ingredients are mixed The bread machine will automatically go into Yes – Room and water temperature influences machine? with water and to avoid the yeast activating a keep warm cycle, (in the ‘BASIC’, ‘BASIC...
  • Page 13 SpARe pARtS DO NOT USE HARSH CLEANERS, ABRASIVES, BRUSHES OR STEEL WOOL. Replacement parts are available from Breville Spare Parts: NEVER WASH THE BREAD PAN OR KNEADING BLADE IN THE DISHWASHER. Australia Customer Service: 1300 139 798...
  • Page 14 troubleshooting guide - Recipe troubleshooting guide - Recipe (continued) Sticky Bread Bread Heavy Coarse Over patch on Doughy Bread rises doesn’t sinks in dense holey Corrective action Ref page browned top of centre too much rise the centre texture texture bread enough Not measured • • • • •...
  • Page 15 troubleshooting guide - Baker’s Oven troubleshooting guide - Baker’s Oven (continued) Error code Machine Baked Under Preset timer Bread not E01 in Ingredients Bread not Bread rises Loaf is Machine will not bread is browned did not sufficiently Display not mixed baked too much small operate damp crust function baked Window • •...
  • Page 16 Contents Page Traditional Favourites Easy Bake Recipes Flavoured White Bread Flavoured Sweet Bread Flavoured Wholemeal Bread Rapid Bread Dough Yeast Free & Muffin Bread Gluten Free Bread Prepackaged Bread Mixes Just Jam Glazes Notes Abbrevations: tsp = teaspoon tbl = tablespoon...
  • Page 17 traditional favourites traditional favourites continued There are many breads that we all like to place in our lunch box. This section includes a variety of SeQueNCe fOR ‘BASIC’ SettINg: breads made from all natural ingredients. After tasting all of these recipes, you just might discover a new found favourite.
  • Page 18 traditional favourites traditional favourites continued continued SeQueNCe fOR ‘fReNCH’ SettINg: SeQueNCe fOR ‘WHOleWHeAt’ SettINg: puNCH puNCH BAke tOtAl puNCH puNCH BAke tOtAl SIZe CRuSt SIZe CRuSt kNeAd kNeAd RISe dOWN RISe dOWN RISe tIme tIme kNeAd kNeAd RISe dOWN RISe dOWN RISe tIme...
  • Page 19 traditional favourites flavoured White Bread continued multIgRAIN BReAd Recipes in this section have the addition of seeds, nuts or other flavour enhancing ingredients. The addition occurs mostly at the sound of the ‘beeps’. Therefore these recipes are not suitable to use on the Preset Timer.
  • Page 20 flavoured White Bread flavoured White Bread continued continued SWeet CORN & CApSICum BReAd CARROt & edAm BReAd gRAIN muStARd & HeRB BReAd peANut SAte BReAd INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g Water 240ml 210ml Water 270ml 250ml Water 300ml 280ml Water...
  • Page 21 flavoured Sweet Bread flavoured Sweet Bread continued Most of the recipes in this section have the addition of nuts, chocolate, sultanas or other flavour SeQueNCe fOR ‘SWeet’ SettINg: enhancing ingredients. The addition occurs mostly at the sound of the beeps towards the end of the second kneading cycle.
  • Page 22 flavoured Sweet Bread flavoured Sweet Bread continued continued RICH fRuIt lOAf lemON & pOppy Seed BReAd StRAWBeRRy & pIStACHIO lOAf lIme & CARAWAy BReAd INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g Water 340ml 290ml Water 310ml 250ml Water 270ml 250ml Water 300ml...
  • Page 23 flavoured Sweet Bread flavoured Sweet Bread continued continued glACe peAR & gINgeR BReAd Apple SpICe BReAd CHOC RAISIN & peANut BReAd tRIple BANANA BReAd INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g Water 330ml 270ml Water 360ml 280ml Water 320ml 270ml Water 250ml...
  • Page 24 Wholemeal flavoured Bread Wholemeal flavoured Bread continued The recipes in this section use ingredients such as wholemeal flour, rye flour and other grains or cereals. fIBRe pluS WHOlemeAl BReAd BRAN flAke BReAd The wholewheat setting has been designed with this in mind, providing longer rising times to produce a loaf of bread lighter in texture and higher in volume.
  • Page 25 Wholemeal flavoured Bread Rapid Bread continued lIgHt Rye BReAd SOy & lINSeed BReAd The recipes in this section have been developed to produce a loaf of bread similar in volume to that of bread made on any of the longer bread cycles. Unless otherwise stated, most of the yeasted bread recipes can be baked on this cycle, however the volume will be slightly reduced and the texture a little INgRedIeNtS 750g...
  • Page 26 Rapid Bread Rapid Bread continued continued SeQueNCe fOR ‘BASIC RApId’ SettINg: SettINg: puNCH puNCH BAke tOtAl puNCH puNCH BAke tOtAl SIZe CRuSt SIZe CRuSt kNeAd kNeAd RISe dOWN RISe dOWN RISe tIme tIme kNeAd kNeAd RISe dOWN RISe dOWN RISe tIme tIme LIGHT...
  • Page 27 dough dough continued procedure tO mAke A mASteR dOugH: WHOlemeAl dOugH multIgRAIN dOugH WHIte BReAd dOugH Place ingredients into the bread pan, in the INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g exact order listed in the recipe. Water 310ml 250ml Water 320ml 250ml INgRedIeNtS 750g Wipe spills from outside of bread pan.
  • Page 28 dough dough continued continued SHApINg IdeAS fOR mASteR dOugHS: WHOleWHeAt HONey ROllS Apple tWISt Blend together 2 tablespoons of water and 40g / ¼ cup plain flour until a smooth batter Replace the sugar in the Wholemeal Dough Take a 1kg quantity of Sweet Dough. BReAd ROllS is formed.
  • Page 29 dough dough continued continued pIZZA & fOCACCIA dOugHS pIZZA dOugH fOCACCIA dOugH The ‘Dough’ setting is suitable to use for all your INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g favourite pizza and focaccia recipes. Water 325ml 250ml Water 325ml 250ml Olive oil 2 tbl 1½...
  • Page 30 yeast free & muffin Bread yeast free & muffin Bread continued Yeast Free Bread is a simple bread and is made procedure SeQueNCe fOR ‘yeASt fRee’ SettINg: using baking powder as the main raising agent (it Add liquid ingredients to bread pan. does not have the same strength as yeast).
  • Page 31 yeast free & muffin Bread yeast free & muffin Bread continued continued WHIte BReAd mIx dAmpeR CHeeSe & SpRINg vegetABle BReAd ORANge SWeet pOtAtO BReAd CuRRANt mAlted SpICe BReAd lIQuId 750g lIQuId 750g lIQuId 750g lIQuId 750g INgRedIeNtS INgRedIeNtS INgRedIeNtS INgRedIeNtS Water 375ml...
  • Page 32 CRuSt 1St kNeAd 2Nd kNeAd 1St RISe BAke tIme tOtAl tIme also be used as a substitute and will give a Your Breville Baker’s Oven will make delicious LIGHT 3 min 17 min 50 min 45 min 1hr 55min pleasant flavour.
  • Page 33 gluten free Bread gluten free Bread continued continued gluteN fRee WHOleSOme Seed BReAd gluteN fRee SpICy SultANA BReAd gluteN fRee CHeeSy CHeddAR BReAd lIQuId 750g lIQuId 750g lIQuId 750g INgRedIeNtS INgRedIeNtS INgRedIeNtS Water 330ml 250ml Water 330ml 250ml Water 330ml 250ml Olive oil 3 tbl...
  • Page 34 prepackaged Bread mixes prepackaged Bread mixes continued These convenient Bread Mixes are available procedure WHIte pRepACkAged BReAd mIxeS nationally in supermarkets and at some bulk Place ingredients into the bread pan, in the outlets. They are available in various sized exact order listed in the recipe.
  • Page 35 prepackaged Bread mixes prepackaged Bread mixes continued continued gRAIN pRepACkAged BReAd mIxeS WHOlemeAl pRepACkAged BReAd mIxeS defIANCe gRAIN BReAd mIx lAuCke BIO-fORt gOldeN kItCHeN COlleCtION WHOlemeAl WHOlemeAl BReAd mIx BReAd mIx INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g INgRedIeNtS 750g Water 375ml 320ml Water 445ml 330ml...
  • Page 36 Just Jam Just Jam continued fOR BeSt ReSultS: procedure preparation of Jars for Jam plum JAm Soak jars in warm water until label is easy to • Always use the exact amount of sugar, fruit With the standard kneading blade in position INgRedIeNtS remove.
  • Page 37 glazes Notes The following Glazes are easy and quick to prepare and will enhance the flavour and appearance of your breads. CHOCOlAte glAZe gelAtINe glAZe 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 3 tablespoons water ⁄ cup icing sugar, sifted 1½ tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa, sifted 3 teaspoons gelatine ½...
  • Page 38 Notes Notes...

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