Dynamic Esa; Riding Mode - BMW F 900 R 2019 Rider's Manual

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torque can produce a sharp rise
in rear-wheel slip and impair dir-
ectional stability. Dynamic engine
brake control limits this slip at
the rear wheel to a safe mode-
dependent and bank-angle-de-
pendent regulated slip.
Causes for excessive slip at
the rear wheel:
Riding with engine overrun on
a surface with a low coefficient
of friction (e.g. wet leaves).
Rear-wheel hop when rider
Sharp braking during sporty
In the same way as DTC traction
control, dynamic engine brake
control compares the wheel cir-
cumferential velocities of the
front and rear wheels. Additional
information on the bank angle
enables dynamic engine brake
control to calculate slip and the
reserve of stability at the rear
If slip overshoots the applic-
able limit, the throttle valves are
opened very slightly to increase
engine torque. Slip is reduced
and the vehicle is stabilised.
Effect of dynamic engine
brake control
In the RAIN and ROAD riding
modes: Maximum stability.
In the DYNAMIC and
DYNAMIC PRO riding modes:
High stability.

Dynamic ESA

with Dynamic ESA
Dynamic ESA function
By interpreting ride height sensor
signals, Dynamic ESA detects
movements in the suspension
and responds by adjusting the
damper valves. The chassis and
suspension will thus be adapted
to the characteristics of the ter-
Dynamic ESA calibrates itself at
regular intervals to ensure the
system functions correctly.
Possibilities for adjustment
Damping modes
Road: Damping for comfortable
on-road riding
Dynamic: Damping for dynamic
on-road riding
Load settings
One-up riding
One-up with luggage
Two-up (with luggage)

Riding mode

To adjust the motorcycle to the
road condition and the desired
driving experience, the following
riding modes can be selected:


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