If The Plug-In Does Not Operate Correctly - HP 54721A User Reference

Amplifier plug-in
Table of Contents


!n Case of Difficulty
If the piug-in does not operate correctly
If the plug~in does not operate correctly
□ Make sure that the plug-in is seated in the slot, and that the knurled
screw at the bottom of the plug-in is finger-tight.
□ Press the Run key to make sure the oscilloscope is ready to acquire data,
□ Set the trigger to auto sweep.
1 Press the Trigger key.
Set the
softkey to
□ Make sure that the channel
softkey is set to
1 Press the Channel key on the plug-in.
Set the
softkey to
□ Make sure the channel offset is adjusted so the waveform is not clipped
off the display.
□ If you are using the plug-in as a trigger source only, make sure at least
one other channel is turned on.
If all the channels are turned off, the mainframe will not trigger.
□ Does the mainframe identify the plug-in?
1 Press the Utility key.
Press the
System config. .
. softkey.
The calibration status of the plug-ins is listed near the bottom of the display,
in the box entitled "Plug-ins." If the model number of the plug-in is listed
next to the appropriate slot number, then the mainframe has identified the
plug-in. If all of the above steps check out okay, and the plug-in still does not
operate correctly, then the problem is beyond the scope of this book. Refer
to the Service Guide or return the plug-in to your service department.
If "-known" is displayed instead of the model number of the plug-in, then
remove and reinsert the plug-in in the same slot. If "-known" is still
displayed, then the memory contents of the plug-in are corrupt. Refer to the
Service Guide or contact your service department.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents