CERTIFI CATION The Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this instrument was thoroughly tested and inspected and found to meet its published specifications when it was shipped from the factory. The Hewlett Packard Company further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the S.
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OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL (HP P A R T N O . 0 0 4 6 5-90000) MODEL 465A AMPLIFIER S E R I A L S P R EFiXeD: 511- Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1965 01775-1 Printed: MARCH 1965...
Troubleshooting Tree Indicators and Connectors . . Top View . . . • · 5 ... 6, Printed €ircuit Board, Parts Location, 4- 1. Model 465A Amplifier Block Diagram 5-1. Frequency Response Check 5-7. Amplifier Schematic. 5-9/5-10 • · 01775-1...
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HEW l E T T PAC KAR D • 40D8 GAIN Figure 1-1. Hewlett-Packard Model 465A Amplifier Table 1-1. Specifications Voltage Gain: 20 db (XI O) or 40 db(XI00). open Distortion: 1%, 5 cps to 100 kc; 2%, 100 kc to 1 Mc.
Section I Model 465A Paragraphs 1-1 to 1-5 SCOPE This manual contains the information necessary for operating and servicing the standard Model 465A Amplifier and the Model 465A/Option 01 Amplifier (rear input connectors in parallel with front panel connectors), SECTION GENERAL INfORMATION 1-4.
2-13. The Model 465A is shipped with plastic feet in perfect electrical order upon receipt. To confirm and tilt stand in place, ready for use as a bench this, the instrument should be inspected for physical instrument.
INPUT (rear panel): BNCconnectors connected LINE VOLTAGE: a two-position slide switch; in parallel with the INPUT terminals on the sets the 465A for 115 or 230 volt operation. Figure 3-1. Front and Rear Panel Controls, Indicators and Connectors 01775-1...
(4) impedance converter (5 and (5) in-system amplifier unit. 3-3. DESCRIPTION OF CO NTROLS. 3-2. The Model 465A Amplifier can be operated as: (1) a general purpose amplifier/preamplifier, (2) 3-4. Figure 3-1 gives a description of the front oscilloscope preamplifier, (3) oscillator power ampli- panel and rear panel controls for the 465A.
Accuracy: ±1%, 100 cps to Performance Checks - hp- Model 3440A/3445A 50 kc AC-DC Digital Voltmeter ±2%, 10 cps to -hp- Model 33. 1 A 1 Mc Distortion A nalyzer Voltage Range: 10 v Voltage Range: 103.5 Variable Voltage Line Superior Electric Co.
Model 3440A/3445A will be used for frequencies checks. These operations should be conducted before from 50 cps to 100 kc; -hp- Model 331A will be any attempt is made to adjust or calibrate the instru used at all other frequencies.
SET to convenient SET LEVEL. meter should read more than 6. 0 v. This verifies g. Reset oscillator frequency to 10 cps. Adjust a Model 465A input impedance of 10 M ohms, oscillator amplitude to re-establish SET LEVEL, shunted by 20 pf.
TEST OSCIL LATO R 651A 465A-B-02'6 Figure 5-2. Distortion Check c . Set Model 465A GAIN to 20 DB. Rotate FUNCTION switch to DISTORTION. Null out fundamental of signal by alternately reducing METER RANGE and adjusting Set distortion analyzer to METER.
A DC Voltmeter (-hp- Model 3440A/3445A) will be required for this test. 5-18. SERVICING ETCHED CIRCUIT BOARD. 5-19. The -hp- Model 465A has one etched circuit Set voltmeter FUNCTION to DC; RANGE board. Use caution when removing it to avoid damaging mounted components.
The electrical connection between sides of the board is made by a layer of metal plated through the component holes. When working on these boards, 5-23. Conduct a visual check of the Model 465A for observe the following general rules. possible burned or loose components, loose con...
<ID if incorrect, go directly to Observe the ac waveform at the Model 465A Disconnect jumper wire at the + side of C20, OUTPUT. Should be a sine wave with peak removing power supply from circuit. Measure voltage of approximate 12.7 v (9 v rms).
Table 6-1 lists parts in alpha numerical order of their reference designators and 6-5. To obtain replacement parts, address order or indicates the description and -hp- part number of each inquiry to your local Hewletl-Packard Field Office part, together with any applicable notes. Table 6-2 (see lists at rear of this manual for addresses).
Section VI Model 465A Table 6-1 Table 6 -1. Reference Designation Index R E FERENCE -hp- PART NO. DESCR IPTION NOTE DESIGNATION 00465-66501 Board Etched Circuit Ass . ' y Power Supply-Amplifier, includes: tbru Q1 thru Q8 CRI thru CR6...
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Model 465A Section VI Table 6-1 Table 6-1. Reference Designation Index (Cont'd) REFERENCE DESCRIPTION -hp- PART NO. NOTE DESIGNATION A1R7 0687-1031 R: fxd, comp, 10 K ohms ±10%, 1/2 w 0687-1061 R: fxd, comp, 10 M ohms ±10%, 1/2 w A1R8 R: fxd, comp, 22 K ohms ±10%, 1/2 w...
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Section VI Model 465A Table 6-1 Table 6-1. Reference Designation Index (Cont'd) R E FER ENCE -hp- PART NO. DESCRIPTION NOTE DESIGNATION 3101-0037 Switch: toggle, SPST, 3 amp 3101-0033 Switch: slide, DPDT 3101-0038 Switch: toggle, DPDT, 3 amp 9100-0343 Transformer: power 8120-0078 Cable Ass'y, Power: black, extra limp, 7.
Section VI Model 465A Table 6-2 Table 6-2. Replaceable Parts (Cont'd) -hp- PART NO. DESCRIPTION M FR MFR PART NO. 1200-0043 Insulator 293011 71785 1200-0081 Insulator: bushing, nylon 26365 1205-0050 Heat - sink 91506 9017-IGI >1250-0252 Connector: R. F. 06140...
Model 465A Appendix A APPENDIX CODE LIST OF MANUFACTURERS (Sheet 1 of 2 1 The following code numbers are from the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers Cataloging Handbooks H4� 1 (Name to Code) and H4.2 (Code to Name) and their latest supplements. The date of revision and the date of the supplements used appear at the bottom of each page.
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Appendix A Model 465A APPENDIX CODE LIST OF MANUFACTURERS I Sheet :I of ;n Cod. Cod. Co .. 1'10. M�nul,,<I"'�' Mon.iQ<I<I,er Mo""lo<tu,er Add, ... Add, ... & $1919 S,4H R.M. Braoamoote Sltn F'IOC'S'O, CaU. G. V. Conlrols L,ving,ton. N. J.
Model 465A Appendix B SALES A N D S ERVICE OFFICES I N THE U.S. A N D CANADA 07&31 ALABAMA GEORGIA £nglewood, Philadelphia Area 35801 30305 Huntsville, Hewlett·Packard Atlanta. Hewlett·Packard RMC Sales Division Hewlelt ·Packard Robinson Sales Division Hewlett·Packard...
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Appendix B Model 465A I NTERNATIONAL SALES A N D SERVICE O FFICES ARGENTINA Hewlett·Packard V,m.b.H. NETHERLANDS Reginfriedstrasse 13 Mauricio A. Saurez Hewlett·Packard Benelux N,V, Munich 9 T elecornmunicaciones 23 Burg Roei!straat, Amsterdam W. Tel, 49.51.21/22 Carlos Calvo 224, Buenos Aires 10201 13.28_98 and 13.54_99...