Probe - HP 54721A User Reference

Amplifier plug-in
Table of Contents


Channel Setup Menu
The Probe menu allows you to set up the oscilloscope so that the screen
displays the channel scale, offset, and voltage measurements tliat correspond
to the probe.
Wlien you press the Probe softkey, the menu at the left is displayed.
Atten units
Attenuation units lets you pick how you want to represent the probe
attenuation factor. Set the attenuation units to decibel for attenuators and to
ratio for probes.
Probe atten
Probe attenuation lets you select a probe attenuation that matches the probe
or device connected to the oscilloscope. When the probe attenuation is set
correctly, the oscilloscope maintains the current scale factors if possible. AH
marker values and voltage measurements wHl reflect the actual voltage at the
tip of the probe.
The probe attenuation range is from 0.0001:1 to 1,000,000:1.
Wlien you connect an active probe power connector to the plug-in, the
oscilloscope automatically sets the probe attenuation. For all other probes,
set the probe attenuation with the knob, arrow keys, keypad, or use the
Calibrate probe softkey.
See Also
Calibrate Probe in this chapter for information on how to calibrate to the tip
of the probe when you are using voltage probes.


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