HP 54721A User Reference page 24

Amplifier plug-in
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Specifications and Characteristics
dc Gain Accuracy^
Normal Accuracy ±3% of full screen
Best Accuracy Cal ±1% of full screen
With HP 54701A Active Probe^ ±2% of full screen
Offset Accuracy ^
Normal Accuracy ±(3% of offset setting + 3% of full screen)
Best Accuracy Cal ±(0.6% of offset setting + 1% of full screen)
With HP 54701A Active Probe^ ±(0.5% of offset setting 4-2% of full
dc Offset Range ±12 times the full resolution channel scale
RMS Noise (Max Sensitivity) <300 (iV
Input Connector N-type (f) (Previous HP 54721A plug-ins with serial
prefix 3210A shipped with a BNC input connector.)
Input Coupling (cutoff Frequency) dc, ac (34kH±)
Maximum Safe Input Voltage
dc 5 Vrms (-i-27 dBm)
ac ±50 Vdc ±5 Vac, rms
Probe Power Yes


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