FlySky FS-G7P User Manual
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User Manual
New ANT(Ant protocol)Automatic
Frequency Hopping Digital System
Copyright ©2022 Flysky Technology Co., Ltd


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for FlySky FS-G7P

  • Page 1 FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at User Manual New ANT(Ant protocol)Automatic Frequency Hopping Digital System Copyright ©2022 Flysky Technology Co., Ltd...
  • Page 2 All manuals and user guides at Th an k you fo r purc hasing our p rod ucts . Rea d th e ma nu al carefully to e ns ure your p e rs onal s afety as we l l as t he sa fet y o f yo ur eq uip me nt .
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    All manuals and user guides at Contents 1. Safety........................1 1.1 Safety Symbols ..............................1 1.2 Safety Guide................................1 2. Product Introduction..................2 2.1 Transmitter Overview ............................2 2.2 Receiver Overview ..............................3 2.2.1 Status LED................................3 2.2.2 Interface................................3 2.3Antenna ................................3 3. Preparation ......................4 3.1 Installing Transmitter Battery..........................4 3.2 Installing Receiver and Servo..........................4 4.
  • Page 4 7. FS-R7P Function Instructions................21 7.1 Attentions ................................21 7.2 Binding...................................21 7.3 Firmware update..............................21 7.4 Failsafe.................................22 8. Product Specifications..................23 8.1 Transmitter Specification FS-G7P ........................23 8.2 Receiver Specification FS-R7P ...........................24 9. Packing List.......................25 10. Certification.....................26 10.1 DoC Declaration ..............................26 10.2 CE Warning ................................26 10.3 Appendix 1 FCC Statement ..........................26...
  • Page 5: Safety

    All manuals and user guides at Safety Safety Symbols Pay close attention to the following symbols and their meanings. Failure to follow these warnings could cause damage, injury or death. Danger • Not following these instructions may lead to serious injuries or death. Warning •...
  • Page 6: Product Introduction

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 2.Product Introduction T h is pro du ct u se s t h e 2 .4 G H z N e w A NT (A n t proto co l) enha nced a u to matic f requ enc y hop p ing d igital s yste m , consi st in g o f FS -G 7 P tran sm i tter a nd FS -R7P recei ver.
  • Page 7: Receiver Overview

    All manuals and user guides at 2.2 Receiver Overview [10] [1] CH 1/P (P W M /P P M ) [2]-[5] CH 2 - C H 5 [6] BIN D interfa ce [11] [7] BVD/VCC(Batter y voltage detection/Power supply interface) [8] CH 7 [9] SER VO [12]...
  • Page 8: Preparation

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 3. Preparation Pr io r to o perat io ns, pl ea se in sta ll t h e batte r y a nd con nect de v ices acco rding to the se qu e nce an d gui de as de scr ib ed i n t h is ch apter.
  • Page 9: Operation Guide

    FLYSKY official website to obtain the receiver manual or other related information. • Since the product is constantly updated, please visit the FLYSKY official website to obtain the latest transmitter and receiver compatibility list. T his p ro duct sy ste m i s com pat i b le w i t h m o st o f o ur A NT Proto co l receiv er m odels. The deta ils are a s fol l ows : R F stan d ard : 2.
  • Page 10: Calibration

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System se parately. P lea se fo llo w the steps b e low to per for m t h e s etti n gs : Sta rt the tra ns m itte r a nd en te r t h e SYSTE M m en u. In the SYSTE M s etti ng s, set the LE D, SOU N D, and VOLUM E.
  • Page 11: System Interface

    All manuals and user guides at 5. System Interface M a in s ystem inte rfa ce E n ter the main s yste m i nter fa ce af ter p ow er-o n . [1 ] Mo d el nam e a n d nu m ber [6 ] Si gna l a nd streng th [2 ]...
  • Page 12: Function Menu

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 6. Function Menu Fu n ctio n d esc r ipt ion: In t h is trans mitte r, we h a ve cl as si fi ed t h e fu n ct io n s a nd ma de a ne w la yo u t . There a re 8 categor ies in icons in tota l .
  • Page 13: Settings-Channel Reverse

    All manuals and user guides at MODEL SYSTEM SET Fu nct io n o p erati ons: In t he main interface, pre ss t h e OK ke y to en te r th e f u ncti o n m enu . Sel ect the f un cti o n categor y b y p ress ing the U P/ D OWN ke y.
  • Page 14: Settings-Neutral Trim

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System cor re sp o nd ing st r u ct ure for t h e b est m atch , to o bta i n the requ ired o perati o n ef fect . Fo r exampl e: You wan t to o perate t h at t h e t u r ni n g a ct i o n i s n ot so l arge, y o u ca n adju st the va lu e o f the di re ction chan ne l at bot h en ds to be sm aller.
  • Page 15: Settings-Curve

    All manuals and user guides at 6.5 Settings-Curve: Cur ve function is used to set the output data cur ve adjustment of the direction channel channel 1, throttl e cha nn el c hannel 2 u pp e r, an d bra ke ch an n el 2 lo wer cha nnel. The ra nge is -10 0 to +1 00. It can c h an ge t he out put se nsi t i vi t y of eac h ch a n n e l.
  • Page 16: Auxiliary Channels-Ch3 To Ch7

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 6.8 Auxiliary Channels-CH3 to CH7 Fo r so me mod els wi t h com pl ex f un ct i ons, we prov i de u p to 7 chann el s o f o u tpu t , 5 o f whic h are a u xil ia r y c hann els for t h e m ost e f fect i ve con tro l o f m u ltiple fu nctio ns in di f ferent wa ys.
  • Page 17: Mixies-Programming Mixes

    All manuals and user guides at 6.11 Mixing-Programming Mixes T he p ro grammin g m ixe s f un ct i on is u se d to m i x th e o utpu t data o f a ny cha nnel to another c ha n nel in a certai n rate , to ach i e ve a de si re d m ixi n g effect .
  • Page 18: Switch Assignment

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 6.15 Key Settings T he ke y settin g fu nct i on is to a ssi gn s w itch es to s o m e f un cti on s in o rder to co ntro l the o u tput o f t he action s nee de d t hrou gh t h e sp e c if i e d s wi tch .
  • Page 19: Receiver Settings-Bind Settings

    All manuals and user guides at Fu nct io n s ettin gs: I n t he RX SE T(re ce i ve r s ett i ng ) m e nu , se lect th e FAILSAF E by press ing the UP/DOWN ke y. Pres s th e OK ke y to e nter t h e f un ct ion s ett i n g.
  • Page 20: Receiver Settings-Range Test

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System and p res s the OK ke y to b i n d w i t h t h e recei v er. Fo r deta i ls , plea se refer to the cha pter for bindin g o perat ion a nd t h e Qu i ck Star t G ui d e.
  • Page 21: Receiver Settings-I-Bus Settings Fs-Cev04

    Th e i- BUS SET( i-B US s ett i ng ) f un ct i on i s a u n i qu e an d po werf u l seri al co mmu nicati on proto co l system p ro v id ed b y FLYSKY. It ca n b e ou t pu t to an y cha nnel by setti ng.Fo r recei v ers with i -BUS inter face an d cor re spon di ng acce ssor i e s , s ee th e de scriptio n o f s er ia l bu s receiv ers fo r detail s.
  • Page 22: System Settings

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System CO PY: I f y o u have a ne w m od e l t h at is t h e sa m e o r sim il ar to the mo del y o u u sed befo re, y ou can use t h is f u n ctio n to m a ke a copy for qu i ck s etti n g.
  • Page 23: System Settings-Stick Calibration

    All manuals and user guides at Functio n s ettin gs : I n t h e SYST E M S E T m e n u , s e l e ct t h e i te m to b e s et b y p re s s i n g t h e U P/ D OW N ke y a n d p re s s t h e O K ke y fo r e d i t i n g .
  • Page 24: System Settings-Factory Reset

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 6.28 System Settings - Factory Reset The FACTOR Y(factor y reset) function is used to restore the entire transmitter system to the factor y sett in gs in case a nu mb er of param eter s are a dj u sted i nco rrectly du rin g o perati o n.
  • Page 25: Fs-R7P Function Instructions

    All manuals and user guides at 7.FS-R7P Function Instructions FS - R7P bas ed o n A NT protocol i s a re ce i ve r wh i ch pro v ides se v en cha nn el s. It ha s an exte rnal sing l e a n ten n a, can out p ut P WM or P P M/ i-B US/S.BUS si gn al .
  • Page 26: Failsafe

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System • Power o n t he rece i ve r fi r st , t h e n p res s an d h o ld the BIN D bu tto n fo r mo re tha n ten s eco n ds , whe n t h e L ED of t h e recei vero p erates i n threef la sh- o ne - o f f ma nner repeatedly, then releas e t he B I ND bu tton.
  • Page 27: Product Specifications

    8. Product Specifications Th is c hapter contains t h e spe ci fi cat i on s o f FS - G7 P tra nsmi tter a nd FS -R7P recei ver. 8.1 Transmitter Specification FS-G7P M od el Type...
  • Page 28: Receiver Specification Fs-R7P

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 8.2 Receiver Specification FS-R7P Ch an n el s R F Frequenc y 2 . 4 G Hz ISM 2 .4 G Protocol A NT Re ce ption sen si tivi ty ≤...
  • Page 29: Packing List

    All manuals and user guides at 9. Packing List Trans mitter* 1(FS -G 7P ) Re ceiver* 1( FS -R 7P)...
  • Page 30: Certification

    FS-G7P All manuals and user guides at Digital Proportional Radio Control System 10. Certification 10.1 DoC Declaration He re by, [Flys ky Tech no l og y co., ltd] de cl ares that the Ra dio Eq uip ment [FS -G7 P] a nd [FS - R 7P ] are in comp lia nce w i th R ED 2 0 1 4/ 53 /EU.
  • Page 31: Environmentally Friendly Disposal

    All manuals and user guides at 2 . M ove a ll yo ur c h a nn el s to t h e de si re d p os ition. 3 . Sel ect [Al l cha nnel s ] an d t he n [ Ye s ] in the con fir mation b ox. 11.
  • Page 32 All manuals and user guides at Copyright ©2022 Flysky Technology Co.,Ltd Date:2022-01-19 FCC ID: N4 ZG 7 P 0 0 FCC ID:2 A2 UN R7 P 0 0 Manufacturer:ShenZhen FLYSKY Technology Co., Ltd Address: 16F, Huafeng Building, 6006 Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China...

Table of Contents