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Note: if 2 taxes are set for one department, the first tax index can‟t be 0.
6. After system prompts: <DEP DISCOUNT (- %)>, set the discount rate, and then press [CASH] key to confirm.
7. System prompts: <DEP MEM. DISCOUNT (- %)>, set the discount rate for members buying PLU of the
department, and then press key [CASH] to confirm.
8. System prompts: <COMMISSION (%)>, set the commission rate, and then press key [CASH] to confirm.
9. System prompts: <IS ALLOW SUBTOTAL DISCOUNT? (0. ALLOW 1. NO ALLOW)>. It means whether allow
sell PLU at a discount after subtotal. Input 0 for allowing or 1 for not allowing, and then press [CASH] to confirm.
10. ECR will print a receipt where the department information you just set is displayed.
Note: If only some items are needed in „DEPARTMENT SET‟, please press [CASH] directly to skip the items
that are unneeded.
1 3 . 1 . 2
P L U S e t
PLU information can be downloaded from the PC software and can also be set through ECR keyboard directly. The
steps are similar to the department setting.
1. Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ‗PLU SET' item, and then press [CASH] to enter.
2. After system prompts: <BARCODE>, input the product's barcode through keyboard or by barcode scanner (less
than13 digits), and then press [CASH] key to confirm.
3. System prompts: <NAME>. Input PLU name and press [CASH] key to confirm. (Please refer to chapter 8 for
4. System prompts: <PRICE>. Input PLU price (the max value is 99999.99), and then press [CASH] key to confirm.
5. System prompts: <MEMBER PRICE>. Input PLU price which is for member card payment, and press key [CASH]
to confirm.
6. System prompts: <PURCHASE PRICE>. Input PLU purchasing price and then press key [CASH] to confirm.
7. System prompts: <TAX IDX (0~8)>. Input the tax index, and then press [CASH] key to confirm. (Please refer to
chapter 12.13.1 for tax rate set. Set PLU without any tax by inputting number 0 here.
You can set 2 types of tax for each PLU at most.
For example, if you want to set tax 1 and tax 2 for PLU1 (the tax 2 is tax-on-tax), here you must input ‗12'. And if you
want to set only tax 1 for PLU, input ‗1' here. And we suppose that the price of PLU1 is $100, the rate of tax 1 is 10%,
and the rate of tax 2 is 5%. When you sell PLU1, its total price is counted as: $100+$100*10%+$100*10%*5%=$110.5
Note: if you set 2 types of tax for one PLU, the first tax index can‟t be 0.
8. System prompts: <PLU TYPE (0: NORMAL 2: WEIGHT CARGO 3: OIL 4: PCS TYPE)>, input 0, 2, 3 or 4, and
then press [CASH] key to confirm.
9. System prompts: <ALLOW MANUAL CHANGE PRICE (0: NO 1: YES)>, input 0 or 1. Press [CASH] key to
confirm. (The default setting is YES.)
10. System prompts: <ALLOW RTN (0: NO 1: YES)> input 0 or 1. Press [CASH].
11. System prompts: <DEP NUM>. Input the department number that PLU belongs to, and then press [CASH] to
12. System prompts: <STOCK>. Input the PLU stock quantity, and then press [CASH] key to confirm.
0: not allow changing PLU price manually
1: allow changing PLU price manually
0: not allow returning PLU
1: allow returning PLU
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents