Quick Set Department - TVS PT262 User Manual

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if you set the item „SECURITY SET/QUICK SET NEED PSW?‟ „NO‟ on SET mode, it is no need to input the
manager number and password here.)
Step2. System prompts: <BARCODE>, input the PLU barcode, and then press [CASH] key to confirm.
Step3. System prompts: <NAME>, input PLU name and then press [CASH] key to confirm. (Please refer to chapter
Step4. System prompts: <PRICE>, input PLU price and then press key [CASH] to confirm. The max value is
Step5. System prompts: <TAX IDX (0~8)>, input the corresponding number to set the tax index (0 is no tax rate),
press [CASH] key to confirm. (Please refer to chapter 12.13.1 for tax rate set.) You can set 2 types of tax (the second
type is the tax-on-tax) for each PLU at most. For example, if you want to set tax 1 and tax 2 for PLU1 (the tax 2 is
tax-on-tax), here you must input ‗12', and if you want to set only tax 1 for PLU, input ‗1' here. And we suppose that the
price of PLU1 is $100, the rate of tax 1 is 10%, and the rate of tax 2 is 5%, when you sell PLU1, its total price is counted
as: $100+$100*10%+$100*10%*5%=$110.5 (Note: if you set 2 types of tax for one PLU, the first tax index can‟t be
Step6. System prompts: <PLU TYPE (0: NORMAL 2: WEIGHT CARGO 3: OIL 4: PCS TYPE)>, input 0, 2, 3 or 4
to choose a type, press [CASH] key to confirm.
Step7. System prompts: <ALLOW MANUAL CHANGE PRICE (0: NO 1: YES)>, input 0 or 1. Press [CASH] key
to confirm.
Step8. System prompts: <DEP NUM>, input the department number which the PLU belongs to, press [CASH] key to
Note: In REG mode, you also can press [0][0][0][0][PLU] to set PLU information completely as the LCD prompts
(these operations are the same as the description in chapter 13.1.2).

Quick Set Department

In REG mode, if you want to change the price or tax rate of one department, or you want to add a new department
casually, you can press key [0][0][DP#] to enter quick setting.
Step1. After pressing shortcut key [0][0][DP#], input the manager number and password as the LCD prompts. (Note:
if you set the item „SECURITY SET/QUICK SET NEED PSW?‟ to NO under SET mode, no need to input the
manager number and password here.)
Step2. System prompts: <DEP NUM>, input the department number which you want to modify or input the new
department number which ranges from 1 to 40, and then press [CASH] to confirm.
Step3. System prompts: <NAME>, input the department's name, and press [CASH] key to confirm. (Please refer to
chapter 8 for ‗HOW TO INPUT CHARACTER'.)
Step4. System prompts: <DEP PRICE>, input the department's price (0~99999.99) and press key [CASH] to
Step5. System prompts: <TAX IDX (0~8)>, input the corresponding number to set the tax index (0 is no tax rate),
press [CASH] key to confirm. (Please refer to chapter 12.13.1 for tax rate set.) You can set 2 types of tax (the second
type is the tax-on-tax) for each department at most. For example, if you want to set tax 1 and tax 2 for DEP1 (the tax 2
is tax-on-tax), here you must input ‗12', and if you want to set only tax 1 for department, input ‗1' here. And we suppose
that the price of DEP1 is $100, the rate of tax 1 is 10%, and the rate of tax 2 is 5%, when you sell DEP1, its total price is
counted as: $100+$100*10%+$100*10%*5%=$110.5 (Note: if you set 2 types of tax for one department, the first tax
0: not allow to change PLU price manually
1: allow to change PLU price manually
PT - 262


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