Clear Sales Data; Erase Ecr Data; Set Local Currency Symbol; Set Receipt Type - TVS PT262 User Manual

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1 2 . 7 . 2 C l e a r S a l e s D a t a
Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ―CLEAR SALES DATA‖ item, and then press [CASH] to enter.
The system prompts: <WARNING!! ALL SALE DATA WILL LOST, INPUT 555 IF CONFIRM>. If you input 555,
and press [CASH] key, all sales data which are set to be cleared in ―SET THE SALES DATA WHICH WILL BE
CLEARED‖ will be erased (refer to chapter 12.7.1).
1 2 . 7 . 3 E r a s e E C R D a t a
This function is used to erase all sales data in ECR. Please do this operation carefully.
Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ―ERASE ECR DATA‖ item, and then press [CASH].
The system prompts: <WARNING!! ALL DATA WILL LOST, INPUT 777 IF CONFIRM>. If you input 777, and
press [CASH], all sales data in ECR will be erased.

12.8 Set Local Currency Symbol

This function is used to set the symbol of the local currency.
Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ‗SET LOCAL CURRENCY SYMBOL' item, and then press [CASH].
Input the symbol not more than 3 characters, and then press [CASH]. Please refer to chapter 8 for ‗HOW TO

12.9 Set Receipt Type

This function is used to select the receipt type. There are two types of receipt format in the system for choice.
Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ‗SET RECEIPT TYPE' item, and then press [CASH].
The system prompts: <RECEIPT TYPE (0.REGULAR 1.IRREGULAR)>.
Input 0 or 1 and then press [CASH] key to select a type.

12.10 Date and Time Set

1 2 . 1 0 . 1 S e t D a t e
Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ‗DATE AND TIME SET' item, and then press [CASH] to enter.
Use key [↑] or [↓] to select ‗SET DATE' item, and then press [CASH] to enter.
After system prompts: <DATE (DDMMYYYY)>, input the date, and then press [CASH] to confirm.
The date format is DDMMYYYY. DD indicates the day (01 to 31); MM indicates the month (01 to 12); YYYY
indicates the year.
For example, set the date 26/08/2010:
Press [2][6][0][8][2][0][1][0][CASH]. A receipt will be printed with the date on it.
PT - 262


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