Caution; Common Problems; Related Products - Ebyte E70-DTU User Manual

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Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.

10. Caution

Dormant mode, the serial port baud rate format is fixed 115200, 8N1, if the user forgets the current baud rate, it
can be reconfigured with AT command in this mode.
After the node is associated with the coordinator, the information of the node will be saved, and the information still
exists after the node is disconnected from the network, and this mechanism has two benefits:
Increase the speed of network entry when the same node joins the network established by this coordinator;
After a node joins the network, the short address is always the same as long as the current network exists.
If the coordinator wants to continue to associate new devices after the number of devices it once associated is
greater than 200, it needs to call the AT+CLINFO instruction to clear the current network information.
The average power consumption of a low-power node depends on the user-configured wake-up period; the larger
the period, the power consumption is approximately lower, but the delay in receiving data sent down by the
coordinator will be greater.
The low-power node cannot receive broadcast data sent down by the coordinator.
The node is powered up for more than 60S and has not yet entered the network, a system reset will be initiated.
The node PANID is set to 0Xffff (65535), the node can join any network, otherwise it will only be able to join in the
network with the same PANID as its PANID.

11. Common problems

[Unable to enter the network]: If the node is unable to enter the network, check whether the node PANID setting is
consistent with the coordinator.
[One reason is that the baud rate of the serial port does not match, and the other reason is that the power supply capacity
is insufficient.
[Delay is too high]: If the current channel noise is too large when the node sends data, it will actively back off and wait
for the cycle and then start sending when it is idle.
[Receive Response Time]: When the node is configured as a dormant node, the maximum receive delay may be equal to
the configured period.
[Unable to communicate]: The module must be on the network to communicate with the coordinator.
[Unable to read parameters]: Check whether the serial port baud rate is correct, which can be queried in the configuration
[Too long time to enter the network]: In the process of entering the network, the node and the coordinator have a lot of
information interaction, the process does not have any protection mechanism, the information is easy to be interfered
with, the node fails to enter the network for a single time, and then it will request again after a certain period of time.

12. Related Products

Copyright ©2012–2021,Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
ons distance
E70-DTU(433NW30) User
Functional Features
Multi-Master, Multi-Slave, Star


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