Oil Operating Mode ­ General Safety Functions - Ecoflam MULTICALOR 500.1 PRE Series Manual

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As soon as the furnace system is required
to supply heat, the burner control circuit
will close and the program flow started.
When the program has come to its end,
the burner will be turned on.
An automatic test is made for the tightness
of the gas valves prior to each burner start.
The air damper is in its closed position
when the burner is out of operation.
The electric actuator will open the closed
air damper to its full-load position so that
the burner will ventilate the furnace and
the exhaust hoods with the specified air
Shortly after the preventilation process has
been started the lack-of-air cut-out must
change over to operating position within a
certain time, i.e. the minimum air pressure
setting must be reached and maintained
until the burner is turned off. At the end of
the specified pre-ventilation time the air
damper will be moved into its partial-load
position in a linked control concept with the
gas damper. This operation will be
followed by the pre-ignition procedure and
the oil feed start.
The solenoid valves will open and thus
allow the pressurized oil to flow to the
nozzle and to the return line.
The oil will be atomized, mixed with the
In case a flame does not develop when
starting the burner (fuel release) the
burner will shut off at the end of the safety
period (safety lock-out).
A safety lock-out will also occur in the case
of flame failure during operation, air flow
failure during the pre-ventilation phase and
pressure failure during the whole period of
burner operation.
Any failure of the flame signal at the end of
the safety period and a flame signal during
combustion air and ignited.
A safety period is provided to allow the
flame to develop a proper and steady
On the termination of the safety period, a
flame signal must have been received by
the control box via the flame monitor and
remain on until the regular shut-off.
The startup program of the burner has now
been completed.
After the flame has developed the load
regulator will be enabled which brings the
burner into its operating position.
The load regulator will now control the
burner automatically between its partial-
load and full-load stages.
Depending on the heat demand, the
electric actuator of the mechanical
compound control system will be fed with
the OPEN or CLOSE signal via the
regulator and thus increase or decrease
the oil and air flow rates.
This compound control system will vary
the positions of the oil control valve and air
damper and thus regulate the oil flow rate
in conjunction with the air flow rate. The
the pre-ventilation phase (external light
control) will result in a safety lock-out with
the control box being locked.
The trouble is indicated by the trouble
signal lamp lighting up.
The control box can be unlocked
immediately after a safety lock-out by
pressing the unlocking key. The program
unit will return to its starting position and
proceed with the restart of the burner.
A voltage failure will result in a regular
shut-off of the burner. Upon voltage
burner can either be controlled in two-
stage sliding mode or, if a respective
controller is provided, in stepless control
The stepless control will allow the burner
to be operated at any desired stage
between its partial-load and full-load
positions. The burner will be turned off
from its partial-load position. The air
damper will be closed when the burner is
out of operation and will thus prevent cold
air flowing through the burner chamber,
heat exchanger and chimney.
The interior cooling losses will be greatly
recovery there may be an automatic
restart unless another interlock is
provided, e.g. by the safety system. In any
case of trouble the fuel oil supply will be
shut off right away. The program unit will
stop at the same time causing also the
trouble location indicator to stop.
The symbols will indicate the kind of


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