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SAMS Pro Lite
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Summary of Contents for Samsung TECHWIN SAMS Pro

  • Page 1 SAMS Pro SAMS Pro Lite SSA-M2000 User Manual SSA-M2100...
  • Page 2 Samsung Techwin. Disclaimer Samsung Techwin makes the best to verify the integrity and correctness of the contents in this document, but no formal guarantee shall be provided. Use of this document and the subsequent results shall be entirely on the user’s own responsibility.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents SAMS SETUP System Requirements Software Package General Installation Running Sams LOGGING IN SAMS PRO Logging In Sams Pro SCREEN COMPOSITION Icons And Descriptions Main Screen SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Device Setting Wizard Building-fl oor Setting Communication Setting Loop Setting Device And Reader Setting Door Setting Reader/input/output Setting User Accounts Setting...
  • Page 4 Contents ACCESS CONTROL Holiday Setting Time Interval Setting Time Schedule Access Group Setting Card Holder Management ATTENDANCE Closing Hour [Save] Work Code Setting [Save] Overtime Setting Work Time Code Setting Work Schedule Setting Closing Rule Setting Holiday Setting(Attendance) Reader Setting(Attendance) [Add] Daily Closing Monthly Closing Revise Daily Closing...
  • Page 5 TOOLS 149 E-mail/sms Server Setting [Save] 151 Recipient Setting 152 Database Backup And Restore 154 Database Backup And Restore (Auto Management For Event Data) 155 Data Import/export 157 Options 161 Icon Setting [Save] REPORT 162 Device Setting Report 163 Holiday Setting Report 164 Time Schedule Report 166 Access Group Setting Report 167 Card Holder Report...
  • Page 6: Sams Setup

    SAMS Setup SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Table below shows the hardware and operating system requirements to run SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite. Hardware / OS Minimum Specifi cations Recommended Specifi cations Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz Intel Core i7 Memory VGA Memory 512MB Display 1024 x 768...
  • Page 7 • SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite: This program provides methods of access control related settings and user interface for handling events. • SAMS Communication Server: A program that provides communication between access control devices and SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite. Run this program and fi...
  • Page 8 SAMS Setup Once completed with uncompressing, it displays the installation dialog as shown below. Installation cannot proceed unless you agree to the terms of use. If you computer is not installed with Microsoft SQL Server already, below screen appears for SQL Server installation.
  • Page 9 If your computer is not installed with .NET framework 3.5 with SP1, it may require restarting the computer for its installation. In the case, restart when prompted and continue to install.  The sa logon password may be restricted depending on the security policy of your PC. Custom installation is recommended only for those accustomed to MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Express.
  • Page 10 SAMS Setup Once completed with database properly, user information settings window appears as below: Enter the account information. Select a program to install. Individual program may differ depending on the package.  In general installation, all programs are installed onto one computer. If selected database from the installable programs, a screen for selecting database server appears as shown below.
  • Page 11 Click Next. If the message shown below appears, check if whether a database of the same name already exists. Select the program installation path.  Database fi le: The actual data fi le of SQL Server which contains user inputs is *.mdf, and the *.ldf fi les are logs. These two SAMS database fi...
  • Page 12 SAMS Setup If installed SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite or SAMS Visitor Management program, it prompts whether to run SAMSConfi g.exe upon its completion. To run SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite, it requires to check database connection with SAMS Confi g. This process is required only for once, at the fi...
  • Page 13  For SAMS Pro Lite version, set the TCP/IP protocol setting of the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express to ‘ON’ before checking the database connection in SAMS Confi g. ① Run [Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2] -> [Confi guration Tools] -> [SQL Server Confi guration Management]. ②...
  • Page 14: Running Sams

    SAMS Setup RUNNING SAMS Once completed with installing all programs provided with SAMS, you have SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite, SAMS Communication Server and SAMS Visitor Management (VM), SAMS Integrated Monitoring Pro shortcut icons created on your desktop. After fi nishing installation, run Confi g.exe to confi gure communication settings to the server for proper running of SAMS Pro / SAMS Pro Lite and SAMS VM (Visitor Management).
  • Page 15 • Depending on your computer’s account settings, (local) may not be recognized. In such cases, enter the computer’s name or the IP address instead of (local). • Once completed with setup, click System Tasks →Server Restart (2 below the Server Setup) to check connection to the database server.
  • Page 16: Logging In Sams Pro

    Logging in SAMS PRO LOGGING IN SAMS PRO Run [Start] > [All Programs] > [SAMSUNG] > [SAMS Pro] > [SAMS Pro]. Enter [LoginID] , [Password] and click [Login]  SAMS default [LoginID] is “admin”. If you are logging in for the fi rst time, click [Login] without entering the password.
  • Page 17: Screen Composition

    Screen Composition ICONS AND DESCRIPTIONS Explains icons of SAMS Pro toolbar. Icon Name Descriptions Refresh Refreshes display of connection status with devices. Used for adding new data. Edit Used for editing existing data. Delete Used for deleting existing data. Transmit Used for sending data to devices.
  • Page 18: Main Screen

    Screen Composition MAIN SCREEN Explains the main screen of the SAMS Pro. < SAMS Pro > Descriptions The ribbon toolbar is provided for each menu item. Company selection and other functions are provided as buttons. Move to each tab of Search, Device, Connection Status (Device), Connection Status (Recorder & Camera), and make search as necessary.
  • Page 19: System Management

    system management Provides system operation related confi guration methods for device and environment. In this part, setup methods are described. - Device Setup Wizard - Building Setting (Building – Floor Setting) - Communication Setting (Site Setting, Loop Setting) - Device and Reader Setting (Device Setting, Door Setting) - Reader/Input/Output Setting (Reader Point Setting, Input Point Setting, Output Point Setting) - Accounts and Role Management (User Account Setting, Accounts Group Setting, User Accounts Role Setting) ...
  • Page 20 System Management Device Setting Wizard – Communication Type Select the communication type. Select either one of [Serial Communication] or [Network Communication]. Select the desired communication type and click [Next] button. Device Setting Wizard – Loop Setting (Serial Communication) This is for serial communication settings. For network communication settings, refer to the Network Communication section.
  • Page 21 This is a step to confi gure the device settings. Scan for controllers to communicate with via the previously specifi ed loop and select one to register. Specify the address range for the controllers to scan for. By default, the automatic scan will check the address range of between 0 and 1. Click [Auto Search Controller] to scan for controllers within the specifi...
  • Page 22 System Management This is for network communication settings. Search controllers connected to the same network that is used by the computer installed with the management system, and register the controller to be used. Click [Auto Search Loop] button to search controllers that are connected to the same network. Found controllers are listed in the [Searched Loop List].
  • Page 23: Building-Floor Setting

    BUILDING-FLOOR SETTING Describes how to set Building-Floor to be managed by the system. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Building-Floor Setting [Add] From the upper menu, select [System Management] > [Building-Floor Setting]. Click Add < > in the tool bar. Provide the building name in the [Building] input box.
  • Page 24: Communication Setting

    System Management COMMUNICATION SETTING In Communicating Setting, you can setup communication environments of Site and Loop settings, required for system operation. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Site Setting [Add] Site means a location that is installed with a system; generally, one site is installed with one communication server, usually SAMS Pro Communication Server.
  • Page 25: Loop Setting

    LOOP SETTING (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Loop Setting [Add – Serial Communication] Below describes how to setup Loop Setting for serial communication between the operating computer and controller. From the upper menu, select [System Management] > [Loop Setting]. Click Add <...
  • Page 26 System Management Set the [Communication Port]. Set the [Speed] for the communication.  Communication speed, which is the baud rate, may differ from devices. You can specify the communication speed for each device (access controller). When setting the communication speed, specifi ed both for the device and management program must match.
  • Page 27 Loop Setting [Add – Network Communication] Below describes how to setup Loop Setting for networked communication (LAN, WAN, Internet) between the operating computer and controller. From the upper menu, select [System Management] > [Loop Setting]. Click Add < > in the tool bar. Select a [Site].
  • Page 28 System Management Click [Auto Search Loop].  Searches and displays all devices found in the local network Devices already added are indicated as checked in the Whether to use column. If the operating system is Windows Vista , Windows 7 Auto Search Loop function requires disabling the Windows Firewall.
  • Page 29: Device And Reader Setting

    Modify – Use [Quick Search] at the top toolbar to fi nd desired data for modifi cation, change as necessary, and click < > to save changes. If prompted with ‘Do you want to restart the communication server?’, Click [Yes]. Delete –...
  • Page 30 System Management Select the [Device Address]. Each controller has its own address for communication. Within the same loop, devices must have different address. Devices in different loops may have the same address.  Setting the communication address differs from product to product. For setting the device’s communication address, refer to the product documentation for further details.
  • Page 31 Function Name Descriptions Antipassback limits door access only when entering and exiting matches if a door is installed with two Anti-passback separate readers both for entering and exiting respectively. In general, this function is used for preventing entering a door by following the previous authorization. You can set the delay time until the product triggers the door open alarm if the door stays open after the Alarm waiting time setting Door Relay time.
  • Page 32 System Management  Items in the Controller Option tab are enabled or disabled depending on whether the corresponding function is supported by the device. These optional items require confi gurations only when necessary. Function Name Descriptions LCD Display Select whether to display the access control result and the card number on the monitor. Output Operation Time Set the output operation time interval for the controller in seconds, such as 1 sec and 0.1 sec.
  • Page 33  Items in the Biometrics Setting tab are enabled or disabled depending on whether the corresponding function is supported by the device. These optional items require confi gurations only when necessary. Function Name Descriptions Sets the Fingerprint Registration mode. You can select from One Finger Two Templates and Two Fingers Two Templates options.
  • Page 34: Door Setting

    System Management DOOR SETTING Explains how to setup name of the entrance/door, entrance and exit readers of the door, and other options. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Door Setting [Add] From the upper menu, select [System Management] > [Door Setting]. Click Add <...
  • Page 35 Select a [Graphic Map / Icon]. This fi eld is an optional item, set this if required. Use this when you assign icons for doors on a graphic map. Select an [Icon]. This fi eld is an optional item, set this if required. Sets the icon for the door. Set [Reader IN] and [Reader OUT].
  • Page 36: Reader/Input/Output Setting

    System Management READER/INPUT/OUTPUT SETTING Reader/Input/Output Setting provides setup methods for each registered device. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Reader Point Setting [Edit] Assign readers’ and controller’s reader points in Reader Setting, and confi gure dwell time of output points. ...
  • Page 37 Input Point Setting [Edit] Assign readers’ and controller’s input points in Input Setting, and confi gure the default output and dwell time of output point.  There is no Add and Delete function for Input Point Setting. Input points are confi gured automatically at the time of device setting automatically, provided with default values appropriately for the device operations.
  • Page 38 System Management Select the [Time Schedule]. This fi eld is an optional item, set this if required. Set the time schedule for each input, if its function is linked to a time schedule. You can set the input to operate only for the time specifi ed in the time schedule.
  • Page 39 Output Point Setting [Edit] Assign readers’ and controller’s output points in Output Setting, and confi gure default settings.  There is no Add and Delete function for Output Point Setting. Output points are confi gured automatically at the time of device setting automatically, provided with default values appropriately for the device operations. Editing the output point setting is provided for changes and further refi...
  • Page 40: User Accounts Setting

    System Management USER ACCOUNTS SETTING User Accounts Setting [Add] Adds user accounts permitted to login to the program. - Login ID: Enter the user’s login ID. (Required) - Password: Enter the password of the account. (Required) - Password Confi rmation: Enter the same password of the account. (Required) - Company: Select the company to which the user belongs.
  • Page 41: User Accounts Group Settin

    USER ACCOUNTS GROUP SETTIN User Accounts Group Setting [Add] Adds a permission group to which a user belongs. - User Accounts Group: Enter the name of the user accounts group to be added. - Description: Enter the user group’s description. - Member: Add member IDs to the user group to be added.
  • Page 42: User Accounts Role Setting

    System Management USER ACCOUNTS ROLE SETTING User Accounts Role Setting [Add] You can grant or decline permissions of creating, saving, deleting, report viewing, data transfer, and batch data transfer to each user accounts group registered. From the upper menu, select [System Management] > [User Accounts Role Setting]. <...
  • Page 43: Setting The Door Access By Users

    SETTING THE DOOR ACCESS BY USERS For groups registered in the user account groups, you can grant or refuse access permission of each door’s monitoring and lock/unlock. From the upper menu, click [System] > [User Accounts Door Setting]. Select the [User Accounts Group]. Grant or refuse permissions (monitoring, lock/unlock) of each door to the account group.
  • Page 44: Device Management

    Device Management You will learn how to initialize the device, set the time, and send/receive device information as well as how to manage the master card.  In case of SAMS Pro Lite, only Batch Transmit by Device, Card Holder Batch Transmission by Device, and Device Version and Registered No.
  • Page 45: Device Time Setting

     Initializing deletes all information confi gured after the installation and may lose important stored data. Be cautious with initializing the product. Click Transmit button < > in the toolbar to send the confi guration to the device. DEVICE TIME SETTING You can set the time of each device using the SAMS Pro.
  • Page 46: Batch Transmit By Device

    Device Management Select whether to use [Auto Setting] in [Whether to Use]. Click Save < > in the tool bar.  In an area where the daylight saving time is applied, you must consider the start and end times of the daylight saving time, and specify the device time settings manually if necessary.
  • Page 47: Card Holder Batch Transmit By Device

    CARD HOLDER BATCH TRANSMIT BY DEVICE Card holder’s information searched from the database or created in serial can be transmitted to each device in a batch. From the upper menu, select [Device Management] > [Card Holder Batch Transmit by Device]. Select the [Card Holder Batch Transmission] tab.
  • Page 48 Device Management Select the [Create/Send Contiguous Card Numbers] tab. Select the destination device in the [Device List]. Enter the [Card Number Range] in [Create Condition]. If you set from 00100001 to 00100100, total 100 card numbers are automatically generated. Select a [Company]. Select a [Department].
  • Page 49: Device Version And Registered No. Of User

    DEVICE VERSION AND REGISTERED NO. OF USER You can check the product version, name and registered user of each device. From the upper menu, select [Device Management] > [Device Version and Registered No. of User]. Select the [Controller] tab for controller transmission, or [Biometrics Device] tab for biometrics reader device transmission.
  • Page 50: Master Card Management

    Device Management MASTER CARD MANAGEMENT You can register a new master card. 1 Master Card and fi ngerprint can be registered and managed by this function. You can use the fi ngerprint scanner SSA-X500 for this function. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Master Card Management [Add] ...
  • Page 51  For the master card in general, various authorization methods for regular cards are not supported (depending on devices). For entering the master mode, SSA-S30xx series products use RF+Password+Fingerprint authorization. For SSA-R20x0, R20x1 series products, reading the Master Card enters the master mode. Click [Capture] button.
  • Page 52 Device Management Select the destination device for the master card and fi ngerprint information in [Device List]. Click Transmit button < > in the toolbar to send the confi guration to the device.  To confi rm the data transmission and its result, run the [Monitoring] > [Integrated Monitoring] from the toolbar before clicking the transmit button.
  • Page 53: Operation Management

    Operation Management COMPANY SETTING Enter the company information. Company Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Company Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add < >. Enter the company name in the [Company] input box. If you want to enter the logo, click [Open...] to register it before use. Provide information for the other items if required as they are optional.
  • Page 54: Department Setting

    Operation Management DEPARTMENT SETTING Enter the department’s name. Department Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Department Setting]. Click Add < > in the tool bar. Provide a department name in the [Department] input box. Click Save < >...
  • Page 55: Position Setting

    POSITION SETTING Enter the job position. Position Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Position Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add < >. Provide a job position in the [Position] input box. Click Save < >...
  • Page 56: Company-Title Setting

    Operation Management COMPANY-TITLE SETTING Specify job titles to use for each registered company. From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Company-Title Setting]. Select a company in the [Select Company] list box. Select a job title in the [Title List] and use the right arrow key < >...
  • Page 57: Company-Position Setting

    COMPANY-POSITION SETTING Specify job positions to use for each registered company. From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Company-Position Setting]. Select a company in the [Select Company] list box. Select a job title in the [Company-Position List] and use the right arrow key < >...
  • Page 58: Access Type Setting

    Operation Management ACCESS TYPE SETTING Specify the access type of a card holder. You can specify, for instance, executive, partner and visitor, etc as you need. Access Type Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Access Type Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add <...
  • Page 59 From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Fire Group Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add < >. Provide a fi re group name in the [Fire Group] input box. In the [Fire Input] list box, there displays a list of input items defi ned as fi re signal. Select a fi re input item. ...
  • Page 60: Area Setting

    Operation Management AREA SETTING If confi gured with Area Setting and a certain input is selected as the trigger of entrances of confi gured [Area], a corresponding input event will inform how many occupants are remaining in the area. Area Setting [Add] ...
  • Page 61 From the tool bar, click save < > button. Modify – Use [Quick Search] at the top toolbar to fi nd desired data for modifi cation, change as necessary, and click < > to save changes. Delete – Use [Quick Search] at the top toolbar to fi nd desired data for deletion, select desired data to be deleted, and click <...
  • Page 62: Confirm Card Has Left The Area [Area Out]

    Operation Management CONFIRM CARD HAS LEFT THE AREA [AREA OUT] A card holder is considered being in the area if the area’s entrance card reader had a reading event of the card holder. When the area’s exiting card reader has reading event of the card holder, the card holder is checked out of the area. To force out the card holder, use [Confi...
  • Page 63: Graphic Map Setting

    GRAPHIC MAP SETTING You can display the location of a door or I/O signal on the graphic map. Graphic Map Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Graphic Map Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add < >.
  • Page 64 Operation Management Click [Graphic Map Setting] to specify the icon that corresponds to each of the entrance, access and camera. From the door list in the [Door] tab, select a door and drag and drop it to a desired position on the map screen. From the items in the [Input] or [Output] tab, select a door and drag and drop it to a desired position on the map screen From the camera list in the [Camera] tab, select a camera and drag and drop it to the map screen or right-click...
  • Page 65 To insert another image on the map screen, use the draw tools that display on the screen. Draw Tools Description Used to draw a rectangle shape. Used to draw a circle. Used to import a graphic fi le. Select a color for the rectangle or circle to use. First, select a color for the fi...
  • Page 66: Patroller Setting

    Operation Management PATROLLER SETTING From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Patroller Setting]. Select the company from the [Company] list box Click [Search] button to search for the cardholders. Select card holder(s), and click < > to add cardholder(s) to the Patroller List. Click Save <...
  • Page 67: Patrol Status Management

    Check [Sequential Patrol] if the patrol must be completed in sequence Check [Time Bound Patrol] if the patrol must be completed with time constraints.  In a [Time Bound Patrol], each check point must have [Patrol Time], [Allowed Time for Early] and [Allowed Time for Late].
  • Page 68 Operation Management Select the patrol to be executed from the [Patrol List] list box. Select the patroller from the [Patroller List]. Click [Start Patrol] button to start the patrol with the selected patroller.  The patrol will start if the patroller selected is not already on patrol and the patrol is not being executed.
  • Page 69: Access Control

    Access Control In Access Control, registering approved card holders to a building controlled by the system, as well as confi guring holidays and access control schedules are explained. Before setting up Access Control, confi gure the system, reader devices and access related information required for system operations. HOLIDAY SETTING In the Holiday Setting, you can set holidays, rename certain holidays, and tag with managerial codes.
  • Page 70: Time Interval Setting

    Access Control TIME INTERVAL SETTING Time Interval Setting can divide one day (24 hours) into up to 24 intervals. Such time interval can be applied differently to a specifi c day of week in the time schedule setting. Time Interval Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Access Control] >...
  • Page 71: Time Schedule

    TIME SCHEDULE Time Schedule for allowed access time can be confi gured differently for each day of week. Set time intervals in Time Interval Setting fi rst, and apply different or same intervals to specifi c days of week as necessary. Time Schedule [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Access Control] >...
  • Page 72: Access Group Setting

    Access Control ACCESS GROUP SETTING Explains how to group registered card holders for grouped access control. Access Group Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Access Control] > [Access Group Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add < >. Select a [Company].
  • Page 73: Card Holder Management

    CARD HOLDER MANAGEMENT Explains how to register card holders and its information. Describes how to register and how to confi gure card holders. Card Holder Management [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Access Control] > [Card Holder Management]. From the tool bar, click Add < >.
  • Page 74 Access Control If you want to register a photo, click [Open...] to register the photo. If you have a webcam installed with your PC, click [Capture Photo] to capture your photo for registration.  You can use bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png and wmf fi les. Since too big image fi le may cause delay in registration and display in monitoring screen, it is recommended to use smaller image fi...
  • Page 75 Card Mode Description Employee Uses the issued card to access the door. In Two Men Authentication mode, the administrator should be authenticated with two cards including the Administrator visitor card before entering the door. In Two Men Authentication mode, the visitor should be authenticated with two cards including the admin Visitor card before entering the door.
  • Page 76 Access Control With the card readers (SSA-S30XX series and SSA-R20xx series), you can transfer or receive fi ngerprint data. For the SSA-X500 fi ngerprint scanner, you can connect it to the USB port of the PC to register fi ngerprints which will be evaluated in 5-star grading according to the image state and quality.
  • Page 77 To register fi ngerprints, click [Fingerprint Registration]. Click [Capture] button. When the button is pressed, the red indicator of the fi ngerprint scanner turns on. Place the fi nger on the scanner to register the fi rst fi ngerprint template. Once the red indicator turns off, release your fi...
  • Page 78 Access Control Move to the [Event and Alarm Status] tab. Use this fi eld if you want to check the event history of card holders. Move to the [Time and Attendance Setting] tab. Use this fi eld if you want to confi gure the time and attendance settings. ...
  • Page 79: Closing Hour [Save]

    Attendance Explains how to setup managerial policies of a company. CLOSING HOUR [SAVE] You can set to run the closing time setting at a specifi ed time. From the upper menu bar, select [Attendance] > [Closing Hour]. Select a [Company]. [Schedule Closing Time Setting]: Select the use of the Schedule Closing Time Setting.
  • Page 80: Overtime Setting

    Attendance Click Save < > in the tool bar.   Work Code Types Exception Code Types Overtime 0: Overtime calculated for employee’s Early In: Come to offi ce earlier than the normal early in business start time Overtime 1 ~ 5: Overtime calculated for late-outs, Leaving Early: Leave the offi...
  • Page 81  Calculates hours of extended work for early attendance. The [Allowed Minimum Work] means the minimum working hours to earn the approval of extended work. An employee can be approved for overtime work only when worked more than the specifi ed [Allowed Minimum Work]. Ex) If the working hours is 9 hours from 09:00 to 18:00, then the [Allowed Minimum Work] to get approval for overtime work should be set to 9 hours.
  • Page 82 Attendance Provide a time duration for the accumulation time settings (from [Overtime 1] to [Overtime 5]) as necessary.  Use [Overtime 1]~[Overtime 5] for categorizing overtimes for different overtime allowances according to the time band.For example, if the allowed maximum overtime is set to 06:00 (6 hours) and allowances are differed by 2 hours unit, then set [Overtime 1] = 02:00, [Overtime 2] = 04:00, and [Overtime 3] = 06:00.
  • Page 83: Work Time Code Setting

    WORK TIME CODE SETTING You can use this menu to specify the work time for each company. Specify the start work time, the end work time and the overtime options as necessary. Work Time Code Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Attendance] > [Work Time Code Setting]. Select a [Company].
  • Page 84: Work Schedule Setting

    Attendance WORK SCHEDULE SETTING You can specify the work time for a specifi c day of the week by applying the work codes to the day. Setting the work schedule applies from that time on, not to the previous (existing) work history. When changing the settings, mind the time point of saving the settings.
  • Page 85: Closing Rule Setting

    CLOSING RULE SETTING The closing rules establishes the bases of the daily closing calculation and the monthly closing calculation. The daily closing rule creates the daily basis of the time and attendance; the monthly closing rule establishes the basis date for monthly summation. Closing Rule Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Attendance] >...
  • Page 86: Holiday Setting(Attendance)

    Attendance Modify – Use [Quick Search] at the top toolbar to fi nd desired data for modifi cation, change as necessary, and click < > to save changes. Delete – Use [Quick Search] at the top toolbar to fi nd desired data for deletion, select desired data to be deleted, and click <...
  • Page 87: Reader Setting(Attendance) [Add]

    READER SETTING(ATTENDANCE) [ADD] Specify a reader for the time and attendance management. Select a reader among multiple readers in the access control system that will be used to collect the time and attendance data Evaluate the time and attendance record using the event information from the designated reader.
  • Page 88: Monthly Closing

    Attendance Select a [Company]. Specify the [Start Date] and the [End Date]. Click [Closing] to close the daily data. - Date : Select a date to start the daily closing. - End Date : Select a date to end the daily closing. - Closing : Closes the daily data for a specifi...
  • Page 89 Click [Closing] to close the monthly data. - Closing Rule : Displays a list of monthly closing rules that are associated with the specifi ed closing rule. - Closing : Closes the data for a specifi c period. If the selected period has any work data recorded, this will close the data status and display the results.
  • Page 90: Revise Daily Closing

    Attendance If you open the context menu by right clicking on the lower grid that shows basic employee information, only the [Daily Closing Revision – Edit] menu item will be enabled. To move selected rows to the daily closing revision screen and edit existing attendance record, run the menu.
  • Page 91: Closing Report

    - Period: Specify the period to search. - Search: Provide necessary information for the Employee ID, Name, Department, Position, Title, and Closing Rule for the search. - Clear: Cancels your inputs. - Change: Select an item in the correction data list, make necessary changes, and click Save < >.
  • Page 92: Setting The Reader (Meal Counting) [Register]

    Attendance SETTING THE READER (MEAL COUNTING) [REGISTER] Confi gures the reader to count employee’s meal taking. When you want to set a certain reader device among others used in the access control system to collect count data of meal takings, you can confi gure a reader as described below. In this case, the confi...
  • Page 93: Meal Count Report

    MEAL COUNT REPORT Based on the history logged by the meal counting reader, the Meal Count Report shows the results matching the search conditions. From the top menu, click [Attendance] > [Meal Count Report]. Select either one of the [Meal Count Report] and [Meal Count Report (Detail)]. Provide search conditions including the search [Period] into the [Report Condition].
  • Page 94: Video Monitoring

    Video Monitoring RECORDER SETUP [REGISTER] Confi gure the connection settings between SAMS Pro-installed PC and recorder. To access the recorder, you are required to enter the access information. The admin account is a sole one that can access the recorder while up to 10 user accounts can make concurrent access. ...
  • Page 95 Enter the log-in ID in [Login ID]. Enter the password in [Password].  For the recorder, the default login ID is admin, and the default password is 4321.  Only the user account with the “Live View” and “Search” permissions can use the video monitoring feature. The other fi...
  • Page 96 Video Monitoring  Search for all recorders connected before listing them on the screen. The already registered recorders will have the Register option checked. Double-click a recorder to add, or select it and press < >.  In the recorder setup screen, the necessary information of model name, IP address, IP port, HTTP, MAC address and channel will be fi...
  • Page 97: Camera Settings

    CAMERA SETTINGS If you register a recorder, a list of cameras as many as the channel count supported by the recorder will be created automatically. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Camera Settings [Register] From the top menu bar, select [Video] > [Camera Settings]. If you register a recorder, a list of cameras as many as the channel count supported by the recorder will be created automatically.
  • Page 98 Video Monitoring Select a camera to register.  The channel number is the number of the camera displayed on the live screen or the play screen. Enter the camera name in [Camera]. Enter the fl oor (of a building) where the camera is located in [Building-fl oor]. Select to use the map in [Use Graphic Map] checkbox.
  • Page 99: Camera Mapping

    CAMERA MAPPING Map the cameras for each registered recorder with the device. The event video can be played on the live screen only if the camera is mapped with the recorder. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Camera Mapping [Save] From the top menu bar, select [Video] >...
  • Page 100: Search Video Data [Search & Play]

    Video Monitoring SEARCH VIDEO DATA [SEARCH & PLAY] You can search for an event and play the video recorded when the event occurred. From the top menu bar, select [Video] > [Search Video Data]. In the [Search criteria], specify the necessary search criteria including [Event Time]. Click the auto search recorder [ ] button.
  • Page 101: Recorder & Camera Settings Report

    RECORDER & CAMERA SETTINGS REPORT From the upper menu bar, select [Video] > [Recorder and Camera Settings Report]. Select [Recorder Model Name] in the search criteria. Provide the [Recorder Name] in the search criteria. Select [Sort Type].  The default setting of [Sort Type] is recorder name. Select [Sort Order].
  • Page 102: Live Video

    Video Monitoring If you want to print out a report, click [Print] in the preview tool bar to print out the report. If you export the report in a different fi le format, click [Conversion] in the preview tool bar to export the report in a desired fi...
  • Page 103: Configuring The Live Screen

     Any connected recorder will highlight the recorder name in blue; if not connected, the recorder will be marked in red. Select a camera whose live video you want to watch, and right-click it to select Live in the context menu or simply double-click it.
  • Page 104: Event Video Screen

    Video Monitoring EVENT VIDEO SCREEN To view the event video, the recorder should be checked to be enabled; the camera should be checked to be enabled and connected to the recorder. Besides, the camera should be mapped with the device where the event occurred. (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) To watch the event video Event video using the integrated monitoring...
  • Page 105: Lift

    Lift LIFT SETTING (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Lift Setting [Register] From the upper menu bar, select [Lift] > [Lift Setting]. From the tool bar, click Add < >. Enter a lift name in the [Lift Name] input box. Select [Building].
  • Page 106 Lift Select a [Reader Type].  For SSA-R1xxx series, select Proximity Reader. For SSA-S21xx and SSA-S30xx series products too, select Proximity Reader since these Standalone controllers have built-in proximity readers. For SSA-R2000/2001, select Proximity Reader+Keypad. For SSA-R2010/R2020/R2040/R2011/R2021/R2041 products, select Biometrics Reader. Select a [Reader Mode].
  • Page 107: Lift Output Point Setting

    LIFT OUTPUT POINT SETTING If you register a lift, 12 output points of the lift will be created automatically. (Unlike other controllers, you must specify a fl oor for the output point of the lift controller so that you can select the lift and fl oor in [Lift Access Group Setting]. Each output point of the lift controller corresponds to one fl...
  • Page 108 Lift  12 [Output Point No.] will be created for a registered lift. However, you must specify the [Floor] for the output point number so that you can use it in [Output Time] setting or [Lift Access Group]. Select [Floor]. Select [Output Time].
  • Page 109: Lift Access Group Setting

    LIFT ACCESS GROUP SETTING LIFT ACCESS GROUP Setting [Register] From the upper menu bar, select [Lift] > [Lift Access Group Setting]. From the upper tool bar, click Add < >. Select [Company]. Enter a [Lift Access Group Name]. The other fi elds are optional. Provide information if necessary. ...
  • Page 110: Lift Access Group Report

    Lift LIFT ACCESS GROUP REPORT From the upper menu bar, select [Lift] > [Lift Access Group Report]. Enter a [Lift Access Group Name] in the search criteria. Select [Company Name] in the search criteria.  The default of [Company Name] is [All]. Select [Sort Type].
  • Page 111: Accessible Floor Report By Card Holder

    Search criteria - Lift Access Group Name: One of search criteria that specifi es the lift access group name for the search. - Company Name: One of search criteria that specifi es the company name for the search. - Sort Type: Specify the display sequence of the report contents. Select one from lift access group name and time schedule name.
  • Page 112 Lift If you want to print out a report, click [Print] in the [Preview Report] tool bar to print out the report. If you export the report in a different fi le format, click [Conversion] in the [Preview Report] tool bar to export the report in a desired fi...
  • Page 113: Accessible Floor Report By Lift

    ACCESSIBLE FLOOR REPORT BY LIFT From the upper menu bar, select [Lift] > [Accessible Card Holder Report by Lift]. Select [Lift Name] in the search criteria. Select [Sort Type].  The default of [Sort Type] is lift. Select [Sort Order]. ...
  • Page 114 Lift From the upper tool bar, select [View Report]< >. If matches are found, the search results will be displayed as follows. If you want to print out a report, click [Print] in the [Preview Report] tool bar to print out the report. If you export the report in a different fi...
  • Page 115: Card Design

    Card Design NEW CARD DESIGN WIZARD The [New Card Design Wizard] provides easy and quick 4-step card design method. To complete a card design of your own, follow the 4 steps given by [New Card Design Wizard] and click [Save] button. After clicking the [Save] button, follow the instructions on [Add Card Design] screen to register the card design completed by the [New Card Design Wizard].
  • Page 116 Card Design Once the basic information is entered, the below sizing screen appears.  Screen descriptions At this step, specify the card size. The card size means the working screen’s size for the card design. In other words, the printable size of the card. ...
  • Page 117  Supported plastic cards and label papers. (Unit: Pixel) Category Label Name Width Height Orientation CR-80 Width CR-79 Width Plastic card CR-80(V) Height CR-79(V) Height Avery 2940 ID Badge Labels Width Avery 2944 ID Badge Inserts Height Avery 2946 Laminated ID Badges Width Avery 2947 Fold &...
  • Page 118 Card Design  Screen descriptions At this step, you can decide whether to use the both sides of the card. You can confi gure the work space for the card design for both sides or single side of the card. Single-sided design is for one-sided card design.
  • Page 119 Click [Save] to save your settings in the [New Card Design Wizard]. You will see the [Add Card Design] screen where your changes in [New Card Design Wizard] will be applied. • How to set the background color Step 1) Check the Fill Color option. Step 2) Click [Find Color].
  • Page 120 Card Design • How to use [Image Editor] - Using the source image Click [Apply] in the bottom right of the [Image Editor]. - To select a part of the image Step 1) From the image in the left of [Image Editor], specify a rectangle area to be used for the card background image.
  • Page 121 <The Save File browser appearing after click [Yes]> Step 4) The Save File browser appears as shown. Step 5) Enter a fi le name and select a fi le format. Step 6) Click [Save] to save the edited image to the PC. - To apply the edited image to the background image o the card Step 1) Edit an image in [Image Editor].
  • Page 122: Add Card Design

    Card Design ADD CARD DESIGN In [Add Card Design], you can create a new card design or edit an existing card design. The card design added in [Add Card Design] will be used to print out a card from [Print Employee Card]. Toolbar Default Setting DB Navigator...
  • Page 123 Add Card Design – Property Window  Screen Overview The card design properties window consists of two areas. In [Object Properties Window], you can set the properties of an object used in the card design. Objects include line, rectangle, circle, text box, image box, and one-dimensional barcode that used in the card design. In [Card Properties Window], you can set the properties of the working area of the [Add Card Design] screen.
  • Page 124 Card Design • Rectangle Properties Window: Select a rectangle • Circle Properties window: Select a circle in the work in the work screen to display the properties window. screen to display the properties window. Group Property Name Description Setup Name Display the X coordinate of the rectangle start point.
  • Page 125 • Textbox Properties window: Select a textbox in the work screen to display the properties window. Group Property Name Description Setup Name Display the X coordinate of the textbox start point. The textbox start point is the closest X coordinate of the point to the top left corner of the work screen.
  • Page 126 Card Design Group Property Name Description Setup Name Specify the font type used in the text box. You can use the fonts provided by your Font type Select a line style to your preference. operating system. Use the buttons of the list box, or size Specify the font size used in the text box.
  • Page 127 • Image box Properties window: Select an image box in the work screen to display the properties window. Group Property Name Description Setup Name Display the X coordinate of the image box start point. The image-box start point is the X coordinate of the closest point to the top left corner of the work screen.
  • Page 128 Card Design Group Property Name Description Setup Name 1. Check the Local option. Specify the image for the image box by loading an image stored in the PC. You can specify 2. Click [ only an image in less than 500kb. 3.
  • Page 129 Group Property Name Description Setup Name Display the X coordinate of the one-dimensional barcode start point. The one-dimensional barcode start point is the closest point to the top left corner of the work screen. The X X coordinate of the Not available.
  • Page 130 Card Design  Using the [Card Property Window] • Click the working window to display the card properties window. Group Property Name Description Setup Name 1. Select the plastic card radio button. Plastic card Used for plastic card template. 2. Select the desired plastic card. Used for label paper template.
  • Page 131 Group Property Name Description Setup Name Used to display/hide the guide lines. Select the guide line radio button. Guide line (Default: Not used) (Guide lines displayed are will not be printed.) Grid Used to display/hide the grid lines. Select the grid line radio button. (Default: Use) Guide line / Grid...
  • Page 132 Card Design Category Label Name Width Height Orientation Avery 2940 ID Badge Labels Width Avery 2944 ID Badge Inserts Height Avery 2946 Laminated ID Badges Width Avery 2947 Fold & Clip ID Badges Width Avery 2949 Fold & Clip ID Badges Width Avery 2960 Thermal ID Badges Height...
  • Page 133 Step 2) Click and drag the border of selection, to adjust the selected image area. Step 3) Selected image area is displayed in tor right top part of the [Image Editor]. - Image Zoom In / Out Use zoom in / out buttons or enter the value next to the buttons in the [Image Editor]. (MIN: -10, MAX: 10) - Rotate Image Use zoom in / out buttons or enter the value next to the buttons in the [Image Editor].
  • Page 134 Card Design Add Card Design – Toolbar Functions  How to use • Search Card Design Method 1) Directly select one from the list shown next to the quick search. Method 2) Use Previous [ ] and Next [ ] buttons to browse designs and select one. Method 3) Click Search [ ] button to move to the [Search Card Design] screen and fi...
  • Page 135 Step 1) Enter the company name. (Optional) Step 2) Enter the card design name. (Optional) Step 3) If any of two above optional input has been entered, matching search result will appear. Clicking the [Search] button without entering any keyword will display all available card designs. In the search result, basic information and size setup of card designs are displayed.
  • Page 136 Card Design Add Card Design – Database Navigator  Screen descriptions If a card design had been used referencing the employee database, the database navigator function provides card holder search and preview of printed card design with Previous [ ] /Next [ ] buttons.
  • Page 137 Add Card Design – Draw buttons  Screen descriptions In the Add Card Design window, there are 6 drawing buttons and one arrow button to select drawn objects. Drawing buttons are for creating objects (line, rectangle, circle, text box, image box, and one-dimensional barcode) in the card design.
  • Page 138 Card Design Image Name Description 1. Click the image box button. Image Box Used to place an image box. 2. Click the mouse on the desired starting point and drag it. 1. Click the 1-dimensional barcode button. 1-dimensional Used to draw an 1-dimensional barcode. (Barcode creation does not 2.
  • Page 139 Button Name Button Description and How to Use You can paste in copied or cut out objects. Paste [ Step 1) Conduct copy or cut fi rst. Step 2) Click Paste [ ] button or use the short cut key ([Ctrl] + [v]). You can use the Undo function.
  • Page 140: Print Employee Card

    Card Design Add Card Design – Print Button  Screen descriptions Click the Print button to promptly print the card design shown in the Add Card Design window.  How to use Step 1) Click Print [ ] button. Step 2) If the card design has been modifi ed or a new card design (never saved) will prompt you with a message box shown below.
  • Page 141 Print Employee Card - Card Design Print Information  Screen descriptions You can specify print information of the card design. Print information includes basic information for card printing. The company name, card design name, destination printer, and number of copies are required to activate the [Print] button.
  • Page 142 Card Design Step 5) Click [Search] button. If no keyword used for search criteria of employee name, employee ID, or department/title/rank, all employees registered to the selected company name in [Card Design Print Information] will be listed. Step 6) Select desired card holder from the search result, and print the card. Print Employee –...
  • Page 143: Setting The Allowed Card Copies

    SETTING THE ALLOWED CARD COPIES From the top menu bar, select [Card Design] > [Set Card Issuance Count].  Screen descriptions You can set the maximum number of allowed card copies and initialize the printing count. Setting the count of card issuance means that limiting allowed number of cards for the company’s card holder. Resetting the card issuance information means initializing the record of number of printed card copies.
  • Page 144: Individual Card Report

    Card Design Step 5) Enter the appropriate search keyword into the department/title/rank fi elds in Reset Card Issuance Information to search the desired card holder. (Optional) Step 6) Click [Search] button. All employees registered to the company will be listed if no search keywords of Step 2 ~ Step 5 is provided.
  • Page 145  Screen descriptions Individual Card Report provides card issuance information by individual card holder as a report, which allows printing or exporting.  How to use Step 1) Enter the employee ID to report. (Optional) Step 2) Select the card design name. (Optional) Step 3) Click [ ] button to select the desired card holder from the search result and click [OK] button.
  • Page 146: Card Report

    Card Design Step 9-1) To print, click print button on the preview window’s toolbar. Step 9-2) To export the preview into a different fi le format, click [Conversion] in the preview toolbar and select desired fi le format. (Exporting into TIF image format will produce an image of the report rotated by 90 degrees.) CARD REPORT From the top menu bar, select [Card Design] >...
  • Page 147 Step 4) Specify the Date of Print. The date of print sets allowed period of printing for the card holder. (Optional) Step 5) Set the sort key. (Optional) Sort key means the report will be sorted out based on the designated data.
  • Page 148: Monitoring

    Monitoring  For event monitoring, please use ‘SAMS Integrated Monitoring Pro’ SETTING THE INSTRUCTIONS From the top menu, click [Monitoring] > [Instruction Setting]. From the [Event List], select one to describe instructions. Use the [Show Popup] menu to set whether to display tray popup window upon events. Enter the [Title] of the [Instruction].
  • Page 149 Tools E-MAIL/SMS SERVER SETTING [SAVE] (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) From the upper menu bar, select [Tool] > [E-mail/SMS Server Setting]. Select the [E-mail Server Setting] tab. Check the [Use E-Mail Notifi cation] option. Uncheck it if you do not want to use the option. Provide the [SMTP Host].
  • Page 150 Tools Check the [Use SMS Notice] option. Uncheck it if you do not want to use the option. Provide the [SMS Service Server]. Be sure to type in “”, nothing else. The service will not be run with other servers. Provide the [Port Number].
  • Page 151: Recipient Setting

    RECIPIENT SETTING (This is not available in SAMS Pro Lite.) Recipient Setting [Add] From the upper menu bar, select [Tool] > [Recipient Setting]. Provide the [Name]. Provide the [E-mail] address. Provide the [Phone(Mobile)] number. Select events to receive in the event list. Click Save <...
  • Page 152: Database Backup And Restore

    Tools DATABASE BACKUP AND RESTORE You can backup and preserve all settings and records currently confi gured to the SAMS Pro, and preserved data can be used to restore SAMS Pro confi guration. From the upper menu bar, select [Tool] > [Database Backup and Restore]. Select the [Database Backup/Restore] tab.
  • Page 153  Provides a description of the Database Backup & Restore screen. - Database: Displays the names of connected databases. - Server: Displays the names of connected database servers. - Login ID: Displays the login ID used to connect to the database. - The [Manual Database Backup] fi...
  • Page 154: Database Backup And Restore (Auto Management For Event Data)

    Tools DATABASE BACKUP AND RESTORE (AUTO MANAGEMENT FOR EVENT DATA) You can make the event data managed automatically for the purpose of effective management of the system resources. From the upper menu bar, select [Tool] > [Database Backup and Restore]. Select the [Auto Management for Event Data] tab.
  • Page 155: Data Import/Export

    DATA IMPORT/EXPORT Using the Data Import tool, you can save the access history of several card holders in the database. You can use Export to save information of card holders, events, and closing rules in various formats. From the upper menu bar, select [Tool] > [Data Import/Export]. Select the [Import(card holder)] tab.
  • Page 156 Tools  It is recommended to confi gure the text fi le that will be used in [Data Import] as follows: (The following is an example fi le that is imported using the semi-colon (;) as the custom delimiter.) When creating a fi le to import where the characters of the local language other than English are contained, you must save the fi...
  • Page 157: Options

    - ID: Provide the user ID required to log in to the database. - Password: Provide the password required to log in to the database. - Source Database: Displays information about the current server. - Target Database: Displays information about the server to export your selection. - Mapping/Preview Data by Columns: Displays the mapping information.
  • Page 158 Tools Click [Left Pane > Display > Font] to specify the font types used for the system and the report. Click [Left Pane > Display > Tooltip Display Time] to specify the tooltip display duration. Click [Left Pane > Display > Display Biometrics Data and Image] to specify whether to display the biometrics data. Click [Left Pane >...
  • Page 159 Click [Left Pane > Device > Registration Reader] to specify a reader for registering data.  For further instructions on registration reader setup, refer to the Appendix C. Click [Left Pane > System > Lock Mode Setting] to specify the lock mode. Click [Left Pane >...
  • Page 160 Tools From the left list, move to “Video” > “Sync PC time to Recorder time”, and check the option to synchronize the PC time with the recorder time. From the left list, move to “Auto print mustering report” > “Whether to auto print mustering report”, and check the option to specify the auto printing.
  • Page 161: Icon Setting [Save]

    ICON SETTING [SAVE] You can specify the icons used for the program according to the type. From the upper menu bar, select [Tool] > [Icon Setting]. Select a [Type]. Provide a [Icon Group]. Select icons to use in the [Icon List]. A description about the selected icon will be displayed with the default image.
  • Page 162: Report

    Report DEVICE SETTING REPORT This report shows the status of all the devices registered with SAMS Pro, which can be saved in your local PC in a desired format using the conversion function. From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Device Setting Report]. Select a [Device Type] in the Search Condition.
  • Page 163: Holiday Setting Report

     Search Condition - Device Type: Select Controller or Biometric Reader. - Product Type • If you select Controller in the Device Type: You can select one from Controller, Door, Input, and Output in the active group box. • If you select Biometric Reader in the Device Type: The Product Type can be specifi ed only for the controller so the group box will be grayed out in this case.
  • Page 164: Time Schedule Report

    Report Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order. Select a [Sort Order] in the Sort Type and Order. Click Preview Report < > in the upper tool bar. The report meeting the search criteria will be displayed as shown. To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar.
  • Page 165 Provide the [Time Interval] name in Search Condition. Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order. Select a [Sort Order] in the Sort Type and Order. Click Preview Report < > in the upper tool bar. The report meeting the search criteria will be displayed as shown.
  • Page 166: Access Group Setting Report

    Report ACCESS GROUP SETTING REPORT From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Access Group Setting Report]. Select a [Company] in Search Condition. Provide the [Access Group Name] in Search Condition. Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order. Select a [Sort Order] in the Sort Type and Order.
  • Page 167: Card Holder Report

    CARD HOLDER REPORT From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Card Holder Report]. Select [Card Holder Report] or [Card Holder Report(Detail)] in Report Type. Provide the [Employee ID] in Search Condition. Type in the [Card Number] in Search Condition. Click [Search Employee] to fi...
  • Page 168: Allowed Card Holders By Doors

    Report  Search Condition - Report Type • Card Holder Report: Displays the basic information about the card holders. • Card Holder Report (Detail): Displays the detailed information about the card holders. - Employee ID: Provide the [Employee ID]. - Card number: Provide the card number. - Name: Use this if you search for an employee.
  • Page 169: Accessible Door Report By Person

    To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar. To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.  Search Condition - Door List: Click [Door Search] to display a list of doors meeting the specifi ed search criteria where you can select a door that you want to check.
  • Page 170: Normal Event Report

    Report To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar. To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.  Search Condition - Employee: Provide the employee number to fi nd. - Door List: Click [Door Search] to display a list of doors meeting the specifi...
  • Page 171 To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar. To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.  Search Condition - Event Time: Specify a search period. - Event Type: Select an event type to check.
  • Page 172: Alarm Report

    Report ALARM REPORT From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Alarm Report]. Specify the [Event Time] period in Search Condition. Select an [Event Type] in Search Condition. Type in the [Card Number] in Search Condition. Select a [Name] in Search Condition. Specify the [Door] in Search Condition.
  • Page 173: Reader Event Summary

     Search Condition - Event Time: Specify a search period. - Event Type: Select an event type to check. - Card number: Type in the card number to check. - Search Employee: If you want to search for an employee, click Search Employee to display the employee list where you can select multiple employees to check.
  • Page 174 Report To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar. To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.  Search Condition - Report Type : The access event summary by the reader informs you of the occurrences of events for each reader. If you click Detail, the event count and occurrence time will be shown.
  • Page 175: Access Event Summary

    ACCESS EVENT SUMMARY From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Access Event Summary]. Select a report type in the search condition area. Select an [Period] in Search Condition. Select a [Name] in Search Condition. Specify the [Reader Name] in Search Condition. Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order.
  • Page 176: Mustering Report

    Report  Search Condition - Report Type : The access event summary by the card holder informs you of the occurrences of events for each card holder. If you click Detail, the event count and occurrence time will be shown. - Period : Specify the start and end time of your search.
  • Page 177: Auditing Log Report

    Click Preview Report < > in the upper tool bar. The report meeting the search criteria will be displayed as shown. To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar. To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.
  • Page 178 Report Specify the [Menu] in Search Condition. Select a [Sort Type] in the Sort Type and Order. Select a [Sort Order] in the Sort Type and Order. Click Preview Report < > in the upper tool bar. The report meeting the search criteria will be displayed as shown. To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar.
  • Page 179 NOTIFICATION REPORT From the upper menu bar, select [Report] > [Notifi cation Report]. Specify the [Notice time] in Search Condition. Select a [Notice Type] in Search Condition. Select an [Event Type] in Search Condition. Specify the [Receiver] in Search Condition. Specify the [Event Time] period in Search Condition.
  • Page 180: Login/Out Report

    Report  Search Condition - Notice Time: Specify a search period. - Notice Type: Select a notice type to check. - Event Type: Select an event type to check. - Search Receiver: If you want to search for a receiver, click the corresponding button to display the receiver list where you can select multiple receivers.
  • Page 181 To print out the previewed report, click [Print] in the Preview tool bar. To export the previewed report, click [Conversion] in the Preview tool bar to convert it to a desired format before exporting it.  Search Condition - Event Time: Select a time that you want to search for. - Login ID: Select a login ID that you want to search for.
  • Page 182: Patrol Report

    Report PATROL REPORT Patrol Report provides the information about the completed patrol(s). From the upper menu bar, select [Operation Management] > [Patrol Status Management].  Search Condition [Date] Select the period of patrol execution. [Company] Select the company. [Patrol Name] Provide the patrol name. [Card Number] Provide the card number.
  • Page 183: Visitor Information Report

    VISITOR INFORMATION REPORT Click [Report] > [Visitor Information Report] on the top menu. Select either one report type of [Basic Visitor Report] or [Detailed Visitor Report]. Set the time range for the report in the search condition’s [Date]. Enter the [Visitor Name] in the search conditions. Enter the [Card Number] in the search conditions.
  • Page 184: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting TROUBLESHOOTING If the product does not function properly, please see the below for trouble shooting. PROBLEM ACTION I encountered an error while 1. On your desktop, select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Service. installing SAMS Pro Database. 2.
  • Page 185 PROBLEM ACTION 4. Move to the Normal tab, set the start type to “Automatic”, and click Apply. ‘Click “Stop” and select “Start” to restart the service. 5. Select SQL Server Browser and right-click it to select Properties. 6. Make changes in the same way as SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS). The SAMS Pro database is not 1.
  • Page 186 Troubleshooting PROBLEM ACTION 5. Click the ellipsis button (…) in the right corner. 6. Click [Add]. 7. Find the installation folder of the SAMS Pro database and select the [SAMSUNG_ PRO_xxxxx.bak] fi le, and click [OK]. 8. In the next page, also click [OK]. 9.
  • Page 187: Appendix A. 187 Introduction On Sams Pro

    ❖ Glossary Term Descriptions Means SAMSUNG Access Management System Pro, which is the management SAMS Pro application program for access control. SAMS Pro Lite is an access control management program that is the lite version of SAMS Pro However, it does not provide the device setup menu and can not be SAMS Pro Lite used independently of SAMS Pro.
  • Page 188: Understanding Sams Pro

    Appendix A SAMS Pro application program performs data communication to the controller (via serial or TCP/IP) and various functions based on received data. By integrating devices and application program, it provides higher security through access controlling where it is required, and also provides additional features with various applications. UNDERSTANDING SAMS PRO SAMS Pro supports various devices such as access controllers, fi...
  • Page 189: Sams Pro Configurations

    SAMS PRO CONFIGURATIONS Below is a sample confi guration of SAMS solution which suits to a single building or organization. In this example, SAMS Pro, SAMS Communication Server Pro and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express are installed on dedicated machines separately.
  • Page 190: Features

    Access control system integrated with video surveillance (Recorder) A variety of recorder and camera models manufactured by Samsung Techwin are compliant. It also maps access control points for specifi c areas (entrance, input, reader, etc) with the camera, synchronizing a text-based access history with video information before being played.
  • Page 191 Event Notifi cation & Acknowledgement Administrator who is responsible for managing alerts can confi rm and acknowledge events. Alarm events are released with alarm indication only when an administrator acknowledges, and can be viewed in reports. Font Coloring for Events According to event types, administrator can set different colors to events according to their types.
  • Page 192: Appendix B. 192 Install Net Framework 3.5 Sp1 On Windows Server 2008

    Appendix B. INSTALL NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 SP1 ON WINDOWS SERVER 2008 NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is required before you can install SAMS on Windows Server 2008. NET Framework 3.5 will be normally installed while SAMS is installed on most of the operating systems. However, you must follow the instructions below to install . NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2008 before installing SQL Server 2008 R2 included in the SAMS package.
  • Page 193 Appendix C. SETTING UP THE CARD READER FOR CARD REGISTRATION You can use the card reader to register a user (visitor) / master cards. Requirements 1. PC 2. USB 3. USB-to-Serial Convertor 4. DSUB9pin 5. TX 6. GND 7. Reader Card Reader and PC Setup DSUB 9-PIN RS232 Male Connector Currently, it uses the DSUB 9PIN RS232 Male connector for system connection.
  • Page 194 Appendix C. Hardware Construction Connect the Reader and DSUB Connect the TX wire of the Reader to the DSUB connector’s PIN-2(RXD), and GND of the Reader to the DSUB connector’s PIN-5. Connect the Reader and DSUB Connect the Reader via USB-to-Serial Converter to DSUB As shown below, connect the USB-to-Serial converter and DSUB connector.
  • Page 195 Connecting the Reader Wires Check the serial port number To check the serial port number, open the Device Manager. (My Computer -> Properties -> Device Manager -> Port (COM & LPT)) Checking the Serial Port Device Manager English Englis_ English _195...
  • Page 196 Appendix C. Port (COM & LPT) ※ When the USB-to-Serial converter is connected to the PC, the Device Manager assigns a port to it, and shows it under the Port (COM & LPT) item. Software Confi guration Register the Reader Once hardware connection is completed, click Tools ->...
  • Page 197 Registering a Card To register a user (visitor) card, click the card number input fi eld and then place the card to be registered onto the Reader. SAMS Pro/ SAMS Basic SAMS Visitor Management English Englis_ English _197...
  • Page 198 Appendix D. SAMS MANAGER All scheduled tasks in SAMS is handled by SAMS Manager. The features of SAMS Manager are like below, and SAMS Manager should be executed for these features  Delete expired cards  Time sync of access control devices ...
  • Page 199 If you click database, confi g.exe will be executed. After database setting, please click Start for service restart. If you see below message box when you click ‘Start’, please restore service following below procedure. Move SAMS setup folder. Execute uninstall.bat Execute install.bat English Englis_ English _199...
  • Page 200 MEMO...
  • Page 201 Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that the product and its electronic accessories (e.g. charger, headset, USB cable) should not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of their working life.
  • Page 202 SAMSUNG TECHWIN AMERICA Inc. SAMSUNG TECHWIN EUROPE LTD. 100 Challenger Rd. Suite 700 Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 Samsung House, 1000 Hillswood Drive, Hillswood Business Toll Free : +1-877-213-1222 Direct : +1-201-325-6920 Park Chertsey, Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM KT16 OPS Fax : +1-201-373-0124 TEL: +44-1932-45-5300, FAX: +44-1932-45-5325

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