Dogtra 1900S, 1902S - Dog System Manual

Dogtra 1900S, 1902S - Dog System Manual

Also See for 1900S:


Dogtra 1900S, 1902S - Dog System Manual

Please read this manual thoroughly before operating the 1900S training e-collar.



Optional Accessories

Auto Charger

The auto charger for the 1900S has an input of 12-volts to 24-volts and has an output of 10-volts 1500mAh.

European Charger

Dogtra's European chargers are designed for use with a 220 volt AC electrical outlet.
To purchase accessories, please visit or call customer service at (888) 811-9111.


  • Easy to use, ergonomically fitted transmitter
  • Rheostat Dial that allows for gradual adjustments in stimulation intensity with no jumps between levels (0-127)
  • 3/4-mile range
  • High output
  • 2 different stimulation types - Nick & Constant
  • High Performance Pager (HPP) vibration feature
  • 2-hour rapid charge lithium polymer batteries
  • IPX9K waterproof certified - the highest heat and water pressure test
  • Easily visible blue LCD screen displays exact level of stimulation that can be seen in the dark
  • Three bar battery life indicator and LED colored indicator to show remaining battery life
  • Enhanced contact points
  • For dogs as small as 35 pounds


1900S Transmitter Overview
1900S Transmitter

1902S Transmitter Overview
1902S Transmitter

1900S, 1902S Receiver Overview
1900S, 1902S Receiver


Turning the 1900S On/Off

To turn the handheld transmitter on, hold down the button on the right side of the transmitter until the LCD screen illuminates. To turn the transmitter off, hold down the same button on the right side of the transmitter until the LCD screen shuts off.
Turning the Transmitter On/Off

To turn the receiver on, hold down the on/off button until the LED indicator turns green. To turn the receiver off, hold down the on/off button until the LED indicator turns red.
Turning the Receiver On/Off

Transmitter Button Function


The 1900S has four buttons on the handheld transmitter (one on the face of the transmitter, two on the left side, and one on the right side).
Transmitter Button Function - 1900S

Nick Button

The Nick button is located on the top of the left side of the handheld transmitter. When the Nick button is pressed, the receiver emits a single rapid pulse of electrical stimulation.

Constant Button

The Constant button is located on the bottom of the left side of the handheld transmitter. Pressing the Constant button gives continuous stimulation as long as the button is pressed, for up to 12 seconds. If the button is not released after 12 seconds, the stimulation will automatically turn off as a safety feature. The receiver will be ready to be reactivated once the button has been released.

Pager Button

The Pager button is located on the face of the transmitter. Pressing it will give a vibration for as long as the button is pressed, for up to 12 seconds.

On/Off Button

The on/off button is located on the right side of the transmitter. To turn the transmitter on, hold the button until the LCD screen illuminates. To turn the transmitter off, press the button until the screen is off. To turn the LCD back light on and off, shortly press the on/off button.


The 1902S two-dog unit has five buttons and a toggle switch on the transmitter (two on the face of the transmitter, two on the left side, and one on the right side).
Transmitter Button Function - 1902S

Nick & Constant Toggle Switch

Located on the face of the transmitter is a toggle switch. The toggle switch has a setting for Nick and another for Constant. The color-coordinated buttons (orange for the orange receiver and gray for the black receiver) will implement the desired stimulation based on the toggle switch setting.

When either the orange or gray stimulation button is pressed and the toggle is set on Nick, the receiver emits a single pulse of electrical stimulation.

When you press either the orange or gray stimulation button and the toggle is set on Constant, the receiver emits a continuous stimulation as long as the button is pressed, for up to 12 seconds. If the button is not released after 12 seconds, the stimulation will automatically turn off as a safety feature. The receiver will be ready to be reactivated once the button has been released.

Pager Button

The Pager buttons are located on the face of the transmitter. The orange button corresponds with the orange receiver and the gray with the black receiver. Pressing it will give a vibration as long as the button is pressed, for up to 12 seconds.

Receiver Fitting

Proper Fit

The receiver should be fitted so that the medical grade stainless steel contact points press firmly against the dog's skin. You should be able to fit two fingers underneath the collar strap. The best location is on either side of the dog's windpipe.

Improper Fit

A loose fit can allow the receiver to move around on the dog's neck. When this happens, the contact points may rub against the skin and cause irritation. If the receiver is too loose, the contact will not be consistent and cause the corrections to be inconsistent. Dogtra uses medical grade stainless steel contact points and anti-microbial plastic to protect the dog's skin.
Receiver Fitting

Leaving the receiver in the same location on the dog's neck for an extended period of time can cause skin irritation due to the sensitivity from the contact points. If the dog is to wear the receiver for long periods, occasionally reposition the receiver every few hours so that the contact points are moved to a different location on the dog's neck and remove the receiver after 8 hours of usage. Make sure you check for skin irritation each time you use the unit.

Finding the Right Stimulation

The 1900S has a Rheostat Dial on the top of the transmitter (0 is the lowest and 127 is the highest). Remember that you will need to adjust the setting (upward or downward) depending on your dog's temperament and threshold for stimulation. Always start at the lowest level and work your way up. The appropriate level can be found when the dog responds to the stimulation with a mild reaction. Also, as the dog's attitude changes, especially during times of increased excitement or distraction, you may need to adjust the intensity level.

NOTE: The stimulation intensity can be adjusted even while the stimulation is in use.

Maximizing the Distance

The 1900S has a 3/4-mile range. Depending on the way you use your transmitter, the transmitter range may vary.

To get the greatest range, hold the transmitter away from your body and avoid touching the antenna. Keep your unit properly charged for maximum signal strength.
Maximizing the Distance

LED Indicator

The LED indicator flashes every 4 seconds when the receiver is on and ready for use. The LED indicator will blink on both the transmitter and the receiver when the transmitter buttons are pressed.

The LED indicator color indicates the battery life level.
Green = Full charge
Amber = Medium charge
Red = Needs charge

If the unit is used while the LED indicator is red, it may shut down automatically.
LED Indicator

Receiver Indicator Light

When the Constant button on the transmitter is pressed, the receiver indicator light will glow steadily (either green, amber, or red based on the remaining battery life), as long as you hold the button down, for up to 12 seconds. When the Nick button is pressed, the light comes on for a fraction of a second.

Charging the Battery

Charging the Battery

The Dogtra 1900S uses a lithium polymer battery. Recharge the unit if the indicator light is red or does not come on, the transmitter LCD shows only 1 bar on the indicator, or the system will not stay on when any button is pressed.

NOTE 1: Only use Dogtra-approved batteries, chargers, and accessories for your Dogtra e-collars. This will prevent any damage that can be incurred from attempting to use a different charger.

NOTE 2: The unit has a partial charge when it leaves the Dogtra facility. Upon receipt of the system, be sure to give it a full 2-hour initial charge before the first use away from any flammable substances.

NOTE 3: When a charger is not in use, disconnect it from the power source. Fully charge the batteries if the unit is to be stored without use for a period of 3 months or more.

Follow the steps below to charge your system:

  1. Open the rubber plugs on the battery charging receptacles and plug in the charging cable.
  2. Plug the charger into a 120-volt wall outlet or, if using the auto charger, plug into a cigarette lighter only for lithium polymer batteries (use a 220 volt European charger for Europe). All indicator lights should glow red when properly plugged in and the unit will automatically shut off during the charging process. You will need to turn the unit on again before use once the unit is fully charged and unplugged from the battery cable.
  3. The lithium polymer battery is fully charged within 2 hours. The lights will stay red during the charging process and turn green once the unit is fully charged.
  4. After charging, cover the battery charging receptacles with the rubber plugs.

Handheld Transmitter LCD

Handheld Transmitter LCD
The LCD screen indicates the stimulation level on the screen ranging from (0-127). The battery life indicator shows:
3 bars = Full charge
2 bars = Medium charge
1 bar = Needs charge

The battery life indicator only shows the remaining charge of your transmitter. To find the remaining charge for your receiver, observe the LED indicator light on the receiver.

Care for LCD Transmitters in Cold Temperature

In cold temperatures (10°F or below), the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) on your transmitter may be dim or slow to respond. Wait until the display becomes visible before selecting any training level. Even though the LCD screen might be dim or slow to respond when you push the Nick or Constant button, the transmitter will still function properly. In the occurrence of extremely cold weather, the LCD screen might take a moment to respond causing the intensity level to freeze at that current level. If you turn the Rheostat Dial, the level on the screen may not change but the actual intensity from the receiver will change in agreement with the dial. In this situation, it is ideal to either wait until your transmitter is back in working order before emitting a correction or while holding the Constant button down, slowly turn the Rheostat Dial while watching your dog's reaction. Do not turn the Rheostat Dial rapidly, because the receiver will emit a static correction based on the level of the Rheostat Dial, which might not be correctly reflected on the LCD screen.

Attaching the Belt Clip

Attaching the Belt Clip

Follow the instructions below to attach the included belt clip to the transmitter.

  1. Align the belt clip to the grooves on the back of the transmitter.
  2. With a firm grip, screw on the belt clip's Phillips head screws with a screwdriver.

    Tighten until firmly in place. Be careful not to over tighten.

Using the Test Light

Using the Test Light

  1. Turn on the receiver by pressing the on/off button. The indicator light will come on for a moment then blink once every 4 seconds, showing that the receiver is ready to use (the receiver needs to be charged if the indicator light is red).
  2. Turn the transmitter on by holding down the on/off button on the right side of the transmitter. The LED will blink every 4 seconds and the LCD screen will show the remaining battery life.
  3. Place the test light, included in the package contents, on the contact points as shown in the diagram.
  4. Watch the test light as you push the Nick button on the transmitter. It should light up for just a moment. The higher the intensity, the brighter the test light will be.
  5. Watch the test light as you push the Constant button on the transmitter. It should light up as long as the button is pressed. However, as a safety feature, the receiver will automatically stop the stimulation if the Constant button is pressed for 12 seconds or longer.
  6. Turn the Rheostat Dial on the transmitter clockwise and then counterclockwise. The test light should glow brighter with higher levels of stimulation and dimmer with lower levels.

Note: The test light may not be visible if the intensity level is set below level ten.


Your dog must know some basic obedience commands before beginning training with the 1900S. A dog learns by first being shown a command, followed by lots of repetition over an extended period. As the dog becomes proficient at these commands, the trainer can introduce distractions and different locations to strengthen them.

Obedience Training on the Leash

Your dog must fully understand the obedience commands (sit, stay, here, heel, and kennel) before using the e-collar for reinforcement of these commands. A leash attached to a standard collar is used to "teach" the dog the basic obedience commands (here, heel, sit, and stay). A tug on the leash/collar is used to reinforce the command. When the dog complies with the command, use positive reinforcement/praise. Once the dog understands these commands, the e-collar can be used to reinforce them.

Beginning E-Collar Training

When you feel your dog understands the obedience commands on the leash we can now start with the e-collar training. With the dog on the leash and wearing the e-collar, continue with your obedience drills. Apply light stimulation (Nick or Constant) when a command is given; the stimulation can be removed as the dog complies. Through repetition, the dog learns to perform the command.

The final step is the avoidance phase in which the dog learns that he can avoid the stimulation altogether by performing your commands. When these training procedures are complete, the e-collar is used as a reminder when the dog does not comply with your commands at home or in the field. Keep your initial training sessions short and positive as dogs have a short attention span.

How Much Stimulation to Use

Always start with low levels of stimulation and work your way up depending on the disposition of your dog and the given situation. By using the correct amount of stimulation to get your point across, you will have a more controllable environment and a dog that is under less stress. Animals (and humans) perform better in a less stressful environment.

For more training information, please visit our website at


Basic maintenance

Make sure the rubber charging cap is securely in place when the system is in use. After each training session, carefully inspect the unit for any missing parts or damage to the casing. Damaged or broken casing may affect the waterproof guarantee on the unit. After confirming that there is no damage to the casing, rinse the receiver and clean out any dirt or debris.

Storage maintenance

The 1900S should be fully charged before storing for extended periods. While in storage, the unit should be given a full charge once a month and before the first use. Store the units in room temperature. Do not keep the units exposed to extreme climates.


If the unit is malfunctioning, please refer to the "Troubleshooting Guide" before sending it to Dogtra for service. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email them to, or call customer service at (888) 811-9111.


  1. My dog is not reacting to the system.
    • Make sure the receiver and transmitter are turned on.
    • Make sure the collar strap is tight enough so both contact points are touching the dog's skin.
    • The contact points may be too short for the dog. To place an order for longer contact points that are more appropriate for your dog, please call (888) 811- 9111. If you are already using the longest contact points available, you might need to trim down the hair on the dog's neck so both contact points are touching the dog's skin.
    • The intensity level may be too low for your dog. Keep increasing the stimulation until the dog responds, usually with neck movement, head shaking, looking over its shoulder, etc. (response may be very subtle).
  2. The test light comes on, but I do not feel any stimulation.
    • Your tolerance may be higher than your dogs. We recommend testing the system at higher levels with the test light.
    • The battery may be low, so check the LED light for battery life.
  3. The transmitter has no range or stimulation is less when the dog is farther away.
    • The antenna(s) may be damaged. To order parts, please contact customer service at (888) 811-9111 or go to
    • The range indicated on the unit's box is for flat terrain. Heavy brush, trees, hills, or moisture will affect the range of your unit. For best range, hold the transmitter vertically above your head, and/or try moving to higher ground.
    • Any electrical conductors will affect the range, such as cars, chain-link dog runs, metal structures, and radio towers. For best results, operate away from these items.
  4. My unit is not holding a charge.
    • The batteries might not be charged properly, or the charger, splitter, and the charging port may not be functioning properly. You can send in your charging units to have us inspect them.
    • The charging pin may be damaged. Inside the charging port, there is a metal pin that should be standing straight up and stiff. If the pin is wobbling, broken, or missing, you will need to send the unit in to the Repair Department. The charging port must be clean prior to charging; clean the dirt out with a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol. If the dog is in salt-water, be sure to rinse the receiver and charging port with clean water.
    • If the above does not resolve your issues, contact Dogtra customer service at or (888) 811-9111.

Documents / Resources


Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download Dogtra 1900S, 1902S - Dog System Manual


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