NewArc NA9910619 Operational Manual page 11

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5. Slope control
Operates in MIG mode only. This control alters the output voltage(V) to output current(I) relationship. This control
is sometimes know as ' A rc Control' or ' A rc Pinch Control' as it regulates the pinch effect of the welding arc.
6. Mode switch
Selects welding mode when there is no remote connection.
7. Arc force control
Operates in MMA mode only. This control alters the welding dynamics of the machine to facilitate welding
with different types of welding electrodes (e.g. general purpose, celulosic, low hydrogen and iron powder).
Turning towards maximum will increase penetration at the expense of increased welding splatter, turning
towards minimum will reduce penetration but the arc will be smoother and less fierce.
8. Remote control socket
For connection of external remote control, external TIG control unit or wire feed unit. There is no switch for
remote operation, plugging an external unit into the socket automatically selects remote operation and
disables the internal control (4).
9. Inductance control
Operates in MIG mode only. This control alters the response time of the power source and is generally used
in short circuit dip transfer welding. Too little inductance will result in excessive spatter and too much will not
allow the welding current to rise fast enough causing the electrode to stub into the base metal.
10. -ve weld terminal
Main welding power output connector, negative polarity.
11. +ve weld terminal
Main welding power output connector, positive polarity.
12. Main 3P Isolation switch
Switches the machine on and off.
13. Mains Input
Three phase mains cable.
14. Auxiliary transformer supply fuse
Fuse 3.15A slow blow, 32 x 6.3mm ceramic body.
15. Remote supply fuse
Protects the auxiliary supply from the remote control socket. Fuse type is 20 x 5mm glass body, 6.3A 'slow
blow' rating
16. Main supply fuse to the cooling unit (Only fitted to cooling unit version)
Fuse 3.15A slow blow, 32 x 6.3mm ceramic body.
17. Auxiliary Cooling unit supply fuse (only fitted to cooling unit version)
Protects the auxiliary supply to the cooling unit. Fuse type is 20 x 5mm glass body, 2A 'slow blow' rating.


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