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Motorola MVME162FX400 Series Installation Manual page 4

Vme embedded controller


The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
Is used for user input that you type just as it appears; it is also used for commands,
options and arguments to commands, and names of programs, directories and files.
Is used for names of variables to which you assign values. Italic is also used for
comments in screen displays and examples, and to introduce new terms.
Is used for system output (for example, screen displays, reports), examples, and system
<Enter>, <Return> or <CR>
Represents the carriage return or Enter key.
Represents the Control key. Execute control characters by pressing the Ctrl key and the
letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl-d.
Separates two or more items that you can select from (one only).
[ ]
Encloses an optional item that may occur zero or one time.
{ }
Encloses an optional item that may occur zero or more times.
Conventions Used in This Manual

