Hyundai TRANSLEAD Original Operator's Manual page 9

Table of Contents


Coupling ............................... 57
coupling .............................. 58
to the trailer ........................ 59
electrical lines ..................... 61
status .................................. 63
Uncoupling............................ 64
uncoupling .......................... 64
Copyright © 2022 Hyundai Translead
and electrical lines .............. 65
Loading the trailer ................. 67
Accessing the trailer ........... 68
Load distribution ................. 70
Distributing weight ................... 71
concentrated loads .................. 73
Inside the tractor ..................... 81
Exterior of the tractor .............. 82
Inspecting the trailer ........... 82
Side of the trailer ..................... 83
Under the trailer ...................... 83
Inside the trailer ...................... 84
Top of the trailer ...................... 84
Rear of the trailer .................... 85
status .................................. 85


Table of Contents

Table of Contents