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Motorola MaraTrac Advanced Control Head Operating Instructions Manual page 5


Dimmer Button:
Pressing the DIMmer button once dims the display's brightness. Pressing the
DIMmer button a second time returns the display back to full brightness.
Standard Features Note:
PL Channel Scan
shipped from the factory disabled and require field programming. Refer to the
MaraTrac Radio Service Software and Radio Signaling Options manuals for
programming instructions.
and Quik-Call II
• Call AlertTM
When a Call Alert is received, four beeps sound every five seconds and the armed
external alarms* will operate. The display flashes "CA". To clear the alarms, take the
microphone off-hook or press the Mon button. The display shows the current mode
number. If scan was on the display shows the priority mode. To reply to the Call
Alert, press the PTT button.
• Selective Call
When a Selective Call is received, the radio will beep twice. The display flashes
"SC". A voice message will follow.
Wait until the voice message is complete. The display stops flashing and shows the
current mode number. Pick up the microphone, press the PTT button and reply to
the Selective Call.
Telephone Interconnect:
Requires DTMF Microphone and DTMF Decoder Kit installed
When a phone call comes in, telephone-type ringing sounds and the armed external
alarms* will operate. The display flashes "PH".
To respond, pick up the DTMF microphone and enter the connect code (normally
the "*" button), press the PTT button, and speak into the microphone. To listen,
release the PTT button. Explain to the land-line caller that they must wait until you
release the PTT button (indicated by a soft beep) before they can speak.
When the call is complete, enter the disconnect code (normally the "#" button) and
hang up the microphone.
* External Alarms:
When the external alarms option is installed in a VHF or UHF MaraTrac radio, the
horn and lights can be activated by pressing the H/L button. To change this
Advanced Control Head
Operating Instructions
, talk-around, Quik-Call II
Operation Procedures:
and Stat-Alert
decode features are

