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Motorola MaraTrac Advanced Control Head Operating Instructions Manual page 2


immediately active (even before exiting the configuration mode). To exit the
configuration mode, press either the MPL or the Home button.
Monitor VHF/UHF:
The system defaults to coded-squelch operation on power-up. To change to carrier
squelch, momentarily press the Mon button; a single "chirp" sounds and the Mon
indicator lights up. Return to coded-squelch by momentarily pressing Mon again. To
un-squelch the radio, press and hold Mon until a second "chirp" sounds. Adjust the
volume with the Vol up/down rocker button. Momentarily press Mon again to return
to coded squelch operation.
Low Band Radio with Adjustable Squelch:
The adjustable squelch control feature allows the operator to adjust the squelch
threshold, via a squelch control knob located on the control head.
• Coded-Squelch Operation
The radio defaults to coded squelch operation upon powering up. To change to
adjustable carrier squelch, if Private-Line
programmed, momentarily press the Mon button; a single "chirp" sounds and the
Mon indicator lights. Return to coded squelch by momentarily pressing Mon again.
To un-squelch the radio, press and hold Mon until a second "chirp" sounds. Adjust
the volume with the Vol up/down rocker button. Momentarily press Mon again to
return to coded squelch operation.
• Carrier-Squelch Operation
Rotate the squelch-control knob to the fully counterclockwise position. When the
channel is clear, slowly rotate the squelch-control knob clockwise until the noise
stops. This is the threshold squelch setting. The operator may adjust the squelch
knob to reduce interference when necessary.
Advanced Control Head
Operating Instructions
(PL) or Digital Private-Line
(DPL) is

